
Nera Žigić, prof. - course coordinator

Email: nera.zigic@fer.hr

New location: Cedevita Basketball Hall - Velesajam, Avenija Dubrovnik 15/26 (entrance from Radoslav Cimerman Street)


Vitomir Blagojević, prof

Email: vitomir.blagojevic@fer.hr


Aleksandar Pupac, prof (External collaborator)

Emal: aleksandar.pupac@fer.hr

New location: Cedevita Basketball Hall - Velesajam, Avenija Dubrovnik 15/26 (entrance from Radoslav Cimerman Street)


About the Course

Physical and Health Education (Physical Education and Welfare on FER) is mandatory for the first 4 semesters of the undergraduate program. The Physical and Health Education course does not award ECTS credits; instead, students earn a pass in the course based on accumulated points, without which it is impossible to complete the undergraduate program.

Physical and Health Education is structured by the Law on Higher Education and is a compulsory course in the first and second years of study (Article 148 of the University of Zagreb Statute, 1997), and optional in the higher years of study. Teaching at higher education institutions is usually conducted by choosing one or more activities from the basic or elective program. Based on their acquired motor skills and abilities, students choose one or more activities or the activity that interests them the most.

The aim of Physical and Health Education is to provide students with regular physical exercise through which they promote the development of psycho-physical abilities, acquire and improve motor knowledge and skills, refine fundamental theoretical and practical kinesiology knowledge, and develop a habit of regular physical activity as a prerequisite for maintaining and improving health.

The objectives of Physical Education and Health Education include acquiring theoretical and practical motor skills, acquiring knowledge about the importance of daily physical exercise, promoting the importance of quality nutrition and its impact on the quality of life, and preparing students for individual and team work.