Na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je u subotu, 19. studenoga 2016. godine Dan otvorenih vrata. Zavod za visoki napon i energetiku sudjelovao je u predstavljanju Fakulteta dvama atraktivnim pokusima u laboratorijima, prezentacijom i vožnjom električnim vozilima te zanimljivim iluzionističkim prikazom korištenjem modernih tehnologija. U prostorima naših laboratorija i auli Fakulteta posjetili su nas brojni zainteresirani građani, a najviše je bilo srednjoškolaca. Neki od naši budućih studenta pokazali su veliko zanimanje za rad Zavoda.

O Danu otvorenih vrata možete više čuti od naših djelatnika u emisiji Hrvatskoga radija Oko znanosti koja je emitirana 25. studenoga 2016. godine. U izjavi Gorana Grdenića, mag. ing., saznajte više o organizaciji ove manifestacije. Doc. dr. sc. Tomislav Capuder objasnio je rad hidroelektrane, a dr. sc. Boško Milešević aktivnosti u Laboratoriju visokog napona.  

U nastavku obavijesti pogledajte nekoliko fotografija.

Author: Boško Milešević
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Department of Energy and Power Systems was founded at the 129th Faculty Council’s Regular Session of the Technical College University of Zagreb, on Tuesday June 26, 1934. Department of Energy and Power Systems studies and innovates in the fields of generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical energy, energy efficiency, high voltage engineering, smart grids, energy management, nuclear engineering and safety, electricity markets, and electric vehicles. Throughout the years, the Department has become the leading authority in the field of electrical power engineering in the region, maintaining long-term collaboration with the industry sector. Furthermore, it is recognized through its research activities and a large number of published scientific papers in JCR journals, as well as numerous national and international research projects. In total, the Department has 52 employees (16 Professors – 9 Full, 4 Associate and 3 Assistant) and offers substantial educational and R&D facilities, including five Research Laboratories, six department teaching halls and a department library. Through its activities, the Department has developed valuable international collaboration with many research institutions around the world. Researchers of the Department are currently involved in 3 HORIZON 2020 projects, 2 bilateral projects, 1 Erasmus+ project, 5 projects financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, as well as the principal investigators of a number of industry-funded projects.