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This research is sponsored by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in the framework of the Science for Peace and Security Programme as Multi Year Project under G. A. number 984807, named Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring - MORUS.

Published: 2015-09-06 at 21:29
Edited: 2015-09-06 at 22:30
MORUS was kicked-off on 10th of April...

Project Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring - MORUS was kicked-off on a meeting held at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb on 10th of April 2015.

During meeting representatives of MORUS partners presented their Universities, team and projects they work on along with MORUS.



Attended representatives:

The kick-off meeting was opened and coordinated by project coordinator and NATO country Director (NPD) Prof. Stjepan Bogdan. 

Vicedean Prof. Gordan Gledec held welcome note in the name of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

Ivana Mikolić
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