Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
A Multi-Agent System for Service Provisioning in an Internet-of-Things Smart Space Based on User Preferences
Negotiation-Based Multi-agent System for Ambient Conditions Control in Accordance with Multiple User Preferences
Application of ˈRhyzo BZˈ fertilizer microparticles during pepper cultivation in urban gardens
Multi-Agent System for Service Provisioning in an Internet of Things Smart Space based on User Preferences
Analysis of Open Access Data Sources for Application in Precision Agriculture
A Smart Lighting Context-Aware Model Based on Colored Petri Net
Context-based System for User-Centric Smart Environment
Agent-Based Approach for User-Centric Smart Environments
Inteligentno upravljanje osvjetljenjem u pametnom domu
Anomaly Detection Based on Fixed and Wearable Sensors in Assisted Living Environments
Mrežni prilaz za prikupljanje podataka sa heterogenih IoT-uređaja
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Javna pokretna mreža (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Komunikacijske mreže (Laboratorijske vježbe)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Komunikacijski protokoli (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Programski agenti (Laboratorijske vježbe)