Every day we use billions of miniature electronic switches - semiconductor transistors - with dimensions several times smaller than a virus, which are functionally arranged on only a centimeter square of a semiconductor chip. You will learn how this is possible by enrolling in the Profile Electronics that covers interesting and diverse professional and scientific fields ranging from semiconductor technology, through micro and nano components, to digital, analog, mixed, high-frequency, and sensor integrated circuits and systems.
In these fields, you will gain the knowledge and skills needed to analyze, model, design, implement, measure and test electronic components, circuits, systems, and entire devices. Development, production, and maintenance of complex systems in the field of electrical engineering and information technology implies teamwork in which professionals with expert knowledge of electronics from the component level to the system level are necessary. Our alumni are employed in small, medium, and large companies in Croatia and top global academic and research institutions and companies including ams AG, Texas Instruments, Infineon, NXP, Intel, Bosch, ON Semiconductor, and others.