Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Smartphone-Enabled Interaction on Large Displays—A Web-Technology-Based Approach
Analysis of the Gamification Aspects of Digital Educational Tools Using Gamification Classification
LLM Generative AI and Students’ Exam Code Evaluation: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
From Outreach to Enrollment: Exploring the Influence of STEM Outreach Activities on Student Career Choices and Perceptions
MASK - increasing sea knowledge awareness among high school students using marine robots
Knowledge Graph Dataset for Semantic Enrichment of Picture Description in NAPS Database
The MASK project – using marine robotics to increase sea knowledge awareness among high school students
Underwater ROV in Enriching Natural Science Learning Activities in Elementary School First-Hand Experience
Teaching Programming and Microcontrollers with an Arduino Remote Laboratory Application
How Programming Helps Early-Age Learners Tackle Complex Concepts
Tapping into Informal Learning Spaces using Metaverse and Seamless Collaborative Gamified Learning
Exploring the Usage of an Adaptive Learning System for Elementary School Math Classes
An overview of digital game-based learning development and evaluation models
Quantitative measures for classification of human upper body posture in video signal to improve online learning
Elementary School Pupils' Mental Models Regarding Robots and Programming
Enhancing student engagement with personalized gamification and adaptive learning strategies
First steps into STEM for young pupils through informal workshops
Measurement of IMU sensor quality used for head tracking in auralization systems
Emerging opportunities for education in the time of COVID-19: Adaptive e-learning intelligent agent based on assessment of emotion and attention
Promoting creative thinking and problem solving through robotic summer camp
Mobile Learning System for Enabling Collaborative and Adaptive Pedagogies with Modular Digital Learning Contents
Qualitative analysis of experience, beliefs, and attitudes of primary school children towards a STEM intervention programme: how to understand outcome and plan future STEM intervention
Novi pristupi i metode u radu s darovitim učenicima u STEM području
Izrada mrežne višekorisničke igre po uzoru na računalnu igru Gorillas
Exploring Different Unplugged Game-like Activities for Teaching Computational Thinking
Promoting creative thinking and problem solving through robotic workshops
A Review of Research on Bridging the Gap between Formal and Informal Learning with Technology in Primary School Contexts
Examining Competitive, Collaborative and Adaptive Gamification in Young Learners' Math Learning
Višeplatformski sustav za unaprjeđenje učenja u ranom osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju zasnovan na digitalnim interaktivnim sadržajima, načelima obrazovnih igara i prilagodljivosti sustava učeniku
What (de)motivates one to volunteer in K-12 STEM-C outreach activities?
STEM career aspirations during primary schooling: A cohort-sequential longitudinal study of relations between achievement, self- competence beliefs, and career interests – JOBSTEM
Toward alternative metrics of SSH research impact: A comparison of visit, download and citation data
Using Robotics to Foster Creativity in Early Gifted Education
How much can we trust the RSSI for IoT indoor location-based services?
Gamified Digital Math Lessons for Lower Primary School Students
ŠUZA – iz škole u znanost i akademsku zajednicu
Qualitative analysis of experience, beliefs and attitudes of elementary school children towards STEM intervention program
A Survey of Indoor Localization Techniques for Smartphones
Gifted First Graders in Digital Age – Individual Projects in ICT and Robotics
A story of SCOLLAm: mobile and collaborative learning on tablet computers in one primary school in Croatia
Tableti u nastavi matematike
A tale of two mobile learning journeys with smartphones and tablets: the interplay of technology and implementation change
The application of information and communication technology in primary and secondary schools in Croatia
Developing a multiplatform solution for mobile learning
The experiences of setting up, developing and implementing a mobile learning project in Croatia
Selected Examples of Cooperation Between Universities and Schools in STEM Education
Using Lego Mindstorms Robots in Science Education
How to teach the basic university-level programming concepts to the first graders?
Enhanced Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm for Indoor Environments
Defining Categories and Functionalities of Semantic Web Applications
Towards Semantic-based Web Application for Academic Programmes in Croatia
Categorization of Semantic Web Applications – The Basis for Defining Semantic Web Application Development Process
Integrating Personal Web Data through Semantically Enhanced Web Portal
Semantički studentski portal
Anticipacijski evocirani potencijali govora
Tomislav Jagušt je diplomirao i doktorirao računarstvo na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu, gdje je trenutno i zaposlen. Sudjeluje u izvođenju nastave iz niza kolegija povezanih uz programiranje i programsko inženjerstvo, a područja znanstvenog rada su mu računalom podržano obrazovanje, uporaba mobilnih tehnologija u obrazovanju i igrifikacija. Bio je voditelj obrazovnih aktivnosti Hrvatske sekcije IEEE, suvoditelj FER-ovog programa popularizacije znanosti ŠUZA te suradnik na nizu projekata iz područja računalom podržanog obrazovanja i popularizacije STEM područja. Dobitnik je Državne nagrade za znanost. Na užas svoje supruge skuplja stara (mehanička i elektronička) računala i igraće konzole.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Objektno orijentirano programiranje (Nositelj)
- Objektno orijentirano programiranje (Nositelj)
- Popularizacija znanosti (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Programski jezik Go (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Algoritmi i strukture podataka (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Programske paradigme i jezici (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Oblikovanje sustava za e-učenje (Nositelj)
Adaptive learning Education courses Open Educational Resources Pre-college programs STEM Tutorials Educational technology Computer aided instruction Learning management systems Electronic learning Mobile learning Engineering education Computer science education -
IEEE organization
IEEE Educational activities -
Software algorithms -
Robotics and automation
Educational robots -
Communications technology
Mobile learning
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Education Society