Railway Electrical Systems

The fundamental reason for initiation of this study is education of specialists which will improve research, development, design, production and maintenance of electric railway system components with appliance of modern methods and ideas that require interdisciplinary understandings.





Today, in times of rapid changes and stiff competition in all kinds of transportation, electric railways around the globe are in process of general restructuring. New models of railway society organization are being introduced; commercial conditions and rate politics are radically changing. This is simultaneously accompanied with rapid technology progress, development and construction of new train types and electromotor high speed traction vehicles. Existing railroads are being modernized; new highly comfortable passenger trains and combined methods of cargo transportation are being introduced. Increased ecology demands and numerous automobile traffic congestions around Europe as well as European Union politics which encourages efficient and ecologically acceptable means of transportation have contributed to increased interest for ever growing usage of electric railways. All of that is followed with development of modern technology, as well as with new ways of thinking when solving existing problems.

U bližem i daljnjem okruženju ne postoji poslijediplomski specijalistički studij sa sličnim sadržajem iz ovakvog područja, što dodatno pojačava razloge za pokretanje studija i otvara dobre perspektive za njegovu internacionalizaciju.