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Research interests
- mathematical and numerical analysis of diffusion equations and cross-diffusion systems
- homogenization and dimension reduction in nonlinear elasticity theory
- information fusion with applications to robotic systems
Journal papers
- J. Ćesić, I. Marković, M. Bukal, and I. Petrović. Extended Information Filter on Matrix Lie Groups. Accepted for publication in Automatica, 2017. (preprint)
- M. Bukal, I. Velčić. On the simultaneous homogenization and dimension reduction in elasticity and
locality of Gamma-closure. Accepted for publication in Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 2017 (preprint version) - M. Bukal, M. Pawelczyk, I. Velčić. Derivation of homogenized Euler-Lagrange equations for von Kármán rods. Journal of Differential Equations 262 (2017), 5565-5605. doi:10.1016/j.jde.2017.02.009. (preprint)
- I. Marković, M. Bukal, J. Ćesić, and I. Petrović. Multitarget tracking with the von Mises-Fisher filter
and probabilistic data association. Accepted for publication in Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, 2017 (preprint) - M. Bukal. A family of fourth-order q-logarithmic equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 438 (2016), 142-161. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.02.002 (preprint)
- M. Bukal, I. Marković, and I. Petrović. Composite distance based approach to von Mises mixture reduction. Information Fusion 20 (2014), 136-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.inffus.2014.01.003
- M. Bukal, E. Emmrich, and A. Jüngel. Entropy stable and entropy-dissipative approximations of a fourth-order quantum diffusion equation. Numerische Mathematik 127 (2014), 365-396. DOI: 10.1007/s00211-013-0588-7
- M. Bukal, A. Jüngel, and D. Matthes. A multidimensional nonlinear sixth-order quantum diffusion equation. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. non linéaire 30 (2013), 337-365. DOI: 10.1016/j.anihpc.2012.08.003
- M. Bukal, A. Jüngel, and D. Matthes. Entropies for radially symmetric higher-order nonlinear diffusion equations. Commun. Math. Sci. 9 (2011), 353-382. DOI: 10.4310/CMS.2011.v9.n2.a2
Conference papers
- I. Marković, M. Bukal, J. Ćesić, and I. Petrović. Direction-only tracking of moving objects on the unit sphere via probabilistic data association. 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Special Session on Directional Estimation. Salamanca, Spain, 2014, 1-7. (full text)
- M. Bukal and M. Maurette. Lyapunov functionals for fourth-order lubrication equations. Proceedings of Mathemática Aplicada, Computational e Industrial (MACI), Buenos Aires, 2013, 133-136. (full text)
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