Project database

The page provides a list of national and international projects where FER participates or has participated as a project coordinator or partner.




Project status:
From: 2016-06-21 To: 2017-12-22 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):
Project cost:
282.881,00 EUR
Project funding:
141.440,00 EUR

Project coordinator

Organisation Name:
VIDI-to d.o.o. 
Organisation adress:
Organisation country:
Contact person name:
Tomislav Kotnik 
Contact person email:

Croatian partner

Organisation name:
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address:
Unska 3; Zagreb 
Contact person name:
Daniel Hofman
Contact person tel:
Contact person fax:
Contact person e-mail:


Organisation name Country
O.K. consulting   Slovenija  

Short description of project

The expected result of JOOBEE project is a developed innovative and presently globally non-existent predictive and geo-location sensitive ICT system for matching bidders and seekers of jobs, tasks, errands and skills, based on scientifically developed algorithms and inputs from HR and human behaviour expertise. The development of algorithms will apply theoretical knowledge into functional ICT system. The result of the project is converted knowledge, “know-how” and experience of both partners and subcontractors about target groups, CRM's, human behaviours on the web (including social networks), and usage of smartphone/tablet applications, into profitable, innovative, high-tech, and yet extremely simple to use, online ICT system and tool(s). The system and tools are toward users a functional online product, simple and cheap to use, because for them an appropriate interface is developed, with strong emphasis on simple and intuitive usage (high “user-friendliness”). The ICT system supports different languages and large number of users. Sales, payment and incoming-advertising model (that generates income along with subscriptions) is developed and implemented. Visual identity of the project/brand and tools is created. Smart-phone application is developed (iOS, Android or Win 10), accompanying web pages developed. The system has gone through alpha and beta testing, and it has been launched. Wider goal of the project is to contribute to the mobility of users. The post-project goal is to adjust the ICT system and tools - based on usage patterns, demands, and the first wave of mass feedback from users – for usage in other matching needs and areas.  

Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner

Očekivani rezultat JOOBEE projekta je razvijeni inovativni i trenutačno globalno nepostojeći prediktivni i geo-lokacijski osjetljiv IKT sustav za spajanje ponuditelja i tražitelja zaposlenja, zadataka, ispomoći i vještina baziran na znanstveno razvijenim algoritmima i inputima iz ekspertize upravljanja ljudskim resursima i ljudskog ponašanja. Razvoj algoritama primijenit će teoretsko znanje u funkcionirajući IKT sustav. Rezultat projekta je konvertirano znanje, „know-how“ i iskustvo oba partnera i podugovorenika o ciljanim skupnima, CRM-ovima, ljudskom ponašanju na webu (uključujući društvene mreže) i korištenja aplikacija za pametne telefone/tablete u profitabilan, inovativan, „high-tech“, a svejedno izuzetno jednostavan za korištenje, online IKT sistem i alat(e). Sustav i alati su prema korisnicima funkcionalni online produkt jednostavni i jeftin za korištenje, jer je za njih razvijeno adekvatno sučelje za korištenje sa snažnim naglaskom na jednostavnost i intuitivnost korištenja (visok tzv. „user-friendliness“). Sustav podupire različite jezike i velik broj korisnika. Razvijen je i implementiran i model za prodaju, plaćanje i baratanje ulaznim oglašavanjem (koje uz plaćanje korisnika generira prihod). Kreiran je vizualni identitet projekta/branda i alata. Razvijena je aplikacija za pametne telefone (iOS, Android ili Win 10), razvijene prateće web stranice. Sustav je prošao kroz alfa i beta testiranja, te je pokrenut za korištenje. Širi cilj projekta je da potpomogne mobilnost korisnika. Cilj nakon projekta je prilagoditi IKT sustav i alate - na temelju uzoraka upotrebe, zahtijeva, te prve masovnije povratne informacije korisnika - za upotrebu u drugim potrebama i područjima spajanja korisnika.