We invite you to a VISTA research seminar:
"Improving the Ergomotion Estimation by Correcting the Calibration Bias"
held by Ivan Krešo, mag. ing. comp.
The seminar will be held on friday 16.1.2015. at 16:00 in D306.
More information about the seminar and about the speaker can be found in the detailed news content.
We present a novel approach for improving the accuracy of the egomotion recovered from rectified stereoscopic video. The main idea of the proposed approach is to correct the camera calibration by exploiting the known groundtruth motion. The correction is described by a discrete deformation field over a rectangular superpixel lattice covering the whole image. The deformation field is recovered by optimizing the reprojection error of point feature correspondences in neighboring stereo frames under the groundtruth motion. We evaluate the proposed approach by performing leave one out evaluation experiments on a collection of KITTI sequences with common calibration parameters, by comparing the accuracy of stereoscopic visual odometry with original and corrected calibration parameters. The results suggest a clear and significant advantage of the proposed approach. Our best algorithm outperforms all other approaches based on two-frame correspondences on the KITTI odometry benchmark.
Ivan Krešo received his BSc and MSc degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. He finished the undergraduate and master study program in Computer Science in 2011 and 2013. Currently, he is employed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, as a research engineer at the Department of Electronics, Microlelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems, where he is pursuing his PhD degree. His research interests are in the area of computer vison and machine learning.