Research seminars

Research seminars consist of an approximately one-hour long talk, given by team member or a guest, followed by 30 min discussion on the presented topic. They are part of the Research seminar for Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis held at the Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics.

Research seminar "Non-periodic...

On Monday, February 23rd, 2015, the talk at the Research seminar for Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis was held by Igor Velčić.

TitleNon-periodic homogenization and dimensional reduction in elasticity on the example of the bending rod

Abstract (in Croatian): Diskutirat ćemo izvedbu ”bending modela” štapa Gamma konvergencijom uzimajući u obzir i moguće oscilacije materijala ne pretpostavljajući nikakvu posebnu pravilnost u oscilacijama. Seminar se temelji na zajedničkom radu s M. Marohnićem.

Author: Mario Bukal
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