registered users | public access
In order to use all the functions of the catalogue, users need to be registered (logged) in the FER web (system Quilt CMS), and then click on the above link.
Registered users can:
- see previously and currently borrowed items
- make reservations of library items and monitor the status of reservations
- create and save lists of interesting titles
- tag book records
- write comments or reviews for individual titles
- recommend titles for purchase
How to see the list of currently borrowed items?
By clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the page. That way every user navigates to his or her personal page.
How to make reservations?
Users can place books on hold by clicking the “Place hold” link on the search results page or on the page with detailed book record.
Users can see the list of books on hold and the information on their status on their personal page.
NOTE: only copies of publications that are located in the Central Library can be placed on hold
What are "Lists" and how to use them?
It is possible to create lists of interesting titles within the catalogue. Lists can be public or private. Public lists can be seen by all catalogue users (registered and nonregistered), while private lists can be seen only by the user who created them. Books can be added to lists by clicking the “Save to Lists” link. Multiple books can be added to a list at once by marking the relevant titles on search results page and selecting the appropriate list (if it already exists) or the option “New list” (to create a new list) from the “Add to” drop-down menu.
Lists are kept permanently in the catalogue, until the user deletes them. Private lists can be edited and deleted only by the user who created them, while public lists can be edited and deleted by any user.
It is possible to access the Lists page via user’s personal page or by selecting the appropriate link after clicking the option “Lists”
Titles from lists can be sent by e-mail or downloaded in the format suitable for work with bibliographic references management programs.
What is "Temporary shelf" and how to use it?
Interesting titles within search results can be added to a temporary shelf, where they will stay until the user logs out of catalogue.
Titles from temprary shelf can be sent by e-mail or downloaded in the format suitable for work with bibliographic references management programs.
In order to save the interesting titles permanently, users should add them to lists.
Adding tags
It is possible to add tags to titles to facilitate search.
Writting comments or reviews
Users can add additional information to titles with the option “Comments” within the book record.
Additional information is visible to all catalogue users.