Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Životopis
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
Proceedings of Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property (ISIP) - SoftCOM 2024
SoftCOM 2024 - Symposium on “Information security and intellectual property (ISIP)
Suradnja uređaja na rubu mreže korištenjem neuronskih mreža temeljenih na grafovima
A Multi-Agent System for Service Provisioning in an Internet-of-Things Smart Space Based on User Preferences
Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2023
Mobile client for crop yield prediction based on weather data
Negotiation-Based Multi-agent System for Ambient Conditions Control in Accordance with Multiple User Preferences
Softcom 2022-Symposium on “Information security and intellectual property”
Multi-Agent System for Service Provisioning in an Internet of Things Smart Space based on User Preferences
Knowledge Engineering in Industry 4.0
Proceedings of Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property (ISIP) - SoftCOM 2022
Analysis of Open Access Data Sources for Application in Precision Agriculture
A Smart Lighting Context-Aware Model Based on Colored Petri Net
Spoken notifications in smart environments using Croatian language
Detekcija aktivnosti obradom podataka s nosivih senzora
Proceedings of Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property (ISIP) SoftCOM 2020
Agent-Based Approach for User-Centric Smart Environments
Context-based System for User-Centric Smart Environment
Speech Controlled IoT System Based on Context- Driven Rule Engine
Komunikacija uređaja putem mreže NB-IoT
Javna pokretna mreža za komunikaciju uređaja u okruženju Interneta stvari
Uređaji Interneta stvari za pametne gradove
Inteligentno upravljanje osvjetljenjem u pametnom domu
Anomaly Detection Based on Fixed and Wearable Sensors in Assisted Living Environments
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
Guest Editorial: Special Issue of CIT.Journal of Computing and Information Technology on Agent and Multiagent System Design (AMASD)
Proceedings of Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property (ISIP) SoftCOM 2019
Context-Aware Service Orchestration in Smart Environments
Prostorno-vremenska obrada i analiza podataka u području očuvanja okoliša
Educational Virtual Environment Based on Oculus Rift and Leap Motion Devices
Agent-Based System for Context-Aware Human- Computer Interaction
Interoperabilna IoT rješenja u poljoprivredi
Masovna komunikacija uređaja u okruženju Interneta stvari
Upravljanje uređajima u Internetu stvari
Primjena arhitekture mikroservisa za prikupljanje podataka u pametnim okolinama
Energetski učinkovito pružanje usluga u sustavu komunikacije stroja sa strojem
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
Serious Games as Education Tools for Children with Complex Communication Needs
Hands-On Education about Standardization : Is That What Industry Expects?
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
Energy efficient service provisioning in Machine- to-Machine systems
Heterogena okolina za Internet stvari
Mrežni prilaz za prikupljanje podataka sa heterogenih IoT-uređaja
Microservices as Agents in IoT Systems
Energy efficient task allocation for service provisioning in Machine-to-Machine systems
Programska emulacija senzorskih čvorova u Internetu stvari
Agent-Based System for Reliable Machine-to-Machine Communication
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
Activity Detection in Smart Home Environment
Beyond the Internet of Things: The Social Networking of Machines
Influence of on-Device Measurement Analysis on Energy Efficiency in Machine-to-Machine Systems
Energy consumption model for devices in machine-to-machine system
Architecture and Functionality in M2M Standards
Data Filtering in Context-Aware Multi-agent System for Machine-to-Machine Communication
A High Throughput Processing Engine for Taxi- Generated Data Streams
Višeplatformske lokacijski zasnovane usluge za pokretne uređaje
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications
Vizualizacija hijerarhijski strukturiranih podataka u web-aplikacijama
Programsko rješenje posredničkog poslužitelja za komunikaciju između protokola HTTP i CoAP
Implementing Self-Organizing Information Dissemination Into Network-Centric Machine-to- Machine Systems
Preface to the Special issue of Information Technology and Control: Recent advances in software
Data Rate Fluctuations from User Perspective in 4G Mobile Networks
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference KES-AMSTA 2014
Implementation of Agent-Based Games Recommendation System on Mobile Platforms
Communication and Security in Machine-to-Machine Systems
Universal Identification Scheme in Machine-to- Machine Systems
Quality-of-Service in Machine-to-Machine Service Provisioning Process
A Multi-Agent System for Games Trading on B2B Market Based on Users' Skills and Preferences
Preface to the special issue on Agreement Technologies
Forecasting the Acceptance of New Information Services by using the Semantic-aware Prediction Model
Procjena kvalitete pokretnog pristupa Internetu u gradu Zagrebu
Semantics in multi-agent systems
Machine-to-Machine: Emerging Market and Consequences on Existing Regulatory Framework
Strategije za formiranje ponuda prilikom dodjele dozvola za korištenje radiofrekvencijskog spektra
Višeagentski sustav za analizu podataka prikupljenih igranjem digitalnih igara
Introducing fixed-mobile number portability Croatian case
An experimental analyzis od Simultaneous Multiple Round Auction formats and Combinatorial Clock Auction formats
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems - Technology and Applications
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface
Communication in machine-to-machine environments
Market, Standardization, and Regulation Development in Machine-to-Machine Communications
Machine to Machine Communication for Smart Environment
A Self-optimizing Mobile Network: Auto-tuning the Network with Firefly-synchronized Agents
Forecasting Consumer Interest in New Services using Semantic-aware Prediction Model: the Case of YouTube Clip Popularity
Network-centric operations in machine-to-machine networks
Extending the JADE Agent Behaviour Model with JBehaviourTrees Framework
Technical aspects of network neutrality
A Multi-Agent System for Game Trading on the B2B Electronic Market
Overview of Looking to the Future Project
Višeagentski sustav za trgovanje sadržajem višeatributnom aukcijom na tržištu elektroničkih komunikacija
Komunikacijski zahtjevi pokretne korisničke opreme za usluge e- zdravstva
Collaborative Urban Computing: Serendipitous Cooperation between Users in an Urban Environment
Basic principles of Machine-to-Machine communication and its impact on telecommunications industry
Android/OSGi-based Machine-to-Machine Context-Aware System
Self-organized Multi-agent System for Service Management in the Next Generation Networks
Pitanje mrežne neutralnosti: tehnički osvrt i aktualno stanje u SAD, EU i Hrvatskoj
Mobile Network Fundamentals and Evolution
Home-in-Palm - A Mobile Service for Remote Control of Household Energy Consumption
Samoorganizirajući programski agenti za upravljanje komunikacijom u pokretnim privremenim mrežama
Trendovi razvoja mreža i usluga nove generacije
Team Formation and Optimization for Service Provisioning
Performance Models for Multi-agent Systems and Mobile Agent Network
An Agent-Based B2C Electronic Market in the Next- Generation Internet
Group-Oriented Service Provisioning in Next Generation Network
Intelligent Technologies in Modern Telecommunications
Group-oriented Services: A Shift toward Consumer- Managed Relationship in Telecom Industry
Asinkrona obrada korisničkih zahtjeva u izvedbi usluge weba
Multi-attribute Auction Model for Agent-Based Content Trading in Telecom Markets
Agent-based support for context-aware provisioning of IMS-enabled ubiquitous services
Agent-based support for context-aware provisioning of IMS-enabled ubiquitous services
Agentski sustav za izgradnju društvene mreže korisnika telekomunikacijskih usluga primjenom semantičkog rasuđivanja
Reputation Tracking Procurement Auctions
Mobile Agent-Based System for Distributed Software Maintenance
Multi-agent Service Deployment in Telecommunication Networks
Software Agents in New Generation Networks: Towards the Automation of Telecom Processes
Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Next- Generation Networks: An Agent Approach
Agent-based Provisioning of Group-oriented Non- linear Telecommunication Services
An Agent-Based Solution for Dynamic Supply Chain Management
Performance Evaluation of a Mobile Agent Network Using Network Calculus
Visualization and Optimization of Agent Coordination Strategies in Mobile Agent Network
Agent-Based User Personalization Using Context-Aware Semantic Reasoning
Brzi paketski pristup Internetu iz pokretne mreže
The CrocodileAgent: A Software Agent for SCM Procurement Gaming
Location - Based Services : A Road Towards Situation Awareness
Towards New Generation of Mobile Communications: Discovery of Ubiquitous Resources
Predicting user movement with intelligent GPS location scaling
Verification of the Mobile Agent Network Simulator - A Tool for Simulating Multi-Agent Systems
Network Simulation in a Fragmented Mobile Agent Network
Extending UML Sequence Diagrams to Model Agent Mobility
Service Provisioning in Telecommunication Networks using Software Agents and Rule-based Approach
Multi-agent System for Resource Discovery in Grid Network
An Agent-based Approach for Component Management in Service-oriented Architectures
An Agent-based User Selection Method for Business-aware Service Provisioning
Tržište pokretne mreže i usluga.
The CrocodileAgent: Designing a Robust Trading Agent for Volatile E-market Conditions
The CrocodileAgent 2005: An Overview of the TAC SCM Agent
A Multi-Agent System for Auction-Based Resource Discovery in Semantic-Aware B2C Mobile Commerce
Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Next-Generation Networks: An Agent Approach
An Agent-Based Optimization of Service Fulfillment in Next-Generation Telecommunication Systems
An Agent Based System for Business-Driven Service Provisioning
Agent-Based Discovery of Data Resources in Next-Generation Internet: An Auction Approach
Cooperative Mobile Agents for Automation of Service Provisioning: A Telecom Innovation
Telekomunikacije - tehnologija i tržište
Rezervacijski sustav prostorija za ispite temeljen na genetičkom algoritmu
The CrocodileAgent: Analysis and Comparison with other TAC SCM 2005 Agents
An Auction-Based Semantic Service Discovery Model for E-Commerce Applications
The Development of a Mobile Agent Platform
An Agent-mediated Electronic Market of Semantic Web Services
Teamwork Coordination in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Networks
A Performance Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems
The CrocodileAgent: Research for Efficient Agent-Based Cross-Enterprise Processes
Daljinsko upravljanje programskom podrškom pomoću agenata
Metodologije za oblikovanje višeagentskog sustava
Monitoring data visualization and agent-based software management for the Grid
Location-Aware Information Services using User Profile Matching
Primjena programskih agenata u elektroničkom poslovanju
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Telecommunications
Semantic agents for location-aware service provisioning in mobile networks
Grid Service Management by Using Remote Maintenance Shell
Agent-Based Framework For Distributed Service Management
Using Pi-Calculus for Specification of Mobile Agent Communication
Mobile Agent-based Software Management in Grid
Using Remote Maintenance Shell for Software Testing in the Actual Target Environment
Using Remote Maintenance Shell for Service Provisioning in the Distributed Systems
Designing of a Distributed Web Application in the Remote Maintenance Shell Environment
Semantic Matchmaking of Advanced Personalized Mobile Services using Intelligent Agents
Pokretljivost u mrežama
Improving Software Maintenance by using Agent-based Remote Maintenance Shell
Osnovne arhitekture mreža
Mobile Agent Based Software Operation and Maintenance
Multi-agent System for Remote Software Operations
Komunikacija i suradnja u mreži pokretnih agenata
Određivanje lokacije korisnika i pružanje lokacijski zasnovanih usluga u urbanom području
Mobile Agents in Use: Performance Issue
Communicating Agents in Mobile Agent Network
Modeling Mobile Agent Network with Parallel Communicating Agents
Exploring Various Aspects of Mobility : A Review of Research Activities in the Mobility Lab
Modeling Multiparty Call in ATM UNI Signalling Protocol
Mobile Agent Based Distributed Web Management
Uvod u lokalne mreže
ormal Specification and Verification of the Multiparty Call in ATM Signalling Protocol
Konkurentno programiranje: Raspoređivanje poslova u višeprocesorskom sustavu
Verifying Multiparty Call in ATM UNI Signalling Protocol
Scheduling Tasks with Non-negligible Intertask Communication onto Multiprocessors by using Genetic Algorithm
Provjera konkurentnih telekomunikacijskih sustava ispitivanjem modela
Analysis of Call and Service Control in Telecommunications by using Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms for Schedulling Tasks with Non-negligible Intertask Communications onto Multiprocessors
Korištenje višestrukog raspoređivanja u genetskom algoritmu za višeprocesorske sustave s nezanemarivom komunikacijom između zadataka
Utjecaj različitih granulacija na višestruko raspoređivanje zadataka genetskim algoritmom za višeprocesorske sustave
A Genetic Algorithm for Multiprocessor Scheduling with Non-negligible Intertask Communication
Gordan Ježić je redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru na Zavodu za telekomunikacije Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (FER). Rođen je 16. listopada 1971. godine u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je na Zavodu za telekomunikacije Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva 1995., magistrirao 1999., a doktorirao 2003. godine. Na Zavodu za telekomunikacije zaposlen je od 1996. godine. U zvanje docenta izabran je 2003., u zvanje izvanrednog profesora 2009. godine, u zvanje redovitog profesora 2014. godine, a u zvanje redovitog pofesora u trajnom izboru 2019. godine.
Bio je predstojnik Zavoda za telekomunikacije (2016.-2020.), predsjednik Odbora za cjeloživotno učenje (2016.-2020.), predsjednik Povjerenstva za unutarnju prosudbu sustava osiguravanja kvalitete FER-a (2022-2023.) te odbora za završne radove Zavoda za telekomunikacije. Član je Povjerenstva za upravljanje kvalitetom na sveučilišnim studijskim programima za potrebe Oružanih snaga RH, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (od ožujka 2023.), povjerenstva za poslijediplomske specijalističke programe Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (od 2018.) i koordinator je na projektu „Informacijski sustav visokih učilišta ISVU“ FER-a.
Područje interesa Gordana Ježića vezano je uz nove generacije komunikacijskih mreža i usluga, komunikaciju uređaja (M2M) u okruženju Interneta stvari (IoT) te programske tehnologije u telekomunikacijama s naglaskom na komunikacijske protokole, programske agente i višeagentske sustave. Član je istraživačkog Laboratorija za Internet stvari (IoTlab: Sudjelovao je i sudjeluje u realizaciji većeg broja međunarodnih i domaćih znanstvenih projekata te projekata suradnje s tvrtkama iz privrede (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, HEP – Hrvatska elektroprivreda, HT - Hrvatske telekomunikacije i HAKOM - Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrežne djelatnosti). U okviru suradnje s tvrtkom Ericsson Nikola Tesla s kojom kontinuirano surađuje na projektima od 1996. godine, voditelj je istraživačkog projekta "Machine-to-Machine Communication Challenges" (M2MCC) (od 2010.).
Istraživač je na 2 međunarodna znanstvena EU-projekta: projekt „DIGIPHY: XR Communication and Interaction Through a Dynamically Updated Digital Twin of a Smart Space” (2024-2026) koji je financiran iz programa Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti te na projektu financiranom iz programa Horizon Europe „AIoTwin: Twinning-akcija za širenje izvrsnosti u primjeni umjetne inteligencije za Internet stvari” (2023.-2025). U svojstvu istraživača sudjelovao je na 2 projekta iz programa Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj: „IoT-polje: Ekosustav umreženih uređaja i usluga za Internet stvari s primjenom u poljoprivredi“ i “SmartCityLight: Inteligentna i modularna platforma za upravljanje i nadzor sustava javne rasvjete pametnog grada” (2020.-2023), na jednom IRI projektu “Razvoj agrometeorološke platforme i mreže IoT uređaja tvrtke Pinova d.o.o.” (2020.-2023) te na 3 HRZZ projekta “IoT4us: Pametne usluge usmjerene čovjeku u interoperabilnim i decentraliziranim okolinama Interneta stvari” (2020.-2023.), "HUTS: Human-centric Communication in Smart networks" (2014.-2017.) te "SmartPMONetworks: Managing Trust and Coordinating Interactions in Smart Networks of People, Machines and Organizations" (2014.-2017.). Bio je voditelj projekata suradnje s Hrvatskom regulatornom agencijom za mrežne djelatnosti (HAKOM) (2010.-2017.) te istraživač na projektima Obzor 2020 pod nazivom "symbIoTe: Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments" (2016-2018.) i "DL-Tags: Decentralized, privacy-preserving and verifiable management of Smart Tags" (2018.). Sudjelovao je na 3 projekta Ministarstva, znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih Republike Hrvatske te na projektu COST Action IC0801 "Agreement Technologies" (AT) (2009.-2012.) kao član upravljačkog odbora.
Objavio je preko 100 znanstvenih radova u časopisima i zbornicima međunarodnih konferencija, rad u enciklopediji te više stručnih radova. Urednik je više zbornika znanstvenih skupova, gostujući urednik znanstvenih časopisa, recenzent radova u časopisima, recenzent većeg broja radova sa znanstvenih skupova te organizator i predsjednik (General Chair) međunarodne konferencije "International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications" (KES-AMSTA) (2013.-2024.). Član je strukovnog udružnja IEEE Communication Society, znanstvenih društava KES International i IEEE FIPA (The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) te član tehničkog odbora IEEE SMC on Computational Collective Intelligence i predsjednik tehničkog odbora KES Focus Group on Agent and Multi-agent Systems.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Javna pokretna mreža (Nositelj)
- Javna pokretna mreža (Nositelj)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Nositelj)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Komunikacijski protokoli (Nositelj)
- Programski agenti (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 1 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 2 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 3 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 4 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 5 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz telekomunikacija i informatike 6 (Nositelj)
- Programski agenti za elektroničko tržište (Nositelj)
- Tržište pokretnih telekomunikacija (Nositelj)
Poslijediplomski specijalistički
- Regulatorni aspekti mreža i usluga (Nositelj)
Communications technology
Communication networks Internet IP networks Next generation networking Internet of Things IP networks TCPIP Machine-to-machine communications 3G mobile communication 4G mobile communication 5G mobile communication Protocols Telecommunications Information and communication technology Network architecture -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Intelligent systems Mobile agents Genetic algorithms -
Computers and information processing
Telecommunication computing Internetworking Internet of Things IP networks TCPIP Internet of Things Software agents Agent-based modeling Autonomous agents Intelligent agents -
Systems engineering and theory
Multi-agent systems Agent-based modeling -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Multi-agent systems
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
Komunikacijske mreže i protokoli
Programski agenti i višeagentski sustavi
Internet stvari
Pokretne mreže i usluge
Formalni postupci specifikacije pokretnih procesa
IEEE Communications Socitey
KES International
IEEE FIPA (The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents)