Geoinformation Systems

Data is displayed for academic year: 2023./2024.


Laboratory exercises

Course Description

Historical development of GIS. Spatial awareness and cartographic foundation of GIS. Coordinate systems, cartographic projections, geodetic datum. Raster and vector type of data. Data sources and data capturing. Models of geospatial information. Basic database concepts for GIS. Object-relational and object data models. GIS project. GIS analyses. Distributed GIS. Web mapping and WebGIS. Concept of mobile GIS. GIS integration in enterprise information system. Case studies.

Study Programmes

University graduate
[FER3-HR] Audio Technologies and Electroacoustics - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Communication and Space Technologies - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
Elective Courses of the Profile (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computational Modelling in Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Computer Science - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Control Systems and Robotics - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Data Science - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
Elective Courses of the Profile (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electric Machines, Drives and Automation - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronic and Computer Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Electronics - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Information and Communication Engineering - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Network Science - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER3-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Elective Courses (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Computer Science - profile
Recommended elective courses (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Electrical Power Engineering - profile
Recommended elective courses (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Software Engineering and Information Systems - profile
Recommended elective courses (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Telecommunication and Informatics - profile
Recommended elective courses (3. semester)
[FER2-HR] Wireless Technologies - profile
Recommended elective courses (3. semester)

Learning Outcomes

  1. define development of geoinformation systems
  2. recognize cartographic fundamentals of GIS
  3. explain sources and types of spatial data
  4. demonstrate spatial data modelling
  5. demonstrate spatial anaylsis
  6. design of geoinformation systems

Forms of Teaching


The course is organized into two teaching cycles. The first cycle consists of 7 weeks of direct teaching and intermediate exams. The second cycle of classes contains 6 weeks of direct classes and a final exam. Classes are conducted over a total of 15 weeks with a weekly load of 2 hours.

Independent assignments

After the introductory lecture in which the functionalities of the QGIS program is explained, students solve GIS project by problem-based learning.

Grading Method

Continuous Assessment Exam
Type Threshold Percent of Grade Threshold Percent of Grade
Laboratory Exercises 0 % 20 % 0 % 20 %
Seminar/Project 0 % 40 % 0 % 40 %
Mid Term Exam: Written 50 % 20 % 0 %
Final Exam: Written 50 % 20 %
Exam: Written 50 % 40 %

Week by Week Schedule

  1. Historical development, Geoinformation system components
  2. Application, Map scale, Object data reduction
  3. Geodetic datum, Map projection, Geographic coordinate systems
  4. Data types, Data sources
  5. Geodetic measurement, Geodetic positioning
  6. Data quality, Sources of error, Error correction
  7. Object modeling
  8. Midterm exam
  9. Geospatial databases
  10. Geospatial databases, Topological objects
  11. Topological relations, Topological analysis
  12. Interoperability of GIS
  13. Internet GIS, Mobile GIS
  14. GIS project management
  15. Final exam


(.), A Gentle Introduction to GIS (dokumentacija QGIS),
(.), QGIS Training Manual,
(.), QGIS User Guide,
(.), Geoprostorne baze podataka, Zagreb: Golden Marketing - Tehnička knjiga, 2006 (Sveučilišni udžbenik),
Škrlec, Franc, Zidar (2021.), Geoinformacijski sustavi. (interna skripta), FER
Zdravko Galić (2016.), Spatio-Temporal Data Streams, Springer

For students


ID 222524
  Winter semester
L1 English Level
L2 e-Learning
30 Lectures
0 Seminar
0 Exercises
13 Laboratory exercises
0 Project laboratory
0 Physical education excercises

Grading System

Very Good