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Emergent phenomena testbed simulator for improving SCADA performance in power system security management

Published: 2013-02-26 at 00:16
Edited: 2013-02-26 at 00:19
October, 2012 - 5th progress report

General overview


  • Continued development and use of established environment.
  • Further work on the implementation of the functional specification for a smart energy system model;
  • Continued work of main researchers and young researchers on individual tasks and tools (software models development):
  • SCADA-NG NATO project maintains its position as a topic for related student seminars, projects, and other activities;
  • Project related research papers production;
  • 2 published conference paper
  • 1 conference paper under review and 1 ready for publishing at select conference
  • 2  published research papers in journals
  • 1 research papers under preparation
  • Project website continuously updated;
  • Further updated research plan and simulation testbed concept has been developed;



Summary can be found in the detailed news content.


Full 5th progress report can be downloaded here.


Abstract of Research

The power system as critical infrastructure lays in the fact that it is increasingly essential for functioning of, other critical infrastructures (ICT, hospitals, etc.).  Existing complexity has been proved as challenge in order to keep high reliability and safety of the power system, especially in the context of smart cities, incorporating smart grids, deregulated energy markets and high utilization of distributed energy sources. Security challenges in this context are extremely high.

Research focus in this project is on establishment of a simulation platform where different threats to the future power system can be investigated. The major goal is to simplify the process of finding better solutions for the optimal system design and sufficient control.  This research is based on utilization of state-of-the-art concepts and tools, using real systems operating conditions as inputs, as well as planned developments of the grid in light of global policy changes regarding sustainable development.

Major Objectives

  • Putting future SCADA systems in context of smart cities and smart grids;
  • Studying and assessing the current status of SCADA deployment (emphases on Italy and Croatia);
  • Assessing priorities in future SCADA testbed architecture specification and development;
  • Proposing a novel architecture for SCADA interaction modeling, based on cooperative agent negotiation, to bridge model with increased reliability and security;
  • Formally and empirically prove the improvements in security, safety and resilience of this architecture over the ones commonly used;
  • Developing a common understanding of industrial needs and requirements regarding the security of control systems and the related standardization, accompanied by a raising awareness program reaching all end-users;
  • Identifying and disseminating best practice, possibly in a joint endeavor between manufacturers and end users, resulting in a increased capability and defined technology taxonomy of security solutions;
  • Development and deployment a SCADA testbed platform for analysis of emergent phenomena in power systems;
  • Interfacing with similar projects, focusing on smart grids and smart cities.

Overview of Achievements since the Start of the Project until 20 October, 2012

  • SCADA-NG Research laboratory is in active use and further development by the project staff is continued;
  • Project team and young researchers have tested some approaches and selected more specific problems to be investigated further in details;
  • Platform coding of functional specification is continuously revised and in progress;
  • Fresh ideas for the risk and reliability assessment of the power grid within SCADA are developed and ready for implementation;
  • Some selected simulation models in different platforms are further upgraded and in the process of interactive integration (i.e. smart city simulation);
  • Presentation of project results with publications, media and cooperation is continuously progressing;
  • Continuous dedication of the five young researchers stipendiary and number of volunteer student and postgraduate researchers have been valuable in the project related work;
  • SCADA-NG NATO project is major ground base for related student seminars and projects;

                                                                             Payments through NATO Funds:  149,546 EUR

Milestones for the Next Six Months

  • Measurements and integration with other elements of the platform of local SCADA system with distributed measurement equipment and integration of data in ongoing analysis;
  • Measurements and integration of the smart metering system within a building functioning on premises of FER (University of Zagreb);
  • Testing and assessment of established analysis of selected modeling segments:
  • Risk and reliability assessment (with add-on analysis modules);
  • Wind and photovoltaic renewable energy generation,
  • Small scale implementation of smart city energy system (at the Faculty facility),
  • Further publication of at least two new conference or journal papers;
  • Different subsystems renewable energy system implementations fully functioning on premises of FER;
  • Increased involvement of at least one more end-user more actively in the project finalization and results use.

Implementation of results

Project results implementation is continuously progressing at the research/education laboratory at the Faculty of electrical engineering and computing at the University of Zagreb with initial steps at other interested parties .

Bruno Jurišić
News list

Interested in the project? E-mail us at natosfp@fer.hr