New materials from Tharmal and...

Dear Students,

in the previously uplaoded materials containing the Thermal power plants (TPP.rar) and Nuclear power plants (NPP.rar) during the preparation for the upcoming examinations please pay special attention to the following:

- For the Thermal part detailed descriptions of the processes can be found in book chapters 9 and 10 (Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach book) and in Gas Turbine Working Principals.pdf chapter.  Also please pay special attention to gas_cycle.pdf and steam_cycle.pdf files for the TPP materials.

- For the Nuclear part please study the PWR and BWR files that describe the most important NPP designs. Details can be found in Nuclear Engineering Handbook (Power plant technology_PWR_BWR.pdf).

For any questions and problems please send us an email.

Author: Ninoslav Holjevac
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