Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Životopis
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
CrocodileAgent: A Decade of Competing in the Power Trading Agent Competition
An eco-aware framework for AI-based analysis of contextually enriched automotive trip data
Deriving and validating emotional dimensions from textual data
A multi-agent system for context-aware electric vehicle fleet routing: A step towards more sustainable urban operations
EV charging station monitoring framework—A case study of Croatia: Performance analysis and anomaly detection under pandemic situation
A data-driven approach to managing electric vehicle charging infrastructure in parking lots
Contextual prediction of parking spot availability: A step towards sustainable parking
Eco-efficient driving pattern evaluation for sustainable road transport based on contextually enriched automotive data
An Application Programming Interface for Advanced Analytics of Contextually Enriched Automotive Data
Driving style Categorisation based on Unsupervised Learning: a Step towards Sustainable Transportation
Application of Data Science for Understanding Emotional Dimensional Behavior and Their Connection to Uncertainty and Risk Behavior
Multi-agent system for simulation of team behaviour in product development
Predicting Dependency of Approval Rating Change from Twitter Activity and Sentiment Analysis
A survey-based assessment of how existing and potential electric vehicle owners perceive range anxiety
Specialized Vehicle CAN Bus Simulator: From Modelling to Validation
CrocodileAgent 2018: Robust agent-based mechanisms for power trading in competitive environments
Dimensionality Reduction for Non-linear Local Segmentation and Profiling
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques within Behavioral Analysis
Electric Vehicle Range Anxiety: An Obstacle for the Personal Transportation (R)evolution?
Automotive Software in Connected and Autonomous Electric Vehicles: A Review
Data-driven Approaches for e-Mobility: Range Anxiety, Vehicle Data Simulation, and Contextual Routing
University collaboration in creating and implementing innovative intensive programme focussed on ICT
How do people value electric vehicle charging service? A gamified survey approach
Distributed Data Platform for Automotive Industry: A Robust Solution for Tackling Big Challenges of Big Data in Transportation Science
Electric Vehicles: A Data Science Perspective Review
Benford’s Law and Dunbar’s Number: Does Facebook Have a Power to Change Natural and Anthropological Laws?
A Methodology for Evaluating Algorithms that Calculate Social Influence in Complex Social Networks
Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Product Development Teams
Otkrivanje zajednica u društvenim mrežama zasnovano na izračunu povjerenja među korisnicima
A Data-Driven Statistical Approach for Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Data-driven Approaches for e-Mobility: Finances, Automotive Software, and Contextual Routing
Social Data Analytics: How to evaluate algorithms that calculate social influence and does Facebook have a power to change natural and anthropological laws?
What social media activities reveal about election results? The use of Facebook during the 2015 general election campaign in Croatia
Multi-agent system for managing energy storage using electric vehicles
Sustav za profiliranje vlasnika električnih vozila zasnovan na elementima igre
Evaluating Policies for Parking Lots Handling Electric Vehicles
Exploring Willingness to Pay for Electric Vehicle Charging with Gamified Survey
Social Data Analytics: Representativeness of Social Datasets and Examples from the Political Domain
A Data-driven Framework for Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Exploring Dynamics of Real Worlds with Virtual Worlds: A Case of EV-enabled Parking Lots
Data Analytics for Electric Vehicles: Charger Locations, Parking Policies, and Vehicle Routing
Building a competitive STEM-C workforce in a Minority Spanish Institution
Radni okvir za proširenje infrastrukture punionica električnih vozila zasnovan na podacima iz stvarnog svijeta
Decision Support System for Managing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Generating Politician Profiles based on Content Analysis of Social Network Datasets
Building an Agent-Based Model for Study of Product Development Team’s Adaptability
Analiza i vizualizacija podataka o korištenju ICT- AAC portfelja usluga i aplikacija
Informatika - materijali za predavanja na Vojnom studijskom programu
Od IoT-a do energetskog Interneta
Predviđanje interesa korisnika za informacijske usluge semantički svjesnim modelom
Kako zaplivati u digitalnom moru?
A Computational Framework for Managing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Electricity Trading Agent for EV-enabled Parking Lots
Analysis of ICT-based Assistive Solutions for People with Disabilities
Why does Social Data Mining Matter? Generating Insights about Influence, Trust and Sentiments on the Web
Estimating Profitability of EV-enabled Parking Lots: a Simulation-based Approach
Web aplikacija za interaktivnu vizualizaciju podataka o radu parkirališta s punjačima za električna vozila
SmartSocial Influence: A Synergy of Telco and Social Data in Identifying Social Network Key Actors
Building Good Practices in Higher Education through ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships: The Case of the INNOSOC Project
A Survey on User Interaction Mechanisms for Enhanced Living Environments
Web aplikacija za interaktivnu vizualizaciju podataka o ponašanju vlasnika električnih vozila
A sentiment analysis of who participates, how and why, at social media sport websites: How differently men and women write about football
Mining Social Networks for Calculation of SmartSocial Influence
Beyond the Internet of Things: The Social Networking of Machines
Supporting economically disadvantaged students from Nicaragua in STEM-C fields
A Review of Agent-based Modelling of Electricity Markets in Future Energy Eco-systems
Modelling Electric Vehicle Owners' Willingness to Pay for a Charging Service
Modeling Smart Parking Lots through a Discrete- Event Simulation
User profile for provisioning information and communication services based on user influence
BeFriend: a context-aware ad-hoc social networking platform
Tackling Wicked Problems in Energy Informatics with Big Data and Analytics
Metode vizualizacije društvenih mreža
The role of social networking technologies in eLearning and eTeaching
Sublinear Scaling of Country Attractiveness Observed from Flickr Dataset
A program library for processing power trading simulator events
Programska knjižnica za podršku korištenja statističkog alata unutar simulacije trgovanja električnom energijom
Usluga informiranja o video sadržajima zasnovana na društvenim izvorima
Extending Parking Lots with Electricity Trading Agent Functionalities
Prototype-driven Software Development Process for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Applications
On the Profitability of the Smart Parking Lots
Programska knjižnica za stvaranje znanja zasnovanog na eksperimentima unutar platforme za simuliranje trgovanja električnom energijom
Otkrivanje društvenih krugova među prijateljima na društvenim mrežama
Economic Benefits of Smart Parking Lots
Detekcija zajednica u društvenim mrežama
Innovative ICT Services and Applications for Education of Persons with Complex Communication Needs
Implicit Social Networking: Discovery of Hidden Relationships, Roles and Communities among Consumers
Komunikacijski uzorci pokretnih korisnika u telekomunikacijskim uslugama i uslugama društvenog umrežavanja
An Analysis of Power Trading Agent Competition 2014
Recommender system for mobile applications
Analysis of Social Media Marketing Key Performance Indicators
Calculating User’s Social Influence through the SmartSocial Platform
Praćenje aktivnosti pokretnih korisnika
Predictive Model of Failures in Cloud Computing
Višeplatformska usluga za personalizirano upravljanje sadržajem
Adaptive Bidding for Electricity Wholesale Markets in a Smart Grid
Development of applications based on social networks
User influence based on social network and telecommunication services
Višeplatformska usluga za personalizirano upravljanje događajima
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce: Designing Trading Strategies and Mechanisms for Electronic Markets
Energy Informatics in Smart Grids : Agent-based Modelling of Electricity Markets
Analysis of Algorithms for Determining Trust among Friends on Social Networks
Inovativne informacijske i komunikacijske usluge za osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama
Visualization module for a simulation platform for power trading
Forecasting the Acceptance of New Information Services by using the Semantic-aware Prediction Model
Agregirani društveni graf korisnika usluga društvenog umrežavanja
Web-modul za analizu događaja na tržištima električnom energijom
Analiza korporativnih društvenih mreža
An Analysis of Power TAC 2013 Trial
Intelligent trading agent for power trading through wholesale market
Intelligent trading agent for power trading through tariff market
Kontekstne informacije pokretnog korisnika usluga društvenog umrežavanja
Semantics in multi-agent systems
CrocodileAgent Team Activities: Solutions for Trading and Visualization in Future Energy Markets
Implicit Social Networking for Mobile Users: Data Monetization for Telcos through Context-Aware Services
Intelligent trading agent for power trading based on the Repast toolkit
Building Implicit Corporate Social Networks: the Case of a Multinational Company
An Analysis of Facebook Social Media Marketing Key Performance Indicators: the Case of Premier League Brands
Tehno-ekonomska analiza usluga zasnovanih na računarstvu u oblaku
Web 2.0 as a foundation for social media marketing : global perspectives and the local case of Croatia
Building an IPTV VoD Recommender System: An Experience Report
Sustav za upravljanje troškovima korisnika na tržištu elektroničkih komunikacija
The AAAI-13 Conference Workshops
Proceedings of the Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA 2013) @ AAAI 2013
A Bidding Agent for Advertisement Auctions: An Overview of the CrocodileAgent 2010
A Self-optimizing Mobile Network: Auto-tuning the Network with Firefly-synchronized Agents
Usluge društvenog umrežavanja zasnovane na računarstvu u oblaku
Određivanje cijene oglasa na tržištu sponzoriranog oglašavanja
The CrocodileAgent 2012: Negotiating Agreements in a Smart Grid Tariff Market
Rangiranje prijatelja u društvenoj mreži Facebook zasnovano na korisničkim akcijama
Swarm-oriented mobile services: Step towards green communication
Proceedings of the Special Session on Trading Agent Competition @ KES-AMSTA 2012
Društvene mreže kao omogućitelji društvene (ne)odgovornosti
Rangiranje prijatelja u društvenoj mreži Facebook zasnovano na korisničkim profilima
Inteligentni programski posrednik za trgovanje električnom energijom
How to Calculate Trust between Social Network Users?
Bio-inspired Clustering and Data Diffusion in Machine Social Networks
Visualizing Power TAC: how to Seize Dynamics of Electric Power Markets?
Formiranje ponuda na tržištu sponzoriranog oglašavanja
Bfriend: Context-Aware Ad-Hoc Social Networking for Mobile Users
The CrocodileAgent 2012: Reaching Agreements in a Simulation of a Smart Grid Wholesale Market
Social networking as enabler of social responsibility and sustainability
Social Networking as a Platform for Innovative ICT Services
Usluge i poslovni modeli zasnovani na računarstvu u oblaku
A simulation platform for power trading
Forecasting Consumer Interest in New Services using Semantic-aware Prediction Model: the Case of YouTube Clip Popularity
Platforma za korporativnu društvenu umreženost
Poslovna inteligencija i elektroničko poslovanje
Kako napisati znanstveni članak & prezentirati ga na konferenciji ELMAR
Towards a Steeper Learning Curve with the CrocodileAgent 2012
RecoMMobile: A spatiotemporal recommender system for mobile users
Collaborative Urban Computing: Serendipitous Cooperation between Users in an Urban Environment
Pisanje znanstvenog članka
A Bidding Agent for Advertisement Auctions: An Overview of the CrocodileAgent 2010
Social Networking and Social Responsibility
Pisanje znanstvenog članka
Pisanje znanstvenog članka
Mobile Network Fundamentals and Evolution
Poslovna inteligencija i elektroničko poslovanje
An Agent-based Platform for Ad-hoc Social Networking
Višeagentski sustav za pružanje telekomunikacijskih usluga zasnovan na profilima korisnika
Agent-enabled Collaborative Downloading: Towards Energy-efficient Provisioning of Group-oriented Services
Group-oriented Services: A Shift toward Consumer- Managed Relationship in Telecom Industry
An Agent-Based B2C Electronic Market in the Next- Generation Internet
Agent-based Social Networking for Mobile Users
Telco Agent: Enabler of Paradigm Shift towards Customer-Managed Relationship
Achieving Collaborative Service Provisioning for Mobile Network Users: the CollDown Example
Group-Oriented Service Provisioning in Next Generation Network
Software Agents in New Generation Networks: Towards the Automation of Telecom Processes
Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Next- Generation Networks: An Agent Approach
The AMiGO-Mob: Agent-based Middleware for Group- oriented Mobile Service Provisioning
Agent-based Provisioning of Group-oriented Non- linear Telecommunication Services
Agent-based Framework for Personalized Service Provisioning in Converged IP Networks
The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies
Agent-based Framework for Personalized Service Provisioning in Converged IP Networks
The MAgNet: Agent-based Middleware Enabling Social Networking for Mobile Users
Agent-based support for context-aware provisioning of IMS-enabled ubiquitous services
An Agent-Based Solution for Dynamic Supply Chain Management
The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies
Designing an Effective E-Market: An Overview of the CAT Agent
Agent-Based User Personalization Using Context-Aware Semantic Reasoning
Towards New Generation of Mobile Communications: Discovery of Ubiquitous Resources
The CrocodileAgent: A Software Agent for SCM Procurement Gaming
Multi-Agent System for Automation of B2C Processes in the Future Internet
An Agent-Based Optimization of Service Fulfillment in Next-Generation Telecommunication Systems
The CrocodileAgent 2005: An Overview of the TAC SCM Agent
Agentsko elektroničko tržište telekomunikacijskih usluga u novoj generaciji mreže
The CrocodileAgent: Designing a Robust Trading Agent for Volatile E-market Conditions
Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Next-Generation Networks: An Agent Approach
Agent-Based Discovery of Data Resources in Next-Generation Internet: An Auction Approach
The 2007 Procurement Challenge: A Competition to Evaluate Mixed Procurement Strategies
Cooperative Mobile Agents for Automation of Service Provisioning: A Telecom Innovation
A Multi-Agent System for Auction-Based Resource Discovery in Semantic-Aware B2C Mobile Commerce
An Agent Based System for Business-Driven Service Provisioning
Poslovna inteligencija i elektroničko poslovanje
The CrocodileAgent: Analysis and Comparison with other TAC SCM 2005 Agents
Programski agenti na eletkroničkom tržištu
The CrocodileAgent: Research for Efficient Agent-Based Cross-Enterprise Processes
An Auction-Based Semantic Service Discovery Model for E-Commerce Applications
An Agent-mediated Electronic Market of Semantic Web Services
Semantic Agents Coordination
Vedran Podobnik je docent na Zavodu za telekomunikacije Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Diplomirao je 2006. godine na smjeru Telekomunikacije i informatika Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu s diplomskim radom pod nazivom "Programski agenti na elektroničkom tržištu", a doktorirao 2010. godine na istom fakultetu s disertacijom pod nazivom "Višeagentski sustav za pružanje telekomunikacijskih usluga zasnovan na profilima korisnika". Nadalje, 2013. godine je s radom pod nazivom "A landscape for a potential new Innovation Platform in Global Challenges: Opportunities for the UK" završio program MPhil in Technology Policy na Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
Dobitnik je Državne nagrade za znanost (godišnja nagrada znanstvenim novacima) u području tehničkih znanosti (2011. godina) i Srebrne plakete nagrade "Josip Lončar" za istaknutu doktorsku disertaciju i posebno uspješan znanstvenoistraživački rad (2010. godina) te godišnje nacionalne nagrade ZNANOST u području tehničkih i biotehničkih znanosti (2007. godina).
Provodi istraživanja u područjima pametnog poslovanja, društvenih tehnologija, višeagentskih sustava, elektroničkih tržišta te kontekstno-svjesnih usluga. Koautor je više od 50 znanstvenih i stručnih radova objavljenih kao poglavlja u knjizi, prilozi u enciklopediji te članci u međunarodnim časopisima i zbornicima radova s međunarodnih konferencija.
Član je strukovnih udruga IEEE, ACM i KES International te udruge Cambridge Union Society.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Inovacije i upravljanje tehnologijom (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Nositelj)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Nositelj)
- Natjecanje u izradi aplikacija za pokretne uređaje (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Društvene mreže (Nositelj)
- Društvene mreže (Nositelj)
- Kompleksne mreže (Nositelj)
- Kompleksne mreže (Nositelj)
- Programski agenti (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Društveno umrežavanje i društveno računarstvo (Nositelj)
- Tržište pokretnih telekomunikacija (Nositelj)
Engineering management
Technology management Innovation management -
Computers and information processing
Internet Data analysis -
Professional communication
Social network services -
Communications technology
Social computing -
Vehicular and wireless technologies
Electric vehicles
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
IEEE, KES International, Cambridge Union Society