Duration of the study
Three semesters (1.5 years). Although the completion of this study brings 60 ECTS credits, what equals the engagement of one year, the study will take longer in order to adapt to the employed students who both work and study. It is anticipated that lectures will be concentrated in one week in each of the two semesters, and the specialist’s thesis will be drawn up in the third semester.
Conditions for enrolment
Postgraduate specialist study can be enrolled by a candidate with completed university graduate study in electrical or mechanical engineering with at least 240 ECTS credits earned up during the university study (4 years) or with an equivalent degree.
Competences of attendants upon completion of the study
The basic competence acquired upon completion of this specialist study is the knowledge of theory of transformers and its application, understanding of the role of transformers in power system and of the on-line monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance. Optional courses offer knowledge of latest achievements in insulation systems, testing, losses, materials and processes, design as well as thermal and mechanical phenomena in transformers and their application to research, development, design, manufacture and usage of transformers.
Academic title awarded upon completion of the study
Upon completion of the study, the acquired academic title is university specialist in transformers.
Structure of the study
Transformers – theory and application
Transformers in electric power system
Transformer on-line monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance
Electric field and insulating systems
Transformer testing
Magnetic field and lossess in transformers
Materials and processes in transformer production
Electrical and mechanical design of power transformers
Thermal and mechanical phenomena in transformers
The Faculty has the standing Committee for Scientific and Postgraduate Professional Studies, which follows and promotes instruction at undergraduate study and interprets the Statute and the General Bylaw related to this area, and the Specialist Study Committee, which is appointed at the same time when the Decision is adopted to perform a specialist study accompanied by studies and defence of a specialist’s thesis. The Specialist Study Committee consists of the chairman, vice-chairman and a member. The chairman must be a teacher in the scientific-teaching rank of an associate or a full-time professor.
Specialist study has two parts: instruction and specialist work. The instruction is performed in the first and the second semesters, specialist work in the third. Students must pass examinations in the three required and the three optional courses, and produce and defend specialist’s thesis.
When enrolling the study, a student will choose the tutor, and agree with him the basic area of his work and courses he will attend.
Criteria and conditions for transfer of ECTS credits
The student can, in agreement with the tutor, attend also courses from other studies at the University or other institutions of higher education, and the criteria and conditions for transfer of ECTS credits will be defined by the Specialist Study Committee.
Rhythm of studies
As a rule, enrolment is performed once a year.
Courses that can be held in foreign languages
All the courses are held English.
Completion of studies
Upon passing an examination, the attendant has the right to a certificate of completion of a part of specialist study programme.
The postgraduate specialist study is completed with production of specialist’s thesis and its successful defence, and with earning up at least 60 ECTS credits required by the programme of the study.
Student has the right to apply for the defence of his specialist’s thesis after he has earned up at least 20 ECTS credits required by the programme of the study.
The specialist’s thesis must be submitted and defended within periods of time specified by the Faculty Council through the Decision on performance of specialist study.
The tutor can also give a specialist’s thesis to two students, keeping in mind the number of ECTS credits per student. In such cases, the defence of the specialist’s thesis will take place at the same time.
For each candidate who has applied for the defence of his thesis, the Specialist Study Committee will confirm his tutor, who will define the subject of the thesis taking into account the wishes of the candidate.
The title and the subject of the thesis, with short description of expected results, will be defined by the tutor. Subject of a specialist thesis must be defined, and the thesis submitted, within prescribed periods of time.
With his specialist’s thesis, the student should prove his capability of engineering work in solving problems of high professional complexity.
The student must regularly inform the tutor or a collaborator specified by the tutor about the course of production of the specialist’s thesis.
The specialist’s thesis at the Faculty shall be written and defended in Croatian. At candidate’s request and in agreement with the tutor, the Committee for Scientific and Postgraduate Professional Studies can allow that thesis can be written and defended in one of world languages.
Upon submission of the specialist’s thesis, the Specialist Study Committee will appoint a commission for the defence of the specialist’s thesis of each student.
The commission for the defence shall have three members. As a rule, the tutor will be the chairman of the commission.
The defence of the final thesis will be public.
The student whose specialist’s thesis has been assigned a failing grade will not be admitted to its defence.
The defence of specialist’s thesis will consist of oral presentation of results, and examination of knowledge in the field of work. Examination of knowledge means giving answers to questions related to the specialist’s thesis put by members of the commission.
Upon defence of the specialist’s thesis the commission will make public the success of the candidate. The result of the defence can be:
- Defended by unanimous decision of the commission,
- Defended by majority votes of the commission,
- Failed to defend.
A specialist’s thesis can be defended only once.
Maximum time from commencement to completion of studies
The maximum time from commencement to completion of the study can be two years. At student’s request and Committee’s proposal, the dean can extend the duration of the study, or allow its interruption. Upon interruption of the study, the student can continue the study in accordance with the rules that will apply to the generation with which he will continue his study.