CIGRE Distinguished Member Award goes...

We are very happy to announce that our Professor Božidar Filipović-Grčić received Distinguished Member Award at CIGRE Session conference 2024. This award is granted to long-standing members who have made outstanding contributions to the association through participation in the technical work or within the National Committees.

Professor Filipovic-Grcic received award for many paper publications at CIGRE conferences, technical review of papers and active participation in several CIGRE Working Groups: WG C4.45 (Measuring techniques and characteristics of fast and very fast transient overvoltages in substations and converter stations), WG A2.63 (Transformer impulse testing), WG C4.61 (Lightning transient sensing, monitoring and application in electric power systems), WG C4.66 (New concept for analysis of multiphase back-flashover phenomena of overhead transmission lines due to lightning), JWG C4/A3/B2/B4.75 (Guide to procedures for the creation of contamination maps required for outdoor insulation coordination), WG B2.95 (Impact of extreme weather events under climate change on high voltage overhead line design standards).

The following members of the CIGRE C4 community have been deservingly recognized this year:






Author: Sara Jovanović
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