Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Evaluation of the Relative Phase Comparison Method at Its Limits Used for Absolute Phase Determination of an AC Cage Current Shunt Group
Investigation of the low-cost sampling devices for the purpose of high-precision electric power measurement
Extended channel characterization of the low-cost sampling devices for the application in high-precision electric power measurement
Design, Production and Analysis of Cylindrical, Coaxial and Alternating Current Shunts, using ANSYS
The AC Amplitude and Channel Characterization of High-resolution Digitizers
The AC Amplitude Measurement Characteristics of High-resolution Digitizers based on Calibration with Thermal Voltage Converter and Swerlein Algorithm
On Minimization of the Group Variability of Intermittent Renewable Generators //Short conference version//
Digital Compensation of a Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurement
On minimization of the group variability of intermittent renewable generators
A Review of Phasor Estimation Algorithms
Dan doktorata 2020. - Doktorski studij "Elektrotehnika i računarstvo" Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva
Approximation of the Nonlinear B-H curve by Complex Exponential Series
Development and frequency analysis of AC foil resistive current transducer - preliminary results
A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements
(Još jedna) formula za pi s beskonačno ugniježđenim korijenom
Noise Reduction of Power Quality Measurements with Time-Frequency Depth Analysis
Comparison of digitizers for high precision sampling power meters
Measurement of DC properties and relative humidity (RH) dependence of wideband AC current shunts
An Adiabatic Coaxial Line for Microcalorimeter Power Measurements in Wireless Communication for Smart Grid
Thermal Considerations on Adiabatic Coaxial Line for Microcalorimeter Measurements
Dan doktorata 2019. - Doktorski studij "Elektrotehnika i računarstvo" Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva
Switch based on relays with low operation and release time for AC-DC transfer difference measurements
A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements
Analysis and development of digital sampling wattmeter components for precise electric power measurement
Dan doktorata 2018. - Doktorski studij "Elektrotehnika i računarstvo" Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva
AC-DC characterization of coaxial current shunts and application of the shunt in the digital sampling wattmeter
Okretno magnetsko polje Zanimljiva primjena trigonometrije za srednjoškolce
Microstrip Realization of Ultraspherical Filter Function
Cutoff Frequency Optimization of Ultraspherical Microstrip Filter
AC-DC transfer difference measurement of AC shunts
Energy Correction Procedure on Cross-Border Energy Exchange Using a Virtual Measuring Point
Minimisation of Generation Variability of a Group of Wind Plants
Statistical Properties of Electricity Generation from a Large System of Wind Plants and Demand for Fast Regulation
Comparison of DMM characterization methods based on RMS noise and standard deviation noise
FEM analysis and design of a voltage instrument transformer for digital sampling wattmeter
Electromagnetic analysis of adiabatic coaxial line with applied air gap
FEM Analysis of a PCB Integrated Resonant Wireless Power Transfer
Wiener filtering for real-time DSP compensation of current transformers over a wide frequency range
Dan doktorata 2017. - Doktorski studij Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva
Measurement of temperature inside Open TEM-cell with thermal camera
Wide Band Current Transducers in Power Measurement Methods – an Overview
Estimation of the wall thermal properties through comparison of experimental and simulated heat flux
Wireless Resonant Power Transfer – An Overview
Težišnica. Jedna lagana vježba za srednjoškolce
Method for Nonlinear Fitting and Impedance Analysis with LCR Meter
Dan doktorata 2016. - Doktorski studij Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva
Measurement of frequency spectrum with interpolated adaptive chirp-z transformation
eWALL radiofrequency energy harvesting system
Regulacija temperature zračne komore uporabom Arduino sustava
Matlab based flickermeter
Measurement system for precise comparison of low ohmic resistance standards
Measurement uncertainty of adaptive Chirp-z transform
A Practical Method for Extraction of High-Frequency Parameters of Distribution Cables
Prediction of Resistance Standards Time Behavior by Stochastic Determination of Lagrange Polynomial
Adaptive Chirp Transform for frequency measurement
Note : Development of 9 A current source for precise resistance measurement method
Sustav za udaljeno ispitivanje mjernih instrumenata
Smanjenje nesigurnosti mjerenja izmjeničnih veličina u pokretnom umjernom laboratoriju
Comparison of RMS Value Measurement Algorithms of Non-coherent Sampled Signals
System for the communication of merging unit based on Coldfire microcontroller
Measurement system for accelerometer testing
Some Properties of Impulse Response of Distribution Networks With Periodic Tree-Type Topology
Tehnologije za bežični prijenos mjernih podataka
Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering
System for monitoring and fall detection of patients using mobile 3-axis accelerometers sensors
Mjerni sustav temeljen na zvučnoj kartici
Internet-Enabled Calibration: A Future of Calibration?
Prediction of resistance standards time behavior by stochastic determination of Lagrange polynomial
A nonlinear least-squares graphical tool ('Gaussfit') for educational purposes
FIR modeling of voltage instrument transformers with iron core for the study of fast transients
Inter-laboratory Comparison of the Electrical Reference Standards of FEIT-Skopje and FER-Zagreb
Rapidly Developing a Portable, Low-Cost In-Vehicle Data Acquisition System Using LabVIEW and NI Data Acquisition Hardware
Precision RMS value measurement of non-coherent sampled signals
Novel Frequency Measurement Method With Low Sampling Time
Measurement Of Resistance Ratios With Digital Voltmeter And DAQ Card – A Comparison
Determination of Load Angle for Salient-pole Synchronous Machine
Fall Detection of Patients Using 3-Axis Accelerometer System
Calibration of the FEIT resistance standards
Electromagnetic interference from GSM mobile phones in PCI DAQ measurements
Special Instrument Transformers For Precise Measurement of Voltages and Currents
Analysis of methods for RMS measurement of AC signals
Use of Triaxial Accelerometers for Posture and Movement Analysis of Patients
Mutual Inductance of a Precise Rogowski Coil in Dependence of the Position of Primary Conductor
Comparison of Outliers Elimination Algorithms
Regulator termostata temeljen na kontroleru s FPGA arhitekturom
Development of Precise Measurement Methods of Electrical Quantities in Macedonia and Croatia
Analysis of Offset Fluctuation Generated by Temperature Dependency of 3-axis Accelerometer MMA 7260QT
Electromagnetic Interference in the Primary Electromagnetic Laboratory
Determination of High-Resolution Digital Voltmeter Input Parameters
Electrical measurements student laboratory : replacing hands-on with remote and virtual experiments
Internet-Enabled Calibration Services : Design of a Secure Calibration System
Generic Environment for internet-enabled calibration services
Metrological Infrastructure for Measurement of High Voltages and Currents in Macedonia and Croatia
The market efficiency of the soccer fixed odds internet betting market
Determination of digital voltmeter input parameters
Management of e-Laboratories – Development through Business Perspective
Oton Kučera
Akademik Hrvoje Požar
Management of E-Laboratories – Development through Business Perspective
Mobile Measurement System on Demand – by PDA or GSM Mobile Phones
System Architecture for Personalized User Defined Web Information Retrieval on Demand using PDA or GSM Devices
Analysis of the Mutual Inductance of a Precise Rogowski Coil
Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference in the Primary Electromagnetic Laboratory
Evaluation of genotoxic potential of microwave electromagnetic field in onion (Allium cepa)
Hubert Meluzin - Elektrotehnika na lak način
Bežični mjerni sustavi
Povezivanje osobnih računala s mjernim uređajima putem USB tehnologije
Tomo Bosanac
Internet-enabled calibration services: aspects of laboratory information system security
Web based platform for distance training on Electrical Measurements course
Vojislav Bego
Voltage ratio measurements using two digital voltmeters and resistive voltage divider
Mjerenja u elektrotehnici
How to teach the physics and technics aspects of metrology?
Determination of Standard Resistor Temperature Coefficients
Uporaba SMS-a za nadzor i kontrolu mjernog procesa
Signal Propagation Modeling in Power-Line Communication Networks
Immunity measurements of TV and FM/AM receiver in GTEM-cell
Utjecaj elektromagnetskog polja na rast biljaka
Effect of electromagnetic fields on duckweed (Lemna minor) and algae (Chlorella kessleri)
Finite Element method Modeling of New Half-Cone TEM-cell
Classic versus virtual approach to electronic measurements teaching - challenges and prospects
Designing a Public Key Infrastructure implementation for calibration laboratories
Web based platform for distance training on electrical measurements course
''Security Issues Of Internet-Enabled Calibration Services''
Instrumentation for electromagnetic field generation in biological measurements
Quality management - a part of the laboratory accreditation
Precise current source
''The Use Of Gsm Mobile Phone And Virtual Instrumentation To Remotely Monitor And Control The Measurement Process
''MEMS Accelerometer Demonstration Using Virtual Instrumentation
Uporaba SMS-a za nadzor i kontrolu mjernog procesa
Measurement of GSM Phone Emmission
High Precision Voltage Ratio Measurements Using digital Voltmeters and Resistive Voltage Divider
Effect of electromagnetic fields on photosynthesis
Measurement uncertainty analysis of Croatian resistance standards
Some new results on mobile phone radiation effect on Lemna Minor
Calibration of 100 Mohm Hamon resistor using current-sensing Wheatstone bridge
An accurate comparison of high-ohm resistances using improved DVM-based system
Scaling of resistance standards in the primary electromagnetic laboratory of Croatia
Automated resistance measurement system
Instrumentation for electromgnetic fields generation in biological measurements
Susceptability Measurement of FM/AM Receiver in GTEM-Cell
TEM-CELL for Electromagnetic Measurements
DVM input and leakage resistance analysis in the DVM-based resistance measurement systems
Resistance measurement capabilities of the primary electromagnetic laboratory
Establishment of resistance traceability chain using digital voltemeters
The analysis of input and leakage resistances in the DVM-based resistance measurement system
Pohranjivanje grupnog etalona otpora Primarnog elektromagnetskog laboratorija
Determination of DMM errors
Vojislav Bego: scientist, professor and inventor ; In memoriam (3 August 1923, Split - 30 May 1999, Zagreb),
Establishment of traceability for Croatian resistance standards
Determination of the higher order mode occurence in a TEM and GTEM cell using self developed computer program
Determination of DMM error using modified Hamon device
Computer errors in numerical methods
H 01 J Cijevi s električnim izbojem ili izbojne lampe
Time Measurement
Usporedba etalonskih otpornika pomoću digitalnih multimetara od 81/2 digita
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Inženjerska ekonomika 1 (Nositelj)
- Inženjerska ekonomika 1 (Nositelj)
- Inženjerska ekonomika 2 (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- LabVIEW (Nositelj)
- Mjerenja u elektrotehnici (Nositelj)
- Mjerenja u elektrotehnici (Nositelj)
- Napredni LabVIEW (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Upravljanje kakvoćom (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Upravljanje kakvoćom (Nositelj, Nositelj)
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- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Mjerenja u tehnološkim procesima (Nositelj)
- Mjerenja u tehnološkim procesima (Nositelj)
- Mjerna tehnika (Nositelj)
- Mjerna tehnika (Nositelj)
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- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Digitalni mjerni uređaji i mjerni sustavi (Nositelj)
- Električno mjerenje neelektričnih veličina (Nositelj)
Poslijediplomski specijalistički
- Upravljanje kvalitetom projekta (Nositelj)
Instrumentation and measurement
Computerized instrumentation Current-voltage characteristics Resistance Meters Measurement