Student medical doctor

During their stay in Croatia, all international students with temporary residence must regulate health insurance and choose a physician in Croatia! 

For more information about regulating health insurance contact the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) at

The student doctor helps in the prevention of sickness (i.e., general medical examination for the 1st year of study, issuing referrals, issuing confirmations for Interruption of studies,…), but ONLY your physician in Croatia can treat and help cure sicknesses (i.e., provide prescriptions, help with temperatures and illnesses…).

If you need help and advice on choosing a physician in Croatia, you can first visit the student clinic (student doctor) for consultation.

Below is the contact information for the student clinic (student doctor) for FER students.


"Dr. Andrija Štampar" Teaching Institute of Public Health

Department for School and University Medicine

Knežija Division

 Albaharijeva bb
 (01) 3835-444
 (01) 3649-717

Opening hours:

  • odd dates - morning 08:00 - 12:00            appointment booking by phone is required because of field work
  • even dates - afternoon 14:00 - 18:00     appointment booking by phone is required because of field work
Student Doctor

Dr. Ljiljana Đurić

Martina Bubalo
Senior Nurse


Head of the Department for School and University Medicine

Tatjana Petričević Vidović, dr. med., spec. školske medicine


IMPORTANT!!!  Students need to set appointment. The terms can be arranged by phone (01/3835-444) or by e-mail:

More health information for international students with temporary residence can be found here.


Student Sounselling and Support Center

University of Zagreb – Rectorate building

Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10000 Zagreb


