Dr Vesna Županović
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of Applied Mathematics
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb
e-mail: vesna.zupanovic@fer.hr
Mathematical popularization program RADDAR, May 5 2015
Curriculum vitae Vesna Županović, http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=163025
Ph.D.: 1997, Dept of Math, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Master: 1992, Dept of Math, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Professional Experience:
2012-today: Full Professor Dept of Appl Math, Faculty of El Eng and Comput
2008-2012: Associate Professor, Dept of Appl Math, Faculty of El Eng and Comput
2002 – 2008: Assistant Professor Dept of Appl Math, Faculty of El Eng and Comput
1997-2002: Scientific Assistant, Dept of Appl Math, Faculty of El Eng and Comput
1988-1997.: Assistant, Dept of Appl Math, Faculty of El Eng and Comput
February 1988-October 1988: High School Teacher, High school of mathematics
2008-2012 Head of Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
2007-2012 Chair of the Applied Mathematics Section of Croatian Mathematical Society
Ph. D. Thesis
Principal part of planar vector fields, 1997, supervised by Professor Pavao Mardešić, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Publications: total publications 25; Selected Publications:
V. Županović: Topological Equivalence of Planar Vector Fields and Their Generalised Principal Part, J. Differ. Equations 167, (2000), 1-15, SCIE Math top 5%
P. Mardešić, M. Resman, V. Županović, Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of ε-neighborhoods of orbits, J. Differ. Equations 253, 8 (2012), 2493–2514, SCIE Math top 5%
L. Korkut, D. Vlah, D. Žubrinić, V. Županović, Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 206 (2008), SCIE Math Appl top 15%
D. Žubrinić, V. Županović: Poincaré map in fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of planar vector fields. Bull of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. 15, dedicated to Freddy Dumortier 60th birthday (2008), 5; 947-960,
G. Radunović, D. Žubrinić, V. Županović: Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation at infinity. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 22 (2012), no. 12, 1230043, 15 pp.
J.P. Milišić, D. Žubrinić, V. Županović. Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation for a class of completely integrable nonlinear Schrödinger Cauchy problems. Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. 2010, No. 60, 32 pp.
M. Pašić, D. Žubrinić, V. ŽupanovićOscillatory and phase dimensions of solutions of some second-order differential equations. Bull. Sci. Math. 133 (2009), no. 8, 859–874.
Book chapter
V. Županović, D. Žubrinić, Fractal dimensions in dynamics, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Jean-Pierre Francoise, Greg Naber, Sheung Tsun Tsou (editors), Elsevier Academic Press, (2006), 394-402 PDF
Citations: WoS 50, MathSciNet 45, Scopus 73
Project leading:
2011-2012: Fractal analysis of Poincaré map near polycycle: France-Croatia project
2013-2014: Fractal analysis of Poincaré maps, Abelian integrals and normal forms of dynamical system, University of Zagreb
2014: Multiplicity of fixed and singular points of dynamical systems and maps, University of Zagreb
2015-2016: Classification de points fixes et de singularités a l'aide d'epsilon-voisinages d'orbites et de courbes, France-Croatia project
Collaboration in project:
2015-2019: Geometric, Ergodic and Topological Analysis of Low-dimensional Dynamical Systems, Croatian Science Foundation, leader Siniša Slijepčević
Ph.D. Students: Lana Horvat Dmitrović (defense 2011), Domagoj Vlah (with Luka Korkut, defense 2013), Maja Resman (with Pavao Mardešić, defense 2013)
Comissions, Comittes, Boards and Work Group
Vice president of Croatian Mathematical Society.
Executive Board member of Croatian Mathematical Society, since 2007; Member of scientific Comittee of Symposium on Diff. Eq. And Differ. Eq. SDEDE Member of the scientific committee for 5th Croatian mathematical congress (Rijeka 2012), and 6th Croatian mathematical congress (Zagreb, 2016), team for the Croatian national high school matriculation evaluation (2011, 2013), Mathematical popularization program RADDAR, included in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) program of University of Zagreb.
Some talks
- Generalised Principal Part of Some Planar Vector Fields, First Croatian Congress of Mathematics, Zagreb, June 1996
- Topological Equivalence of Vector Fields on the Plane and Newton Diagram, Functional Analysis V, Dubrovnik, September 1997
- Topological Equivalence of Planar Vector Fields and Their Generalised Principal Part, Workshop in Dynamical Systems, ICTP, Trst, Italy, September 1998
- Integrable Cubic Vector Fields, Second Croatian Congress of Mathematics, Zagreb, June 2000
- Box dimensions and Minkowski content of spiral trajectories, Bifurcations, cycles limites et feuilletages analytiques, Luminy, France, 7-11 June 2004
- Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some dynamical systems II, Functional Analysis IX, June 15 to 23, 2005, Dubrovnik PDF
- Fraktalna analiza nekih dinamičkih sustava, Scientific Section of Croatian Mathematical Society, November 23, 2005, Zagreb PDF
- Fraktalna analiza spiralnih trajektorija nekih dinamickih sustava, Scientific Section of Croatian Mathematical Society of the University of Osijek, May 2006, [VIDEO 400MB]
- Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some dynamical systems, Barcelona Conference in Planar Vector Fields, February 13 to 17, 2006, Barcelona PDF
- Fractal properties of trajectories of some dynamical systems, ODE ART: Ordinary Differential Equations, their Applications and Related Topics, Trento, Italy, 4-6 October 2006
- Poincaré map in fractal analysis of trajectories of planar vector fields, Dynamics in Perturbations, University of Hasselt, Belgium, April 2007
- Oscillatory and phase dimension of the Liénard equation, 4th Croatian Mathematical Congress, June 2008, Osijek
- Oscillatory and phase dimensions of solutions of Liénard equation, Singularités des champs de vecteurs du plan, bifurcations et applications“ , CIRM, Luminy May 2009
- Fractal analysis of degenerate foci, Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Castro Urdiales, September 2011
- Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of epsilon-neighborhoods of orbits, Workshop Dynamical Systems and Applications, in the framework of the project FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-316338, Maribor, Slovenia, 23 August 2013 - 24 August 2013
- Fractal analysis of oscillatory integrals, Seminaire Géométrie et Systèmes Dynamiques, Institut de Mathématiques, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, May 2014
- Fractal analysis of unit time map and cyclicity of nilpotent singularities of planar vector field, European Advanced Studies Conference 2014, Symposium on Differential and Difference Equations 2014, Homburg, Germany, September 2014
- Fractal analysis of bifurcations of dynamical systems, Theoretical and computational methods in dynamical systems and fractal geometry, Maribor, April 7-11, 2015
Mathematics I
Mathematics II
Mathematics 3E
Differential equations and stabilityl theory
Mathematical foundations of control theory
Mathematical basis of stability theory (postgraduate course)
Dynamical systems (postgraduate course)
My photoalbum
Professor P. Mardešić (photo by Dr J. Yang), Barcelona Conference in Planar Vector Fields,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, February 2006
Theoretical and computational methods in dynamical systems and fractal geometry, Maribor, April 7-11, 2015, Professor H. Žoladek
Professor Jean-Pierre Francoise, Jadranka Kraljević, Anamari Nakić, Rijeka 2012, Fifth Croatian Mathematical Congress
Professor H. Žoladek and Professor Yu.S. Ilyashenko
(photo by Dr D. Novikov)