We Celebrated the Department's...

Do you know how old is our Department? On June 26 we turned 90 years! 🥳🎂 And we decided to mark this important milestone with an event that started by stating some more or less known facts about our Department.

Besides introducing the work of academic Hrvoje Požar, professor Danilo Feretić, who was the technical director of the construction of nuclear power plant Nuklearna elektrarna Krško, Slovenija, and others in our history, we shared some less known facts. For instance, did you know that our late professor Zdravko Hebel was an Olympic gold medalist in waterpolo? Did you know that professor Božidar Stefanini was a part of the basketball national team back in the day?

The talks were given by our Head of the Department professor Hrvoje Pandzic, our Dean, professor Vedran Bilas, as well as our valuable colleagues Mario Klaric, Maja Bozicevic Vrhovcak and Ante Marusic. We also introduced a video on our Department that presents our laboratories and exhibits our everyday lives. The official part was concluded with showcasing a number of energy-related software products for our students and clients.

We would like to thank to all our guests for supporting us and for making us what we are today and we are looking forward to all future collaborations!

Author: Sara Jovanović
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