Members of the Croatian academic community have access to databases under the Cooperation Agreement between National and University Library in Zagreb and Ministers of Science, Education and Sports.
Access from institutional computers to all subscribed electronic information sources is provided directly through computers’ IP addresses, while those outside the IP range of the institution can access them through proxy servers. Proxy can be used by all members of the Croatian academic community with an active AAI@EduHr user account, which is used to log in to a proxy server. Proxy is accessed via Portal of electronic sources for Croatian academic and scientific community.
All databases with a national licence in Republic of Croatia can be accessed via Portal of electronic sources for Croatian academic and scientific community.
IEEE Xplore is one of the most important bases of scientific and expert articles in the world, covering one third of the world’s literature from the fields of electrical engineering, computing, ICT and many interdisciplinary fields. With the subscription to IEEE Xplore, we have an unlimited access to full texts (PDF) for over 3 million documents (2 million authors, 170 journals, 900 conferences, 2,000 IEEE standards, 25,000 new scientific articles every month).
All employees and students can access IEEE Xplore through the IP address range of the entire University of Zagreb, including student dormitories.
Web of Science (WoS) is a platform published by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property and Science business) which provides access to the citation databases from all scientific fields. The platform contains over 33,000 indexed journals and almost a billion cited references, and it includes articles, conference proceedings, reports, patents and other documents.
Scopus is a citation database which indexes sources from the entire world, and it includes over 69 million entries for 21,950 reviewed journals (out of which more than 3,600 are in open access), 280 trade magazines from almost all scientific fields, more than 560 book series, 8 million conference proceedings and over 39 million patents.
Telecommunication Information Exchange Service (TIES) is available since 1 August 2015, when Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing became an academic member of ITU (International Telecommunications Union). FER can participate in various forums and bodies of ITU through its representatives and has access to documents which are still in draft form and unavailable to public.
TIES account registration is approved by Prof. Radovan Zentner, Ph.D.,, who is the "TIES focal point" for FER. Registration in the TIES system must be done by email ending with, except in exceptional cases.
Digital repository is an archive which collects, permanently stores and provides free access to digital copies of scientific, research, intellectual and creative output of an institution, i.e. of its employees and students. Repositories store bachelor and master theses, dissertations, pre-print works, scientific and expert articles, research data, books, teaching materials, images, video and audio records, presentations and digitized materials.
FER repository contains information on bachelor and master theses defended at FER since July 2014.
The system can be accessed with AAI@EduHr account.