Project database

The page provides a list of national and international projects where FER participates or has participated as a project coordinator or partner.




Exploring Manycore Architectures for Next-GeneratiOn HPC systems 
Project status:
From: 2015-10-01 To: 2018-09-30 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):
Project cost:
5.801.821,00 EUR
Project funding:
5.801.821,00 EUR

Project coordinator

Organisation Name:
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia-UPV 
Organisation adress:
Organisation country:
Contact person name:
Jose Flich, Assoc.Prof. 
Contact person email:

Croatian partner

Organisation name:
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 
Organisation address:
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska 
Contact person name: Mario Kovač
Contact person tel:
Contact person fax:
Contact person e-mail:


Organisation name Country
Centro Regionale Information Communication Technology - CeRICT scrl   
Thales Communications & Security SAS   
Pro Design Electronic Gmbh   
Politecnico di Milano   
Eaton Industries (France) SAS   
Philips Medical Systems International BV   
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne   

Short description of project

MANGO targets to achieve extreme resource efficiency in future QoS-sensitive HPC through ambitious cross-boundary architecture exploration for performance/power/predictability (PPP) based on the definition of new-generation highperformance, power-efficient, heterogeneous architectures with native mechanisms for isolation and quality-of-service, and an innovative two-phase passive cooling system. Its disruptive approach will involve many interrelated mechanisms at various architectural levels, including heterogeneous computing cores, memory architectures, interconnects, run-time resource management, power monitoring and cooling, to the programming models. The system architecture will be inherently heterogeneous as an enabler for efficiency and application-based customization, where general-purpose compute nodes (GN) are intertwined with heterogeneous acceleration nodes (HN), linked by an across-boundary homogeneous interconnect. It will provide guarantees for predictability, bandwidth and latency for the whole HN node infrastructure, allowing dynamic adaptation to applications. MANGO will develop a toolset for PPP and explore holistic pro-active thermal and power management for energy optimization including chip, board and rack cooling levels, creating a hitherto inexistent link between HW and SW effects at all layers. Project will build an effective large-scale emulation platform. The architecture will be validated through noticeable examples of application with QoS and high-performance requirements. Ultimately, the combined interplay of the multi-level innovative solutions brought by MANGO will result in a new positioning in the PPP space, ensuring sustainable performance as high as 100 PFLOPS for the realistic levels of power consumption (<15MWatt) delivered to QoS-sensitive applications in large-scale capacity computing scenarios providing essential building blocks at the architectural level enabling the full realization of the ETP4HPC strategic research agenda.  

Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner

MANGO ima za cilj postizanje ekstremne učinkovitosti korištenih resursa u budućim računalima visokih performansi (HPC) osjetljivih na kvalitetu usluga (QoS) kroz ambiciozno višedomensko istraživanje arhitektura prema performansama/snazi/predvidljivosti (eng . performance/power/predictability - PPP) kroz definiciju novih generacija energetski učinkovitih heterogenih arhitektura visokih performansi sa izvornim mehanizmima za izolaciju i kvalitetu usluge i inovativnim dvofaznim pasivnim sustavom za hlađenje. Ovaj potpuno novi i drugačiji pristup uključiti će mnoge međusobno povezane mehanizme na raznim razinama arhitekture, od heterogenih računalnih jezgri, arhitekture memorija, međupovezanosti jedinica na čipu i izvan njega, upravljanja resursima za vrijeme rada, nadzor napajanja i hlađenja, do razvoja programskih modela. Svojstvena heterogena sistemska arhitektura omogućiti će učinkovitost i prilagodbu aplikacija. Čvorovi opće namjene (eng. general purpose compute nodes - GN) ispreplitati će se s heterogenim čvorovima za ubrzanje ( eng. hetereogeneous acceleration nodes - HN) međusobno povezanih homogenim vezama. Osigurati će se predvidljivost, propusnost i latencija za čitavu strukturu HN čvorova, omogućujući dinamičku prilagodbu aplikacija. MANGO će razviti skup alata za PPP i istražiti holistički proaktivno upravljanje toplinom i snagom u cilju energetske optimizacije, uzimajući u obzir čip, ploču i hlađenje na više razina, stvarajući dosad nepostojeću vezu između sklopovlja i programa na svim razinama. U projektu će se također izgraditi učinkovita emulacijska okolina velikih razmjera. Ova arhitektura će biti testirana i provjerena s značajnim aplikacijama koje zahtijevaju visoke performanse i kvalitetu usluge. Završno, kombinirani učinci višerazinskih inovativnih rješenja iz MANGO projekta rezultirati će nove referentne rezultate u PPP području, omogućujući samoodrživu učinkovitost od 100PFLOPS za stvarne razine potrošnje (<15MW) i time izvedbu aplikacija osjetljivih na kvalitetu usluga u mnogim scenarijima izvedbe kroz omogućavanje osnovnih gradivnih blokova na razini arhitekture i time omogućiti punu realizaciju ETP4HPC istraživačke strategije.