- All documents must be submitted in an electronic form as follows: the main document in the MS Word format (.docx), attachments in the Acrobat format (.pdf)
Electronic form is a ZIP file containing all documents in the manner specified above. The file name must be in the form NameFamilyname.zip, i.e. it must contain applicant’s first name and family name, written using the English alphabet.
The file must be uploaded to the repository:
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/news_insights/open_positions/application_to_an_open_position, in the corresponding folder. Applicants must be logged in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) web system to access the repository.
Applicants without the FER account can create a temporary one using the following link:
- Applicant must send a digitally signed application referred to above to the FER’s Registration Office by e-mail (kadrovska@fer.hr). The date of receipt, i.e. the first working day after receiving the e-mail, is the reference date for the beginning of the formal procedure.
- Incomplete applications (not submitted by email, missing documents from the electronic form) are not valid and will not be considered.
- Templates with the .docm extension contain a Visual Basic macro program for generating a unique file name and QR code for the purpose of digital signature verifiability. The program is safe, and you can ignore the message "SECURITY WARNING Macros have been disabled" and enable macro functionality ("Enable Content"). After you run macro, the newly created .docx file with a unique HASHCODE name will no longer contain macro add-ins.
QR code IS NOT a digital signature: .docx files will have to be digitally signed by using the valid certificate (File / Info / Protect Document / Add a Digital Signature / ... / Sign).
You can check out here for the list of trusted service providers for digital certificate in your country. Or, you can use some public providers like the one here.