Exchanging data between heterogeneous players, from humans, through autonomous cars to robots, is the fundamental prerequisite for any kind of cooperative activities. This would not be possible without sophisticated data processing and communication systems. Clearly, information goes hand in hand with communication technology, so these areas are merged into the master study program Information and Communication Technologies.
Duration of study programme: 2 years
ECTS points: 120
Qualification awarded: Master of Science in Information and Communication Technology
Robotics as a multidisciplinary scientific and technological field comprises the variety of domains, such as automation, computer science, mechanics, bio-mechanics, sensors communication, actuation, and many others. This master programme aims to train a new generation of engineers who will develop new applications and tools to expand the capabilities of field and service robots in the near future. The technology behind the development of these systems comes from different research areas such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, control, autonomy, machine learning, and others, all of them under fast-paced evolution in the current digital revolution.