We are thrilled to announce that our Department is about to start two new three-year research projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation! 🤓

👉 Project „Radiological impact of severe accidents in nuclear power plants on the environment and the local population“ is lead by professor Siniša Šadek and its goal is to assess the real state of threat to the population in Croatia and calculate the doses received in case of a severe accident at a nuclear power plant. An integral analysis of the propagation of the accident will cover all the paths of release and transport of radionuclides. The atmospheric dispersion model will use realistic meteorological data to estimate radionuclide concentrations over a wider geographic area. Finally, these data will be used to determine the effective equivalent dose of radiation received by the local population.

👉 The second project "Coordinated Hydrogen and Electricity SyStems and markets", lead by professor Hrvoje Pandzic, aims at improving the existing models of battery storage systems, electrolyzers and fuelcells based on laboratory measurements. These improved models will be used to develop operational and investment models of a facility that produces electricity and hydrogen and takes part in the electricity and hydrogen energy markets while providing ancillary services to the both system operators. Furthermore, the project will develop accurate and fast optimal power flows and optimal gas flow models.

Congratulations and good luck to our principle investigators and their project teams! 👏

Author: Sara Jovanović
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