Final RESdata workshop

The RES Data #team is finalizing their three and half years of intensive research and development project these days. On Friday, May 19, they organized a workshop, opened for public, where they presented all the results of the project: from ML driven tools for forecasting operational aspects of the power system (wind, solar, losses, markets etc.) to data analytics tools for power system maintenance, analysis and restoration (e.g. lightning nowcasting, DTR). They also made some recommendations on future developments and issues they encountered while creating the solutions to mitigate climate change and enhance integration of renewable energy.
As a follow up of the workshop RES data team organized a roundtable meeting, closed for public, gathering different stakeholders from the industry interested in developed tools but also in further improvements and applications which could reduce the impact of climate change and make the energy system zero carbon. The fruitful discussion brought several suggestions and ideas for future collaborations.

Big thank you to everyone who participated and made this project what it is 👏 🧠

Tomislav Capuder Franko Pandžić Bojan Franc Amalija Božiček Ivan Sudić HOPS Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc. PROFESSIO ENERGIA PLC Comping Veski Ltd Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE) Green Energy Pal KONČAR - Digital E.ON Hrvatska HEP-ODS AI Technologies d.o.o. Adnet Porzana

Author: Sara Jovanović
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