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This research is sponsored by NATO's Emerging Security Challenges Division in the framework of the Science for Peace and Security Programme as Multi Year Project under G. A. number 984807, named Unmanned system for maritime security and environmental monitoring - MORUS.

Published: 2016-10-20 at 12:27
Prof. Bogdan presented the MORUS UAV...

Prof. Stjepan Bogdan held a lecture within Breaking the Surface 2016 Workshop on design and development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) being developed within the MORUS project. Prof. Bogdan presented design and construction of the UAV, made of mostly carbon fibers, and a novel concept of a multirotor UAV which utilizes internal combustion engines (ICEs) and the shift of vehicle’s center of gravity (CoG) to enhance vehicle’s dynamical performance. A detailed stability and sensitivity analysis of the proposed control scheme was given and prof. Bogdan discussed its underlining effect on the construction design parametrization. At the end, simulation results from a Gazebo based simulator were given.

Tomislav Haus
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