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VISTA is a project whose overall objectives are strengthening of technology transfer and commercialization capacities of partner HEIs, transfer of existing computer vision applications from HEIs to SMEs, and developing new traffic- and transportation-related computer vision applications with commercial potential in collaboration with SMEs in the automotive industry sector.

The project is funded from the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme 2007 - 2011 for Community Assistance under the IPA Regional Development Component in Croatia.

Published: 2014-09-24 at 16:16
Research seminar "Using...

We invite you to a VISTA research seminar:


"Using illumination distribution for realization of fast and accurate color constancy methods"


held by Nikola Banić, mag. ing. comp.


The seminar will be held on friday 26.9.2014. at 13:00 in D306.


More information about the seminar and about the speaker can be found in the detailed news content.



The goal of color constancy is to remove the influence of the scene illumination on the color perception. The most important step in this process is the illumination estimation. In most cases illumination colors occupy a relatively small region of a chosen colorspace. This fact can be used to significantly improve the existing illumination estimation methods and even to develop new ones. Some of the applications are proposed and the results are presented and discussed.



Nikola Banić received his BSc and MSc degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. He finished the undergraduate and master study program in Computer Science in 2011 and 2013. Currently, he is employed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, as a research engineer at the Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, where he is pursuing his PhD degree. His research interests are in the area of image processing and machine learning.

Iva Harbaš
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This project is cofinanced by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.


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