Data science is a branch of computer science dealing with the problem of knowledge extraction from structured and unstructured data including big data. The task requires the use of methods based on numerous theoretical disciplines such as mathematics, statistics, information theory, signal processing, probabilistic models, machine learning, data mining, databases, data visualization, predictive analytic, data warehouses, and high-performance computing.
Data Science profile provides students with knowledge in theory and applications of data science for the development of methods and their program implementations for the solution of important practical problems such as big data management and analysis, complex networks and graphs, social networks and media, text analysis, bioinformatics, e-business, and business analytics, quantitative finance, biomedical data analysis, intelligent transportation systems, image processing and analysis, and computer vision.
Engineers completing this profile will have competencies required for research, development, and application of methods, algorithms, and software for data analysis in multi-disciplinary applications in all areas of industry and for leadership of R&D teams.