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This research is sponsored by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in the framework of the Science for Peace and Security Programme as Multi Year Project under G. A. number 984807, named Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring - MORUS.

Published: 2016-10-16 at 09:46
Edited: 2016-10-16 at 09:46
MORUS internal workshop

Internal workshop of the MORUS project was held from 20.06. – 24.06.2016. at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia. The main purpose of the workshop was the knowledge transfer between the project partners as well as integration of developed software modules, particularly, the system state machine, models for Gazebo simulator and communication modules. On Thursday, 23.06.2016. the project partners visited lake Jarun where LABUST team demonstrated unmanned underwater vehicle behavior in real world conditions.

Tomislav Haus
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