Candidate Classification and Skill Recommendation in a CV Recommender System
Building Vector Representations for Candidates and Projects in a CV Recommender System
GRASP Method for Vehicle Routing with Delivery Place Selection
Population-Based Variable Neighborhood Descent for Discrete Optimization
Real-time adaptive QoS prediction using approximate matrix multiplication
Multi-User Service Selection
Efficient Multi-user Service Selection Based on the Transportation Problem
Algorithm for Perceptual Image Hashing With Adjustable Hash Size
Comparative Analysis of Community Detection Algorithms in Social Networks
Power Distribution Based on a Social Network of Active Users
Programming System for the Extraction of Main Textual Content from Web Pages
Classification of Musical Compositions Stored in Musical Notation Format
Defining Speaker-Specific Characteristics Using Deep Learning
Failure Prediction for Network Access Devices Based on Time Series Analysis
CURE: An Effective Algorithm for Clustering Large Datasets
Efficient Web Service Reliability Prediction Using Collaborative Filtering
Efficient Detection of Near-duplicate Documents Using Minhash Algorithm
Detecting Functionally Similar Code by Hashing Features of the Android OS Executable Files
Finding similar mail conversations using locality sensitive hashing
Book scanning management system
Queue management system with wait-time estimation
Visualisation of Balanced Binary Search Tree Algorithms Using Web Interface
Prediction of Atomic Web Services Reliability for QoS-aware Recommendation
Strongly typed language for specification of deductive systems
Application of locality-sensitive hashing to composite application clustering with regard to reliability model
Component Recommendation for Composite Application Development
A preliminary study on similarity-preserving digital book identifiers
Clustering of composite applications with regard to reliability model by applying the k-means clustering algorithm
Clustering of composite applications with regard to reliability impact using the BFR algorithm
Hierarchical clustering of composite applications with regard to reliability model
Visualisation of basic sort algorithms using web interface
Consumerized and Peer-tutored Service Composition
Reliability Management of Composite Consumer Applications
Framework for distribution of tasks among working nodes in distributed systems
Component Recommendation for Development of Composite Consumer Applications
Scalable and Accurate Prediction of Availability of Atomic Web Services
Designing the programming assignment for a university compiler design course
System for communicating input control from mobile device to personal computer
Automata property analysis system
Performance Evaluation of Websocket Protocol for Implementation of Full-Duplex Web Streams
A Reliability Improvement Method for SOA-Based Applications
Introduction to Consumer Computing
Widget for Definition and Simulation of Moore and Mealy Automaton
Widget for Definition and Simulation of Turing Machine
Reliability Prediction of Consumer Computing Applications
An Application for Automated Scheduling of Incoming Tasks Based on the Analysis of Current Task Schedule
Mediator for Reservation of Touristic Products
Peer tutoring in consumer computing
Repository and Directory Services for Open Social Widgets
Preglednički sustav za korištenje usluga skladišta i kataloga udomljenika
Prediction of atomic web services reliability based on k-means clustering
Erl-metafeed: web feeds mashup engine and GUI widget toolkit
Web Browser Rendering of Geolocational Data Based on AngularJS Framework
Mediation System for Simplifying Remote Interaction with Sensors of Android-based Device
Formal Model for Data Dependency Analysis between Controls and Actions of a Graphical User Interface
Programming Languages for End-User Personalization of Cyber-Physical Systems
Translation of events of business process management system JBPM into widget-based environment
Reliability Modeling for SOA Systems
End-user System for Remote Access to Graphical User Interfaces of Android Application
Web-Based Publishing of Mobile Phone Sensing
Hashing Scheme for Space-efficient Detection and Localization of Changes in Large Data Sets
Application of widget-based consumer programming techniques in autonomous marine vehicle control system design
Integration Proxy for Distributed Healthcare Systems
Geolocation Tracking in Web Widgets
Distributed System for Web Activity Stream Analysis
Consumer-Oriented Programming Application for Statistical Processing
Search indexing in large databases
Web-Based Publish-Subscribe Mechanism for Event Notifications
Information System for Assisted Server Management
Modular Software Testing Framework for Student Program Examination
System for direct and proxied communication with Web browser processes using the HTTP protocol
Server-side System for Remote Interaction with Sensors of Android-based Device
Secure Communication Framework for Consumer Computing Cloud Based on Symmetric Encryption
Consumer program synchronization
Software Framework for Performance Measurement of Cross-Context Communication Systems for Web Browsers
Secure Communication Framework for Consumer Computing Cloud
User Interface for Remote Examination of Student Programs
Interconnectable Gadgets and Web Services Usage in Supervisory Control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
Social Network Recommendation System
Automated Distribution of Short Lived Certificates in Grid-based Environments
Server-side System for Remote Access to Graphical User Interfaces of Android Application
A System for Determining Similarity Between PDF Documents
Commodore 64 Assembly Language Compiler for High- Level Programming Language
Integration Proxy for Distributed Healthcare Systems
Distributed Document Management System
Web-Based Publish-Subscribe Mechanism for Event Notifications
Data Collection and Aggregation System for Consumer Programming Cloud
Programming Language Design for Event-Driven Service Composition
Consumer-oriented Widgets for Statistical Processing
Sustav upravljanja raspodijeljenim prisluškivanjem mrežnog prometa
Consumer Programming
Widget Notification System Based on Bayeux Protocol
Widget Notification System Based on Bayeux Protocol
Background Execution of Web Browser Resident Consumer Applications
Gadgets for image processing and manipulation
Application of multi-core processors in system development
Widget-Oriented Consumer Programming
Widget design based on model-view-controller architectural pattern
A web gadget for comparing mathematical expressions
XForms tehnologija za izgradnju udomljenika povezanih sa Web Services uslugama
An HTTP protocol based remote procedure call library for Web browsers
A debugger for user programs executing in web browsers
Communication Protocols Testing Language to General Purpose Language Translation
Widget-based Environment For Textual Web Content Translation
Communication Performance Measurement in Service Oriented Systems
User Interface for Widget-Oriented Consumer Programming
User interface for internet objects tagging system
Advanced access control procedures in the MoinMoin wiki engine
Web gadgets for operating system simulation
A web gadget for using RSS feeds
A debugger for user programs executing in web browsers
Integrating Widgets and Web Services with XForms Technology
Resource-aware coopetition in service-oriented computing
An interface for HTTP based access to Web browsers
Dynamic Generation Of Ontology Supported Web Services For Data Retrieval
A Gadget for Temporal Event Organization
Event-Driven Consumer Programming
Server for Internet objects tagging system
A System for Remote Inter-gadget Communication
Communication Performance Measurement in Service Oriented Systems
Distributed System for Lawful Interception
Security of Web Level User Identity Management
Construction of Composite Gadget User Interface Using the Drag&Drop Technique
Geppeto: Consumer's Approach to Programming
Sintax Highlighter for Tabular Programming Language
Accessing sensor network services with SIP
Composite service access control in the PIE environment
A compiler for SIP and SOAP protocol integration language
Resolution of Program Structure Modification Conflict in Tabular Programming Language
Automatised generation of analyzers for formal languages specified using an ABNF grammar
Construction of Web Application Data Dependency Formal Model
Service Composition Based on Tabular Programming
Geppeto: Promoting End-users to Gadget Developers
An Operating System Monitoring Framework for Controlling the Communication and Synchronization Mechanisms
Syntax Highlighter for Tabular Programming Language
A system for integration of SIP and SOAP protocols
Visualization of Data Dependencies in Tabular Programming Language for User Interface Composition
Nadzor pristupa kompoziciji usluga u sustavu PIE
Implementation of call routing protocol in IP voice communication
Drag&Drop Library for Inter-Frame Transfer of User Interface Elements
An Operating System Monitoring Framework for Controlling the Communication and Synchronization Mechanisms
Self-Shaping Architecture of Service-Oriented Systems
Personalized navigation system based on service composition
Usage Tracking Components for Service-Oriented Middleware Systems
Public key infrastructure in service oriented virtual networks
Sustav upravljanja odredbama nadzora pristupa u programirljivoj Internet okolini
Programming language translation
System for optimized data transfer in computer grid
Grid-based programming development environment
Usage Tracking System for Programmable Internet Enviornment Users and Services
Analysing Working Characteristics of Services in Programmable Internet Environment
Model-Based Testing of Service-Oriented System
Ulogama poosobljeno upravljačko sučelje Programirljive Internet okoline
From Service Composition to Gadget Composition: Enabling Process-oriented Web
RegExpert: A Tool for Visualization of Regular Expressions
Programmable Internet Environment
Design of complex system for monitoring and control of computer cluster
Role-based Interface Adaptation of Programmable Internet Environment
Access control storage in Programmable Internet Environment
System for analysis and calculation of companies' financial profit realized in service oriented programming model
Spremnički sustav za odredbe nadzora pristupa u programirljivoj Internet okolini
Access Control Regulations Managment System in Programmable Internet Environment
Introduction to theory of computing
Usage Tracking System for Programmable Internet Enviornment Users and Services
Virtual Network for Development and Execution of Service-Oriented Applications
Distributed Program Interpretation in Service Oriented Architectures
Service discovery and deployment in service-oriented systems
System for measuring run-time properties of .NET Remoting and WEB Services technology-based services
Building Distributed Access Control Using Service- Oriented Programming Model
Virtual Network of Service-Oriented Computing Systems
Monitoring system of service-oriented distributed Mediator
PIE: End-User Programmable Internet Environment
Performance Evaluation of Program Translation in Service-Oriented Architectures
End-User Language for Service-Oriented Programming Model
Access control in service oriented systems
End-User Programming Language for Service-Oriented Integration
Distributed program interpretation in service-oriented architectures
Security mechanisms in peer-to-peer networks
Service discovery and deployment in service-oriented computing environment
Coopetition mechanisms for service-oriented distributed systems
Usage Tracking by Public Information System Mediator
Praćenje korištenja sredstava usluga putem posrednika
Application-level quality of security service provisioning in distributed service-oriented middleware
Access control in hierarchies of protected cells
Synchronization and communication mechanisms for service-oriented systems
Publish-subscribe mechanisms for content-based networks
PIE – Programmable Internet Environment
Usage Tracking by Public Information System Mediator
Interception of SIP Telephony Traffic in Local Area Network
Tentacle: User Agent of the Public Information System Mediator
Simulation of a Distributed System for Lawful Interception in IP Telephony
Service Load Balancing in Public Information System
Dynamic Load Management in the Public Information System Mediator
Control of the Distributed Lawful Interception System
Component Architecture of User Agent for MidArc Middleware
Database Interface in GRID Systems
User and Service Usage Tracking in Public Information Systems
Service Development and Application Integration with Public Information System Mediator
Lawful Interception of H.323 Telephony Calls through Redirection
Safe data transmission in networks with intermediary systems
Interception of IP Telephony Traffic in Ethernet Local Area Networks
Data Management in Public Information System Middleware
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Object Platforms for Public Information System Implementation
Methods for Lawful Interception in IP Telephony Networks Based on H.323
Distributed Applications in Public Information System
Memory Cache in Middleware System
Common Services of Middleware System in Internet Global Network
Measurement and Control of Middleware System Properties
Distributed System for Lawful Interception in VoIP Networks
Designing Scalable Storage System for Application Oriented Middleware – MidArc
Performance Evaluation of IP Telephone Network Under Load
Relational Database for Middleware System
Analytical Performance Prediction of WWW Distributed Cache Management (DCM) Protocols
Extending the Textbook: A Distributed Tool for Learning Automata Theory Fundamentals
Dynamic Web servers architecture
Distributed Cache Management Protocol
Application Middleware: A Case Study
Decision Function in Hybrid Self-Adaptive WWW Cache Coherence Protocol (hSATTL)
Using Interactivity in Computer-facilitated Learning for Efficient Comprehension of Mathematical Abstractions
Hybrid Self-Adaptive WWW Cache Coherence Protocol (hsATTL): Improving the Coherence of WWW Objects
Design of High-speed and Flexible Controllers in Programmable Logic Devices
Formal Definition of SIP End Systems Behavior
Formal Definition of SIP Proxy Behavior
Directory Based Multi-tier Internet Architectures
Distributed architecture of information computer system based on Internet
Performance Tuning of Large-Scale Distributed WWW Caches
Improved client identification on Internet
Global Internet simulator
SpecC Profiler
Self-Adaptive WWW Cache Coherence Protocol (SATTL)
Data structure model in IP telephony
IP-telephony model
Real-time data compression in transportation
Interactive teaching tool for stack machine model
Performance of UDP and TCP Communication on Personal Computers
The NUMAchine Multiprocessor
Time Domain Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Hybrid Cache Coherence Protocols
Non context dependant grammar simplification
Interactive teaching aides
Improved server identification on Internet
Internet today and tomorrow
Performance of Distributed Systems Based on Ethernet and Personal Computers
Distributed coherence protocols
UNIX safety record analysis tool
Decision functions in self-adaptible algorithms for uniformity maintenance
Distributed cache memory coherence protocols
Network adapter testing
Complete WWW document access
Interactive lecturing tool for automata presentation
Design and Implementation of the NUMAchine Multiprocessor
Adaptive coherence protocol for replicated objects in wide-area network
Program development based on COM model
Criptographic methods for information protection
AT&T GeoPlex Directory Based Distributed Cache Management Protocol: Boosting the Scalability of World Wide Web Proxy Caches
HTTP packet traffic analysis on local network
The NUMAChine Multiprocessor: A Cache Coherence Protocol
Algorithms for cache objects exchange
Memory Management and Cache Coherency
Analytical Prediction of Performance for Cache Coherence Protocols
Models for Performance Prediction of Coherence Protocols
Experience in Designing a Large-scale Multiprocessor using Field-Programming Devices and Advanced CAD Tolls
An Adaptive Coherence Protocol Using Write Invalidate and Write Update Mechanisms
Hierarchical Directory Controllers in the NUMAchine Multiprocessor
Performance Prediction for Different Consistency Schemes in Distributed Shared Memory Systems
An Overview of the NUMAchine Multiprocessor Project
Modification of Cache Coherence Protocols for the Distributed Environment
Analytical Performance Evaluation of Data Replication Based Shared Memory Model
Syntax Analysis of Sequential Control Programs
Feasibility Study of Computer Systems For Lathe And Similar Machining Centers
A Dynamic Interpreter for Sequential Control Programs
Disk-drive microprocessor module design within machine tool control unit
Specialized Operating System for Machine Tool Control Unit
University undergraduate
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- BSc Thesis (Lecturers)
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Lecturers)
- Programming Language Translation (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
- Software Design Project (Lecturers)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Affective computing Autonomous robots Cognitive systems Context awareness Cooperative systems Decision support systems Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Collective intelligence Intelligent robots Knowledge based systems Expert systems Mobile agents Knowledge engineering Inference mechanisms Knowledge acquisition Knowledge discovery Knowledge representation Learning (artificial intelligence) Distance learning Electronic learning Nearest neighbor methods Learning systems Backpropagation Cognitive systems Learning automata Learning management systems Semisupervised learning Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Machine learning Boosting Dimensionality reduction Robot learning Statistical learning Prediction methods Linear predictive coding Predictive coding Predictive encoding Predictive models Virtual artifact Autonomous mental development Computational intelligence Computation theory Computational complexity Concurrent computing Greedy algorithms Support vector machines Evolutionary computation Evolutionary robotics Particle swarm optimization Fuzzy systems Fuzzy control Fuzzy neural networks Hybrid intelligent systems Genetic algorithms Logic Fuzzy logic Fuzzy cognitive maps Takagi-Sugeno model Multivalued logic Probabilistic logic Sufficient conditions Machine intelligence Pattern analysis Neural networks Artificial neural networks Convolutional neural networks Hebbian theory Self-organizing feature maps Biological neural networks Cellular neural networks Feedforward neural networks Multilayer perceptrons Multi-layer neural network Neural network hardware Radial basis function networks Recurrent neural networks Hopfield neural networks -
Computers and information processing
Approximate computing Computer applications Application virtualization Edge computing Big Data applications Bot (Internet) Computer aided analysis Computer aided engineering Computer aided instruction Learning management systems Computer generated music Computer integrated manufacturing Control engineering computing Green computing High energy physics instrumentation computing Linear particle accelerator Knowledge management Knowledge transfer Mathematics computing Matlab Medical information systems Electronic medical records Military computing Mobile applications Physics computing Power engineering computing Power system analysis computing Publishing Bibliometrics Company reports Desktop publishing Electronic publishing Open Access Scientific publishing Scientific computing Telecommunication computing Internetworking Soft switching Virtual enterprises Virtual manufacturing Virtual machining Web sites Facebook MySpace Uniform resource locators Web design YouTube World Wide Web Bot (Internet) Mashups Computer architecture Accelerator architectures Data structures Arrays Binary decision diagrams Null value Octrees Persistent identifiers Table lookup Tree data structures Dynamic voltage scaling Memory architecture Memory management Multiprocessor interconnection Hypercubes Parallel architectures Multicore processing Reconfigurable architectures Computer interfaces Application programming interfaces WebRTC Browsers Field buses Firewire Haptic interfaces Data gloves Force feedback Grasping Hypertext systems Input devices Interface phenomena Network interfaces Interface states Musical instrument digital interfaces Ports (Computers) System buses Computer networks Ad hoc networks AODV Mesh networks Mobile ad hoc networks Vehicular ad hoc networks Computer network management Computer network reliability Disruption tolerant networking Management information base Middleboxes Network address translation Network synthesis Content distribution networks Cyberspace Diffserv networks Domain Name System Ethernet Energy efficient ethernet EPON Google Heterogeneous networks Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services Intserv networks IP networks TCPIP Metropolitan area networks Multiprocessor interconnection networks Network function virtualization Network security Network servers Next generation networking Overlay networks Peer-to-peer computing Software defined networking Storage area networks Token networks Unicast Virtual private networks Extranets Wide area networks Wireless access points Computer performance Computer errors Computer crashes Performance loss Computer peripherals Disk drives Keyboards Modems Printers Computer science Computational neuroscience Formal languages Computer languages Runtime library Network theory (graphs) Programming Augmented reality Automatic programming Concatenated codes Functional programming Granular computing Integer linear programming Logic programming Microprogramming Object oriented methods Object oriented programming Opportunistic software systems development Parallel programming Performance analysis Programming profession Robot programming Computer security Application security Authentication Cloud computing security Computer crime Counterfeiting Cyber terrorism Cyberattack SQL injection Computer hacking Countermeasures (computer) Cross-site scripting Cyber espionage Cyber warfare Cyberattack Data integrity Denial-of-service attack Distributed denial-of-service attack Firewalls (computing) Honey pot (computing) Identity management systems Internet security Mobile security Password Penetration testing Permission Phishing Computers Analog computers Calculators Difference engines Microcomputers Portable computers Workstations Parallel machines Supercomputers Tablet computers Wearable Computers Smart glasses Wearable computers Concurrency control Processor scheduling Scheduling algorithms Data systems Data acquisition Fastbus User-generated content Data centers Data compression Adaptive coding Audio compression Huffman coding Source coding Test data compression Transform coding Data conversion Analog-digital conversion Digital-analog conversion Data engineering Data handling Data assimilation Data dissemination Data encapsulation Data integrity Document handling Merging Sorting Data processing Associative processing Business data processing Data analysis Data collection Data integration Data preprocessing Data transfer Information exchange Spreadsheet programs Text processing Virtual enterprises Data storage systems Triples (Data structure) Data warehouses Database machines Digital systems Digital preservation Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services ISDN B-ISDN Local area networks Wireless LAN Metropolitan area networks Token networks Virtual artifact Distributed computing Client-server systems Middleware Servers Collaborative work Collaborative intelligence Cooperative communication Crowdsourcing Social computing Diffserv networks Distributed databases Distributed information systems Distributed management Publish-subscribe Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services Metacomputing Grid computing Peer-to-peer computing DNA computing File servers Hardware Input devices Open source hardware Reconfigurable devices Wireless access points High performance computing Image processing Active shape model Blob detection Corner detection Feature extraction Fiducial markers Geophysical image processing Gray-scale Image analysis Image classification Image motion analysis Image quality Image sequence analysis Image texture analysis Object detection Subtraction techniques Image annotation Image capture Image coding Image color analysis Image decomposition Image denoising Image enhancement Image filtering Image fusion Image generation Plasma displays Visual effects Image recognition Image edge detection Image reconstruction Image registration Image representation Image resolution High-resolution imaging Spatial resolution Image restoration Image sampling Image segmentation Image segmentaton Thresholding (Imaging) Image sequences Image texture Machine vision Object recognition Object segmentation Morphological operations Optical feedback Saliency detection Smart pixels Spatial coherence Structure from motion Table lookup Memory Analog memory Associative memory Buffer storage Computer buffers Cache memory Cache storage Content addressable storage Flash memories Flash memory cells Magnetic memory Floppy disks Hard disks Memory management Nonvolatile memory Nonvolatile single electron memory Phase change memory Phase change random access memory Random access memory DRAM chips Phase change random access memory Resistive RAM SDRAM SRAM cells SRAM chips Read only memory PROM Read-write memory Registers Shift registers Scanning probe data storage Semiconductor memory Mobile computing Wireless access points Molecular computing Multitasking Parametric study Open systems Open Access Public domain software Open Educational Resources Physical layer Physical layer security Optical computing Parallel processing Multiprocessing systems Data flow computing Processor scheduling Systolic arrays Multithreading Parallel algorithms Pipeline processing Pattern recognition Active shape model Activity recognition Character recognition Clustering methods Pattern clustering Data mining Anomaly detection Association rules Data privacy Text analysis Text mining Web mining Face recognition Fingerprint recognition Gesture recognition Sign language Handwriting recognition Forgery Nearest neighbor methods Pattern matching Image matching Speech recognition Automatic speech recognition Speech analysis Text recognition Pervasive computing Ubiquitous computing Context-aware services Wearable computers Petascale computing Platform virtualization Probabilistic computing Probability computing Quantum computing Quantum cellular automata Real-time systems Telexistence WebRTC Software Anti-virus software Application software Embedded software Invasive software Computer viruses Computer worms Middleware Mediation Message-oriented middleware Web services Open source software Optical character recognition software Public domain software Software agents Agent-based modeling Autonomous agents Botnet Intelligent agents Software as a service Software debugging Software design Software maintenance Software packages EMTDC PSCAD SPICE Software performance Software quality Software reusability Software safety Software systems Software tools Authoring systems System software File systems Operating systems Program processors Utility programs Software engineering Capability maturity model Computer aided software engineering Formal verification Programming environments Reasoning about programs Runtime Dynamic compiler Runtime environment Software architecture Client-server systems Microarchitecture Representational state transfer Software libraries Software product lines System recovery Checkpointing Core dumps Debugging Time sharing computer systems Virtual machine monitors -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Affective computing Autonomous robots Cognitive systems Context awareness Cooperative systems Decision support systems Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Collective intelligence Intelligent robots Knowledge based systems Expert systems Mobile agents Knowledge engineering Inference mechanisms Knowledge acquisition Knowledge discovery Knowledge representation Learning (artificial intelligence) Distance learning Electronic learning Nearest neighbor methods Learning systems Backpropagation Cognitive systems Learning automata Learning management systems Semisupervised learning Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Machine learning Boosting Dimensionality reduction Robot learning Statistical learning Prediction methods Linear predictive coding Predictive coding Predictive encoding Predictive models Virtual artifact Autonomous mental development Computational intelligence Computation theory Computational complexity Concurrent computing Greedy algorithms Support vector machines Evolutionary computation Evolutionary robotics Particle swarm optimization Fuzzy systems Fuzzy control Fuzzy neural networks Hybrid intelligent systems Genetic algorithms Logic Fuzzy logic Fuzzy cognitive maps Takagi-Sugeno model Multivalued logic Probabilistic logic Sufficient conditions Machine intelligence Pattern analysis Neural networks Artificial neural networks Convolutional neural networks Hebbian theory Self-organizing feature maps Biological neural networks Cellular neural networks Feedforward neural networks Multilayer perceptrons Multi-layer neural network Neural network hardware Radial basis function networks Recurrent neural networks Hopfield neural networks -
Computers and information processing
Approximate computing Computer applications Application virtualization Edge computing Big Data applications Bot (Internet) Computer aided analysis Computer aided engineering Computer aided instruction Learning management systems Computer generated music Computer integrated manufacturing Control engineering computing Green computing High energy physics instrumentation computing Linear particle accelerator Knowledge management Knowledge transfer Mathematics computing Matlab Medical information systems Electronic medical records Military computing Mobile applications Physics computing Power engineering computing Power system analysis computing Publishing Bibliometrics Company reports Desktop publishing Electronic publishing Open Access Scientific publishing Scientific computing Telecommunication computing Internetworking Soft switching Virtual enterprises Virtual manufacturing Virtual machining Web sites Facebook MySpace Uniform resource locators Web design YouTube World Wide Web Bot (Internet) Mashups Computer architecture Accelerator architectures Data structures Arrays Binary decision diagrams Null value Octrees Persistent identifiers Table lookup Tree data structures Dynamic voltage scaling Memory architecture Memory management Multiprocessor interconnection Hypercubes Parallel architectures Multicore processing Reconfigurable architectures Computer interfaces Application programming interfaces WebRTC Browsers Field buses Firewire Haptic interfaces Data gloves Force feedback Grasping Hypertext systems Input devices Interface phenomena Network interfaces Interface states Musical instrument digital interfaces Ports (Computers) System buses Computer networks Ad hoc networks AODV Mesh networks Mobile ad hoc networks Vehicular ad hoc networks Computer network management Computer network reliability Disruption tolerant networking Management information base Middleboxes Network address translation Network synthesis Content distribution networks Cyberspace Diffserv networks Domain Name System Ethernet Energy efficient ethernet EPON Google Heterogeneous networks Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services Intserv networks IP networks TCPIP Metropolitan area networks Multiprocessor interconnection networks Network function virtualization Network security Network servers Next generation networking Overlay networks Peer-to-peer computing Software defined networking Storage area networks Token networks Unicast Virtual private networks Extranets Wide area networks Wireless access points Computer performance Computer errors Computer crashes Performance loss Computer peripherals Disk drives Keyboards Modems Printers Computer science Computational neuroscience Formal languages Computer languages Runtime library Network theory (graphs) Programming Augmented reality Automatic programming Concatenated codes Functional programming Granular computing Integer linear programming Logic programming Microprogramming Object oriented methods Object oriented programming Opportunistic software systems development Parallel programming Performance analysis Programming profession Robot programming Computer security Application security Authentication Cloud computing security Computer crime Counterfeiting Cyber terrorism Cyberattack SQL injection Computer hacking Countermeasures (computer) Cross-site scripting Cyber espionage Cyber warfare Cyberattack Data integrity Denial-of-service attack Distributed denial-of-service attack Firewalls (computing) Honey pot (computing) Identity management systems Internet security Mobile security Password Penetration testing Permission Phishing Computers Analog computers Calculators Difference engines Microcomputers Portable computers Workstations Parallel machines Supercomputers Tablet computers Wearable Computers Smart glasses Wearable computers Concurrency control Processor scheduling Scheduling algorithms Data systems Data acquisition Fastbus User-generated content Data centers Data compression Adaptive coding Audio compression Huffman coding Source coding Test data compression Transform coding Data conversion Analog-digital conversion Digital-analog conversion Data engineering Data handling Data assimilation Data dissemination Data encapsulation Data integrity Document handling Merging Sorting Data processing Associative processing Business data processing Data analysis Data collection Data integration Data preprocessing Data transfer Information exchange Spreadsheet programs Text processing Virtual enterprises Data storage systems Triples (Data structure) Data warehouses Database machines Digital systems Digital preservation Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services ISDN B-ISDN Local area networks Wireless LAN Metropolitan area networks Token networks Virtual artifact Distributed computing Client-server systems Middleware Servers Collaborative work Collaborative intelligence Cooperative communication Crowdsourcing Social computing Diffserv networks Distributed databases Distributed information systems Distributed management Publish-subscribe Internet Bot (Internet) Botnet Crowdsourcing Instant messaging Internet of Things Internet security Internet telephony Internet topology Linked data Middleboxes Semantic Web Social computing Web 2.0 Web services Metacomputing Grid computing Peer-to-peer computing DNA computing File servers Hardware Input devices Open source hardware Reconfigurable devices Wireless access points High performance computing Image processing Active shape model Blob detection Corner detection Feature extraction Fiducial markers Geophysical image processing Gray-scale Image analysis Image classification Image motion analysis Image quality Image sequence analysis Image texture analysis Object detection Subtraction techniques Image annotation Image capture Image coding Image color analysis Image decomposition Image denoising Image enhancement Image filtering Image fusion Image generation Plasma displays Visual effects Image recognition Image edge detection Image reconstruction Image registration Image representation Image resolution High-resolution imaging Spatial resolution Image restoration Image sampling Image segmentation Image segmentaton Thresholding (Imaging) Image sequences Image texture Machine vision Object recognition Object segmentation Morphological operations Optical feedback Saliency detection Smart pixels Spatial coherence Structure from motion Table lookup Memory Analog memory Associative memory Buffer storage Computer buffers Cache memory Cache storage Content addressable storage Flash memories Flash memory cells Magnetic memory Floppy disks Hard disks Memory management Nonvolatile memory Nonvolatile single electron memory Phase change memory Phase change random access memory Random access memory DRAM chips Phase change random access memory Resistive RAM SDRAM SRAM cells SRAM chips Read only memory PROM Read-write memory Registers Shift registers Scanning probe data storage Semiconductor memory Mobile computing Wireless access points Molecular computing Multitasking Parametric study Open systems Open Access Public domain software Open Educational Resources Physical layer Physical layer security Optical computing Parallel processing Multiprocessing systems Data flow computing Processor scheduling Systolic arrays Multithreading Parallel algorithms Pipeline processing Pattern recognition Active shape model Activity recognition Character recognition Clustering methods Pattern clustering Data mining Anomaly detection Association rules Data privacy Text analysis Text mining Web mining Face recognition Fingerprint recognition Gesture recognition Sign language Handwriting recognition Forgery Nearest neighbor methods Pattern matching Image matching Speech recognition Automatic speech recognition Speech analysis Text recognition Pervasive computing Ubiquitous computing Context-aware services Wearable computers Petascale computing Platform virtualization Probabilistic computing Probability computing Quantum computing Quantum cellular automata Real-time systems Telexistence WebRTC Software Anti-virus software Application software Embedded software Invasive software Computer viruses Computer worms Middleware Mediation Message-oriented middleware Web services Open source software Optical character recognition software Public domain software Software agents Agent-based modeling Autonomous agents Botnet Intelligent agents Software as a service Software debugging Software design Software maintenance Software packages EMTDC PSCAD SPICE Software performance Software quality Software reusability Software safety Software systems Software tools Authoring systems System software File systems Operating systems Program processors Utility programs Software engineering Capability maturity model Computer aided software engineering Formal verification Programming environments Reasoning about programs Runtime Dynamic compiler Runtime environment Software architecture Client-server systems Microarchitecture Representational state transfer Software libraries Software product lines System recovery Checkpointing Core dumps Debugging Time sharing computer systems Virtual machine monitors