Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Numerical Homogenization for the Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in a Laminated Open Core
Optimization of Transformer Insulation Through FEM and Jaya Algorithm Integration
ICTRAM 2023 - CIGRE SC A2 & 6th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management Joint Colloquium
Calculation of losses due to eddy currents in segmented open-type cores with beveled sheets
Eddy current losses in power voltage transformer open-type cores
Eddy current losses in power voltage transformer open-type cores
Methodology for Eddy Current Losses Calculation in Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)
Eddy current losses in open-type cores
Osnove elektrotehnike
Two-Step Method for the Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in an Open-Core Transformer
Calculation of the Eddy Current Losses in a Laminated Open-Type Transformer Core Based on the A→,T→−A→ Formulation
Evaluation of Methodology for Lightning Impulse Voltage Distribution over High-Voltage Windings of Inductive Voltage Transformers
Modeliranje efikasnosti oklapanja podržano računalom
Shielding Effectiveness of HSD Connector – Simulation and Measurement
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Energy harvesting technologies for structural health monitoring of airplane components – A review
Simulation and Measurement of Spike Voltage over Voltage Transformer Windings
Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in Iron Core of Transformer
5th International Colloquium on Transformer Research and Asset Management
Two-step method for calculation of eddy current losses in a laminated transformer core
Journal of Energy special issue: Papers from 5th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management” – Materials, Components and New Technologies, Transformer Life Management
Influence of Conductor Transposition on Transformer Winding RLC Parameters
Proračun električnoga polja u izolaciji namota transformatora primjenom metode rubnih elemenata i adaptivne križne aproksimacije
Journal of Energy special issue: Papers from 5th International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management” – Numerical Methods
Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Fast computation of electric field and capacitance matrix of transformer windings with boundary element method and adaptive cross approximation
Transformer capacitance matrix computation using 3D boundary element method and adaptive cross approximation
Determination of Core Losses in Open-Core Power Voltage Transformers
Integral Equation Methods for Ion Flow Field
Computation of electric field inside substations with boundary element methods and adaptive cross approximation
Computation of Self- and Mutual Inductances of Open-core Transformers Using a 3D Integral Equations Approach
2D Method for Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in Laminated Core of Transformer
Computation of transformer capacitance matrix with 3D BEM and adaptive cross approximation
Power transformer winding model for lightning impulse testing
Journal of Energy Special issue: Papers from 2nd International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management”
Calculation of Self- and Mutual Inductances of Power Transformers Using a 3D Modified Magnetostatic Integral Equation Approach
Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management
Development of 3D BEM code for Computation of a Transformer Winding’s Capacitance Matrix
Transformer electric field calculation using BEM and FEM
Lightning impulse voltage distribution over voltage transformer windings — Simulation and measurement
Journal of Energy Special issue: Papers from 3rd International Colloquium “Transformer Research and Asset Management”
Special issue of the 4th International Colloquium "Transformer Research and Asset Management"
Frequency dependent resistance calculation of multiple conductors
Frequency Dependent Resistance Calculation of Multiple Conductors
Computation of electric field in transformers by boundary element method and fast multipole method
Calculation of Power Frequency Electric Field with Boundary Element Methods and Adaptive Cross Approximation
Nuklearne elektrane s torijskim reaktorom
Energija i nanotehnologija
Fast and Precise Method for Inductance Calculation of Coaxial Circular Coils With Rectangular Cross Section Using the One- Dimensional Integration of Elementary Functions Applicable to Superconducting Magnets
Fast and Robust Method for Mutual Inductance Calculation of Coaxial Circular Coils with Rectangular Cross Section
Novi pristup ulozi vodika u energetskoj ekonomiji s obnovljivim izvorima
Elektromagnetska polja - zadaci za vježbu
Fast Computation of Inductances and Capacitances of High Voltage Power Transformer Windings
Calculation of Capacitances of Windings of High Voltage Power Transformers
Calculation of Low Frequency Electric Fields of Complex Power System Facilities
Calculation of Low Frequency Electric Fields of Complex Power System Facilities
Nanotehnologija i etika
Termička analiza ukopanih visokonaponskih kabela
Computation of Electric Fields Inside Large Substations
Calculation of Electro-Quasistatic Fields by BEM
Application of bicubic splines in the boundary element method
Proračun i mjerenje elektromagnetskih polja u postrojenjima nazivnog napona 400 kV prijenosne mreže Hrvatske
Primjena metode momenata u projektiranju
Proračun kvazistatičkog elektromagnetskog polja složenih elektroenergetskih objekata
Proračun elektromagnetskog polja složenih elektroenergetskih objekata
Primjena Mathematice u e-obrazovanju
Suvremeni tehnološki izazovi
Application of Bicubic Splines in the Boundary Element Method
Suvremeni 3D numerički proračuni EM polja u trafostanicama
Thermal and Magnetic Field Analysis of Underground High Voltage Cable System
Magnetic Field of Underground Power Cables
Coupled Electromagnetic - Thermal Analysis of Underground Power Cables
Computation of Low-Frequency Electric Fields in Computation of Low-Frequency Electric Fields in Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Exposure
Proračun kvazistatičkog elektromagnetskog polja metodom momenata
Analiza opće i profesionalne izloženosti elektromagnetskom polju TS 110/30/10 kV Jarun
Computation of Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field Near Transmission Lines and Substations
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Elektromagnetska polja (Nositelj)
- Elektromagnetska polja (Nositelj)
- Elektromehanika (Nositelj)
- Menadžment u inženjerstvu (Nositelj)
- Menadžment u inženjerstvu (Nositelj)
- Osnove elektrotehnike (Nositelj)
- Osnove elektrotehnike (Nositelj)
- Uvod u računalno modeliranje u programskom jeziku Julia (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Modeliranje elektromagnetskog polja (Nositelj)
- Programiranje metode konačnih elemenata (Nositelj)
- Simulacije svezanih polja (Nositelj)
- Tehnike računalnog modeliranja (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Analiza primjenom računala u elektromagnetskoj teoriji (Nositelj)
- Projektiranje podržano računalom (Nositelj)
Poslijediplomski specijalistički
- Električno polje i izolacijski sustavi (Nositelj)
Computers and information processing
Power engineering computing High performance computing -
MLFMA Finite element analysis -
Control systems
Dielectric devices -
Electromagnetic compatibility and interference
Electromagnetic analysis Electromagnetic coupling Electromagnetic transients -
Materials, elements, and compounds
Magnetic materials