At the moment, there are 87 artworks (paintings, graphics and sculptures) in the FER Gallery, donated by the artists who exhibited their works there. The majority of artworks is located in the workrooms of FER employees.
There have been 75 exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, photographs and installations in FER Gallery. Of that number, 47 were solo exhibitions, 3 photo exhibitions by KSET Photo Section and 15 “To FER for Christmas” exhibitions, where FER students and employees exhibited their works. In addition to Croatian authors, authors from Italia, Slovenia and Serbia also participated in exhibitions.
So far, the following renowned artists have held solo exhibitions in the FER Gallery:: Ivan Andrašić, Vesna Aralica, Frano Baće, Vladimir Baće, Morena Brnčić, Ingeborg Crnogaj, Zlatko Čular, Ivana Ćepulić, Alma Dujmović, Marijan Đurek, Ivan Einwalter, Danijela Gašparović, Petra Gospodnetić, Voljen Grbac, Boris Grković (twice), Željko Hegedušić, Mario Hlača, Mirko Horvat, Maja Hrnjak, Ratko Janjić - Jobo, Petar Javor, Antun Knežević, Renata Facan pl. Kušec, Dubravko Lepej, Zlata Merlin, Marcela Munger, Branimir Novoselnik, Izvor Oreb, Alma Orlić, Sašo Petroševski Novak, Koraljka Polaček, Zdenka Pozaić, Srećko Puntarić Felix, Ati Salvaro, Sanja Sašo, Neven Šimić, Želimir Šiško, Božidar Škofač, Gordana Špoljar-Andrašić, Mario Tomas, Živko Toplak, Zorica Turkalj, Ankica Verhas, Mladen Veža, Eli Ilija Vranešić, Nada Žiljak, Ante Živković Fošar.
The openings of exhibitions are often accompanied by additional artistic events, such as: poetry reading, classical music, jazz music, solo singing, choir singing, dancing, ballet and a dance with a horse on the grassy plateau in front of the FER Gallery.