Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Izabrane publikacije
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Osobni podaci
- Izabrani projekti
Fractal analysis of degenerate spiral trajectories of a class of ordinary differential equations
Fractal analysis of planar nilpotent singularities and numerical applications
Oscillatory Integrals and Fractal Dimension
MERIA scenario: ellipse and application in astronomy
Okrugli stol: Matematičko fizički list, jučer, danas, sutra
Group Delay of Fractional n+α-Order Bessel Filters
Modeliranje linearnom funkcijom: multivitamin, taksi i brzina
Tubular neighborhoods of orbits of power- logarithmic germs
Classifications of Dulac germs
The Fatou coordinate for parabolic Dulac germs
Formal classification of parabolic Dulac maps
Classifications of Dulac maps and epsilon-neighborhoods
Introduction to fractal analysis of orbits of dynamical systems
The Fatou coordinate of a parabolic Dulac germ
Classifications of Dulac germs
Fractal properties of a class of polynomial planar systems having degenerate foci
Epsilon-neighborhoods of orbits of some discrete dynamical systems
Fractal properties of Bessel functions
Normal forms and embeddings for power-log transseries
Wavy spirals and their fractal connection with chirps
Normal forms and embeddings for power-log transseries
Fractal Geometry of Oscillatory Integrals and Singularities of Differentiable Maps
Fractal Properties of Oscillatory Integrals and Singularities of Differentiable Maps
Primijenjena matematika podržana računalom
Geometrical properties of systems with spiral trajectories in R^3
Particle’s Trajectory – Implementation in Maritime Traffic
Characteristic box dimension of unit-time map near nilpotent singularity of planar vector field and applications
Matematika 2
Characteristic box dimension of Poincare map of nilpotent focus
Oscillatory Integrals and Fractal Dimension
Formal normal forms and formal embeddings into flows for power-log transseries
Fractal analysis of bifurcations of dynamical systems
Fractal Analysis of unit-time map and cyclicity of nilpotent singularities of planar vector fields
Projekt RADDAR
Fractal dimensions of oscillatory integrals
Stabilnost BAM neuronske mreže
Matematika 1
Fractal analysis of unit time map and cyclicity of nilpotent singularities of planar vector field
Fixed points of diffeomorphisms, singularities of vector fields and epsilon-neighborhoods of their orbits
Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of epsilon- neighborhoods of orbits
The particle’s trajectory - Implementation
Matematika za radoznale RADDAR
Fractal properties of generalized Bessel functions
Fractal properties of oscillatory solutions of a class of ordinary differential equations
Oscillatority of Fresnel integrals and chirp-like functions
Phase dimension of oscillatory solutions of a class of ordinary differential equations with applications
Fractal properties of Bessel equation
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation at infinity
Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of ε-neighborhoods of orbits
Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of varepsilon-neighbourhoods of orbits
Matematičko i računalno modeliranje sustava Lotka- Volterra
Analiza bifurkacija za klasu neuronskih mreža
Connection between box dimension and cyclicity for planar systems
Fractal properties of solutions of differential equations
Multiplicity of Fixed Points and Growth of r- Neighborhoods of Orbits
Fraktalna analiza bifurkacija diskretnih dinamičkih sustava i primjene na kontinuirane sustave
Lorenzov atraktor
Fractal analysis of Hopf bifurcation for a class of completely integrable nonlinear Schroedinger Cauchy problems
Oscillatory and phase dimensions of solutions of some second-order differential equations
Matematičko njihalo
Diferencijalne jednadžbe i teorija stabilnosti
Box dimension and Minkowski content of the clothoid
Proslava 90. obljetnice Zavoda za primijenjenu matematiku FER-a u Zagrebu
Poincare map in fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of planar vector fields
Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals
The existence of positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Box dimension of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in R^3
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Positive solutions of polyharmonic equations with strong dependence on the gradient
Box dimension of trajectories of some discrete dynamical systems
Višestruki integrali-Matematika 3
Recent results on fractal analysis of trajectories of some dynamical systems
Fractal dimensions in dynamics
Fraktalna analiza dinamičkih sustava
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some vector fields in ${; ; ; \mathbb R}; ; ; ^3$
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some planar vector fields
Fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of some planar vector fields
Some metric-singular properties of the graph of solutions of the one-dimensional p-Laplacian
Box dimensions and Minkowski contents of spiral trajectories
The dynamics of some cubic vector fields with a center
Topological Equivalence of Planar Vector Fields and Their Generalised Principal Part
Glavni dio ravninskih vektorskih polja
Generalised principal part of some planar vector fields
- P. Mardešić, M. Resman, J.-P. Rolin, V. Županović, The Fatou coordinate for parabolic Dulac germs, Journal of Differential Equations, 266, Issue 6, 5 March (2019), Pages 3479-3513 Q1 5%, 17/310 Math.
- P. Mardešić, M. Resman, J.-P. Rolin, V. Županović, Normal forms and embeddings for power-log transseries, Advances in mathematics. 303 (2016), 888-953, Q1 10%, 33/310 Math.
- L. Korkut, D. Vlah, V. Županović, Fractal properties of Bessel functions. Appl. Math. Comput. 283 (2016), 55–69 Q1 8%, 21/252 Math. Appl.
- P. Mardešić, M. Resman, V. Županović, Multiplicity of fixed points and growth of ε-neighbor. of orbits, Journal of Differential Equations 253, 8 (2012), 2493–2514 Q1 5%, 17/310 Math
- L. Korkut, D. Vlah, D. Žubrinić, V. Županović, Generalized Fresnel integrals and fractal properties of related spirals, Appl. Math. Comput. 206 (2008) Q1 8%, 21/252 Math. Appl.
- D. Žubrinić, V. Županović, Poincaré map in fractal analysis of spiral trajectories of planar vector fields. Bull of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. 15, dedicated to Freddy Dumortier 60th birthday (2008), 5; 947-960,
- V. Županović, D. Žubrinić, Fractal dimensions in dynamics, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Jean-Pierre Françoise, Greg Naber, Sheung Tsun Tsou (editors), Elsevier Oxford (2006) Vol. 2, 394-402 (Invited paper)
- V. Županović, Topological Equivalence of Planar Vector Fields and Their Generalised Principal Part, Journal of Differential Equations 167, (2000), 1-15 Q1 5%, 17/310 Math.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Dinamički sustavi, matematički temelji stabilnosti i upravljanja (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Dinamički sustavi, matematički temelji stabilnosti i upravljanja (Nositelj)
- Matematička analiza 3 (Nositelj)
- Matematička analiza 3 (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Diferencijalne jednadžbe u biologiji i medicini (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Diferencijalne jedandžbe i dinamički sustavi (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 1 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 2 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 3 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 4 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 5 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz automatike 6 (Nositelj)
- Matematičke metode u teoriji upravljanja (Nositelj)
Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals -
Nonlinear equations Bifurcation Fractals Limit-cycles Nonlinear dynamical systems Spirals
Osobni podaci
Izabrani projekti
1. Classification of fixed points and singularities by e-neighborhoods of orbits and curves
2015– 2016, bilateral Croatian-French Cogito Hubert Curien project, Leader Vesna Županović, French leader Pavao Mardešić
2. Fractal analysis of Poincaré map near polycycle
2011– -2012, bilateral Croatian-French Cogito Hubert Curien project, Leader Vesna Županović, French leader Pavao Mardešić
3. Classifications of Dulac maps and epsilon-neighborhoods, October 16, 2017– January 15, 2019
4. Fractional analog and mixed systems for signal processing, 2017– 2021, HRZZ, collaborator
5. Geometric, Ergodic and Topological Analysis of Low-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, 2015– 2019, HRZZ collaborator
6. Kinetic wealth distribution models and diffusive limit equations, 2010– 2011, bilateral Croatian-Austrian project, collaborator
7. Viscous approximation of quantum Euler-Poisson systems, 2009– 2010, bilateral Croatian-Austrian project, collaborator
8. Nonlinear analysis of differential equations and dynamical systems, 2007– 2013, MZOŠ, collaborator
9. Control of mobile robots and vehicles in unknown and dynamics environments, 2007– 2013, MZOŠ, collaborator
10. Fractional Calculus, Higher Transcedental Functions and Applications,2008– 2009, bilateral Croatian-Macedonian project, collaborator
11. Bifurcations and strange attractors of generalized Lozi maps, University of Zagreb grant
12. Multiplicity of fixed and singular points of dynamical systems and maps, University of Zagreb grant
13. Fractal analysis of Poincaré map, Abelian integrals and normal forms, University of Zagreb grant 2013
RADDAR mathematics and computer science popularization program 2013-today, leader,
Partners-FER, XV. gimnazija, Croatian Mathematical Society, MNM Marin Getaldić
STEM geniuses project, funded by European Social Fund, 2015-2016, collaboration in writing handbook