Final BSc Thesis
Data is displayed for academic year: 2023./2024.
Course Description
The final thesis is a comprehensive and highly independent task where the student has to demonstrate the ability to analyse the given problem from theoretical and practical aspects, devise a solution using the knowledge acquired in multiple courses and literature, implement the solution, write the documentation and instructions for use and/or for further work, to present his or her work in written and oral form. The accent is given on demonstration of ability in all these aspects rather than to force students to pursue some work intensive repetitive activities in order to fully complete a product.
Study Programmes
University undergraduate
[FER3-EN] Computing - study
(6. semester)
Learning Outcomes
- Integrate acquired knowledge and skills, develop ability to additionally consult the mandatory or supplementary textbooks and literature with consultations with advisors
- Choose, argue and defend proposed solution
- Realize a solution through modelling, simulation or prototyping for an assigned task of defined functionality
- Conceive and write a Final BSc Thesis and draw conclusions in a formally, linguistically and ethically correct manner, according to instructions, of the average overall size of 30 pages
- Publically present acquired results using computer prepared presentation through 15 minutes oral presentation
- Recommend possible directions for further development of the proposed solution using the principles of the scientific research and development
Forms of Teaching
Seminars and workshops
Independent assignments
Work with mentor
Independent assignments
Work with mentor
Week by Week Schedule
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
- Project
(.), Literatura preporučena od strane mentora,
(.), Advisor recommended literature,
For students
ID 209722
Summer semester
L3 English Level
L1 e-Learning
0 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
0 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises