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Emergent phenomena testbed simulator for improving SCADA performance in power system security management

Published: 2012-03-30 at 17:31
Edited: 2012-04-02 at 12:45
September 30 - October 1, 2010,...

Conference participant was Luka Lugaric.

Conference featured several roundtables discussing technology, economy and regulatory framework regarding energy networks of the future. All speakers accentuated the need to start creating radical change in the way things are done.


Link to conference: Global Clean Energy Forum, Sep. 30 - Oct. 1, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

The Global Clean Energy Forum is convened by the International Herald Tribune, one of the worlds most respected and influential media brands, together with Portugal's leading business daily, Diario Económico. Since 2007, the Forum has set the agenda in writing on energy and the environment with the insightful reporting and analysis of its award-winning Business of Green series.


One of the key speakers was Jeremy Rifkin and Rajendra Pachauri.
Mr. Rifkin held a lecture on 5 pillars of the so called “Third industrial revolution”, professing the
need for energy efficiency, smart buildings, smart grid, electric vehicles and renewable energy
to be implemented at the same time in order to create the ultimate momentum for the world
of tomorrow.
Mr. Pachauri further discussed the background and motivation for these actions by presenting
latest climate change research results.

Ninoslav Holjevac
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