Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Životopis
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
Exploring Conversations with AI NPCs: The Impact of Token Latency on QoE and Player Experience in a Text-Based Game
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of a Fast Algorithm for Extracting Polygons from Signed Distance Bounds
Not just cybersickness: short-term effects of popular VR game mechanics on physical discomfort and reaction time
The impact of video encoding parameters on QoE of simulated FPV drone control
Not just cybersickness: short-term effects of popular VR game mechanics on physical discomfort and reaction time
Exploring the Facets of the Multiplayer VR Gaming Experience
A survey of challenges and methods for Quality of Experience assessment of interactive VR applications
CGD: A Cloud Gaming Dataset with Gameplay Video and Network Recordings
The Impact of Network and Social Context on Quality of Experience for Competitive Multiplayer Virtual Reality Games
Case Study of Player Behaviour in a Mobile Free-to-play Interactive Story Telling Game
Predicting Player Churn of a Free-to-Play Mobile Video Game Using Supervised Machine Learning
A Framework for the Classification and Evaluation of Game Mechanics for Virtual Reality Games
The Effect of VR Gaming on Discomfort, Cybersickness, and Reaction Time
QoE Assessment of FPV Drone Control in a Cloud Gaming Based Simulation
Automated Robot Control for a Game of Chess in Unity Game Engine through Artificial Intelligence
Use of Cloud Gaming in Education
SoftCOM 2020 PhD Forum - Book of Abstracts
Usability Assessment of a Wearable Video- Communication System
Analysis of Teenagers’ Facebook Profile Creation with a Special Focus on Photography: Insights from Croatia
How to measure and model QoE for networked games? A case study of World of Warcraft
The Impact of Network Latency on Gaming QoE for an FPS VR Game
SoftCOM 2019 PhD Forum - Book of Abstracts
The opinions and attitudes of students - future IT teachers - on the use of VR and AR in teaching
Enabling Video Games in Education Through Cloud Gaming
QoE-Aware Resource Allocation for Multiple Cloud Gaming Users Sharing a Bottleneck Link
In-Network QoE and KPI Monitoring of Mobile YouTube Traffic: Insights for Encrypted iOS Flows
Internetske mrežne igre, tržište, trendovi i razvojni izazovi
YouTube QoE Estimation from Encrypted Traffic: Comparison of Test Methodologies and Machine Learning Based Models
Subjective Assessment of Different Locomotion Techniques in Virtual Reality Environments Final
Game Categorization for Deriving QoE-Driven Video Encoding Configuration Strategies for Cloud Gaming
Towards a Framework for Classifying YouTube QoE Based on Monitoring of Encrypted Traffic
Performance and QoE Assessment of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for Pick-and-Place Tasks in VR
The impact of bandwidth limitations and video resolution size on QoE for WebRTC-based mobile multi-party video conferencing
YouTube QoE Estimation Based on the Analysis of Encrypted Network Traffic Using Machine Learning
QoE and Latency Issues in Networked Games
Analysis and QoE evaluation of cloud gaming service adaptation under different network conditions: The case of NVIDIA GeForce NOW
Cloud Gaming QoE Models for Deriving Video Encoding Adaptation Strategies
Cloud gaming in Education: Evaluation of Multiple Game Streams in a Shared WLAN
Impact of Simplemux Traffic Optimisation on MMORPG QoE
The Impact of Video Encoding Parameters and Game Type on QoE for Cloud Gaming: a Case Study using the Steam Platform
Application context based algorithm for player skill evaluation in MOBA games
Trends in evolution of the network traffic of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
Towards a New ITU-T Recommendation for Subjective Methods Evaluating Gaming QoE
Statistical User Behavior Detection and QoE Evaluation for Thin Client Services
Analyzing the effect of TCP and server population on massively multiplayer games
Dissecting the protocol and network traffic of the OnLive cloud gaming platform
User Behavior Detection Based on Statistical Traffic Analysis for Thin Client Services
Empirical QoE Study of In-Home Streaming of Online Games
A model and software architecture for MMORPG traffic generation based on player behavior
Analysis of player's in-game performance vs rating: Case study of Heroes of Newerth
The Impact of User, System, and Context factors on Gaming QoE a Case Study Involving MMORPGs
It's time to give Online Games a Serious Consideration
Scalable software architecture for distributed MMORPG traffic generation based on integration of UrBBaN-Gen and IMUNES
Player Behavior and Traffic Characterization for MMORPGs : A Survey
Towards Reinterpretation of Interaction Complexity for Load Prediction in Cloud-based MMORPGs
Improving distributed traffic generation performance by using IMUNES network emulator
The Effect of TCP Variants on the Coexistence of MMORPG and Best-Effort Traffic
Monitoring and Analysis of Player Behavior in World of Warcraft
Player Behaviour Patterns in MMORPGs
Modelling of Network Traffic for Multiplayer Role Playing Games based on User Behaviour
Traffic modeling of player action categories in a MMORPG
MMORPG Player Behavior Model based on Player Action Categories
Why MMORPG players do what they do: relating motivations to action categories
MMORPG Player Actions : Network Performance, Session Patterns and Latency Requirements Analysis
Hack, Slash, and Chat: A study of players' behavior and communication in MMORPGs
Measurement of SIP Signaling Performance for Advanced Multimedia Services
Action specific Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games traffic analysis: Case study of World of Warcraft
Introducing Network-Awareness for Networked Multimedia and Multi-modal Applications
Mirko Sužnjević docent je na Zavodu za telekomunikacije, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilište u Zagrebu (FER). Diplomirao je u rujnu 2006. na istom fakultetu na smjeru Telekomunikacije i informatika u režimu studija s naglaskom na znanstvenoistraživačkom radu. Doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom „Modeliranje mrežnog prometa višekorisničkih igara s preuzimanjem uloga temeljeno na korisnikovom ponašanju“ (engl. “Modelling of Network Traffic for Multiplayer Role Playing Games Based on User Behaviour”) brani na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u svibnju 2012. godine. Tijekom i nakon doktorskog studija pohađao je četiri doktorske škole koju su organizirali europski projekti suradnje (COST akcije) te europske mreže izvrsnosti. Član je istraživačkog laboratorija Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXLab,
Zaposlio se na FER-u na radnom mjestu zavodskog suradnika u Zavodu za telekomunikacije 2006. godine, a unaprijeđen je u istraživača asistenta 2008. godine. Njegovo istraživanje od 2006. godine financirano je iz niza istraživačkih projekata koji se odvijaju u suradnji FER-a s istraživačko-razvojnim odjelom tvrtke Ericsson Nikola Tesla: „Session-level Signalling for Advanced Multimedia'', „Future Advanced Multimedia Service Enablers“, „Session-level Signalling for Advanced Multimedia“, „e-Health Research“ i „Policy Based Resource Control for Complex IP Networks“. Bio je zaposlen je kao istraživač na projektu „ACROSS - Center of Research Excellence for Advanced Cooperative Systems“ (285939), u okviru sedmog okvirnog programa Europske Unije (FP7) (2011-2014), na projektu "Information and communication technologies for generic and energy efficient communication solutions for application in e-/m-health (ICTGEN)" (2014-2016) te na projektu “Cooperative QoE Management in Mobile Networks for Interactive Multimedia Cloud-based Services” (Q-MANIC) kojeg financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (2016 -2018). Bio je i je zaposlen na projektu „Napredne metode i tehnologije u znanosti o podatcima i kooperativnim sustavima“ (Datacross) financiranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj (2018 -2019), na kojem i danas sudjeluje kao istraživač. Zapošljava se kao docent na Zavodu za telekomunikacije u veljači 2019.
Sudjelovao je na znanstvenom projektu Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske „Isporuka sadržaja i pokretljivost korisnika i usluga u mrežama nove generacije“ (036-0362027-1639), kao i nizu stručnih projekata s tvrtkom Ericsson Nikola Tesla: „Survey and analysis of monitoring solutions for YouTube network traffic and application layer KPIs“ (2015-2016), „QoE monitoring solutions for mobile OTT video streaming“ (QoMoVid) (2016 - 2019) i „Data driven 3D animation generation in Unity“ (DaDAGer) (2018). Sudjelovao je u bilateralnom projektu suradnje Slovenije i Hrvatske pod nazivom „Services and Applications in the Future Internet: Ensuring Quality and Energy Efficiency” (2012-2013). Bio je uključen u rad COST akcije IC0703 TMA i COST akcije IC1003 Qualinet. Sudjelovao je na istraživačko-razvojnom (IRI) projektu "Upravljanje energetskom infrastrukturom kroz kolaboraciju u proširenoj stvarnosti – ARIEN" (2018-2020) s tvrtkom DivIT d.o.o.
Voditelj je tima nastavnika s FER-a na projektu "Edu4Games – Izrada standarda zanimanja i kvalifikacija te novih studijskih programa za područje dizajna i razvoja videoigara" provodi se u suradnji nekoliko sastavnica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu – Akademije dramske umjetnosti, Akademije likovnih umjetnosti, Studija dizajna pri Arhitektonskom fakultetu, Fakulteta organizacije i informatike te FER-a. Voditelj je projekata s hrvatskim tvrtkama Nanobit d.o.o. – “Istraživanje i razvoj multimedijalne aplikacije sa sustavom personalizacije sadržaja prema ponašanju korisnika“ (2020 – 2021), Hrvatski Telekom d.d. – „5Gaming“ te s projekta s inozemnom tvrtkom Byte Motion na temu upravljanja robotima iz sustava za razvoj igara. Sudionik je na IRI projektu „Razvoj uređaja za prijenos video signala ultra niske latencije“ s tvrtkom ORQA d.o.o. te voditelj IRI projekta "Osiguravanje kvalitete telekomunikacijskih usluga korištenjem mehanizama kibernetičke sigurnost" s tvrtkom Inceptum d.o.o.
Objavio je trinaest radova u časopisima (od kojih deset u časopisima A kategorije) te trideset i dva rada na međunarodnim konferencijama i radionicama. Autor je i dvaju radova objavljenih u stručnim časopisima te dvaju poglavlja u knjizi. Bio je predsjedatelj međunarodne radionice „The 14th International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games“ održane u Zagrebu 2015 godine. Član je hrvatske sekcije IEEE te IEEE Communication Society. Suautor je dvaju nacrta u okviru Internet Engineering Task Forcea. Za sudjelovanje u radu 87. sastanka IETF-a u Berlinu (Njemačka) 2013. godine, primio je prestižnu stipendiju Internet Society Fellowship.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Osnove razvoja digitalnih igara (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Osnove virtualnih okruženja (Nositelj)
- Osnove virtualnih okruženja (Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Imerzivne tehnologije (Nositelj)
- Laboratorij telekomunikacija i informatike 2 (Nositelj)
- Mrežni promet i performanse (Nositelj)
- Umjetna inteligencija za digitalno stvaranje i interakciju (Nositelj)
- Umrežene igre (Nositelj)
- Virtualna okruženja (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
- Laboratorij iz obrade informacija 2 (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Communications technology
Streaming media Web services 5G mobile communication Multimedia communication Quality of experience Quality of service IP networks Telecommunication services -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Supervised learning Machine learning -
Computers and information processing
Application virtualization Edge computing WebRTC -
Control systems
Queueing analysis
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
Umrežena virtualna okruženja