Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Izabrane publikacije
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
- Izabrani projekti
- Povijest zaposlenja
Z. Vukić; Lj. Kuljača. Automatsko upravljanje - analiza linearnih sustava. Zagreb: Kigen d.o.o., 2005.
Z. Vukić; Lj. Kuljača; D. Đonlagić; S. Tešnjak. Nonlinear Control. New York. Marcel Dekker, 2003.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Autonomous robots Cognitive systems Cooperative systems Decision support systems Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Intelligent robots Fuzzy systems Fuzzy control Fuzzy neural networks Hybrid intelligent systems Neural networks Artificial neural networks -
Control systems
Automatic control Power generation control Automatic generation control Centralized control Closed loop systems Control design Control engineering Control equipment Microcontrollers Regulators Servosystems Servomotors Control system synthesis Controllability Cruise control Decentralized control Distributed parameter systems Delay systems Added delay Delay lines Digital control Programmable control Flow graphs Fault tolerant control Feedback Feedback circuits Output feedback Negative feedback Neurofeedback Feedback linearization Linear feedback control systems State feedback Displacement control Force control Level control Gyroscopes Motion control Collision avoidance Collision mitigation Kinetic theory Motion planning Path planning Visual servoing Pitch control (position) Position control Nanopositioning Torque control Velocity control Angular velocity control Vibration control Moisture control Humidity control Networked control systems Nonlinear control systems Open loop systems Optimal control Bang-bang control Infinite horizon PD control PI control Proportional control Radio control Robot control Robot motion SCADA systems Sensorless control Sliding mode control Supervisory control SCADA systems -
Education courses Curriculum development Seminars Webinars STEM Tutorials Control engineering education -
Oceanic engineering and marine technology
Marine navigation Marine technology Marine vehicles Underwater communication -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Autonomous robots Cognitive systems Cooperative systems Decision support systems Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Intelligent robots Fuzzy systems Fuzzy control Fuzzy neural networks Hybrid intelligent systems Neural networks Artificial neural networks -
Control systems
Automatic control Power generation control Automatic generation control Centralized control Closed loop systems Control design Control engineering Control equipment Microcontrollers Regulators Servosystems Servomotors Control system synthesis Controllability Cruise control Decentralized control Distributed parameter systems Delay systems Added delay Delay lines Digital control Programmable control Flow graphs Fault tolerant control Feedback Feedback circuits Output feedback Negative feedback Neurofeedback Feedback linearization Linear feedback control systems State feedback Displacement control Force control Level control Gyroscopes Motion control Collision avoidance Collision mitigation Kinetic theory Motion planning Path planning Visual servoing Pitch control (position) Position control Nanopositioning Torque control Velocity control Angular velocity control Vibration control Moisture control Humidity control Networked control systems Nonlinear control systems Open loop systems Optimal control Bang-bang control Infinite horizon PD control PI control Proportional control Radio control Robot control Robot motion SCADA systems Sensorless control Sliding mode control Supervisory control SCADA systems -
Education courses Curriculum development Seminars Webinars STEM Tutorials Control engineering education -
Oceanic engineering and marine technology
Marine navigation Marine technology Marine vehicles Underwater communication
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
Profesionalni interesi (Professional interests):
Navigacija, vođenje i upravljanje plovilima (bespilotnim ronilicama i površinskim plovilima)
Navigation, guidance and control of marine vessels (unmanned underwater vehicles and surface vessels)
Članstva (Memberships):
IFAC TC on Marine systems ( )
IEEE Control Systems Society ( )
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society ( )
Mediterranean Control Association ( )
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) ( )
KoREMA - hrvatsko društvo za komunikacije, računarstvo, elektroniku, mjerenje i automatiku ( )
Automatic Control Society of Slovenia ( )
Fulbright Alumni Organization of Croatia ( )
Eta Kappa Nu ( )
Tau Beta Pi ( )
Osobni podaci
Izabrani projekti
Međunarodni projekti (International projects):
Projekti financirani od EU:
- H2020 FETPROACT projekt "Submarine cultures perform long-term robotic exploration of unconventional environmental niches" (SubCULTron) trajanje 48 mjeseci 1.3.2015 – 28.2.2019. Član hrvatskog istraživačkog tima ( )
- European Commission Directorate General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) projekt „Expanded Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Ready for Preparedness of Oil Spills“ (e-URready4OS) (ECHO/SUB/2016/740129/PREP/21) Voditelj hrvatskog tima, trajanje: 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2018.
- FP7 (ICT STREP) projekt „Cognitive Autonomous Diver Buddy“ (CADDY) (GA611373) Član hrvatskog istraživačkog tima, trajanje 1.1.2014. do 31.12.2017. (
- FP7 (research infrastructure) projekt „Towards and Alliance of European Research Fleets“ (EUROFLEETS2) (GA 312767) Voditelj hrvatskog tima, trajanje od 01.03.2013. do 28.02.2017. ( )
- European Commission Directorate General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) projekt „Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Ready for Preparedness of Oil Spills“ (URready4OS) (ECHO/SUB/2013/661056) Voditelj hrvatskog tima, trajanje: 1.1.2014. do 31.12.2016. (
- FP7 (research for SMEs) project „Cooperative Autonomous Robotic Towing system“ (CART) (GA285878) Voditelj hrvatskog istraživačkog tima, trajanje 01.11.2011. do 30.08.2013. (
- FP7 projekt „Developing the Croatian Underwater Robotics Research Potential“ (CURE) Voditelj projekta, trajanje: 01.04.2009. – 31.03.2012, Financira EC u iznosu 959.049€. (CURE GA229553) ( ).
- Interreg/Cards projekt "Social Inclusion of Immigrants" (SIOI) 2007 - 2009 (Partner)
NATO projekti:
- NATO science for peace projekt “Unmanned systems for maritime security and environmental monitoring“ (MORUS). Trajanje 2015 – 2018. Član hrvatskog istraživačkog tima. (
- Voditelj hrvatskog istraživačkog tima suradnje s NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), LaSpezia, Italija na projektu Mine Counter Measures (MCM) by use of autonomous marine vehicles. Trajanje 2009 – 2011. Financiran od strane NATO-NURC.
Projekti financirani od Office of Naval Research Global:
- „SeaJumper - Bio-inspired synchronous jumping marine sensor networks“. Trajanje 2015-2018. Član hrvatskog istraživačkog tima.
- „Spatial auditory HMI for UxV teleoperation“ (SPATEL) (ONR-G SPATEL Proj. No.62909-15-1-N111). Trajanje 2015 – 2016. Član istraživačkog tima.
- „Breaking the surface – BtS“ radionica 2012, 2013 i 2014 financirana od strane Office of Naval Research Global. Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednika R. Hrvatske Ive Josipovića. ( )
Bilateralni projekti:
Bilateralni znanstveno-istraživački projekt u okviru Provedbenog programa o znanstvenoj i tehnološkoj suradnji između R. Hrvatske i Talijanske Republike"Analysis of New Potentialities in the Synergic Management of Different Underwater Robotics Devices" 2009-2010 (Koordinator s hrvatske strane)
Domaći znanstveno-istraživački projekti (national projects):
Program "Sustavi i tehnologije u zaštiti podmorja, priobalja i pomorskoj sigurnosti" 2006-2009 (Koordinator)
Projekt "RoboMarSec - podvodna robotika u zaštiti podmorja i pomorskoj sigurnosti" 2006 - 2009 (Voditelj)
Povijest zaposlenja
1972 - 1976 Z.P. "Jadranbrod"
1976 - 1984 Zavod za regulacionu i signalnu tehniku - ETF Zagreb
1984 specijalizacija Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
1984/85 Fulbright fellow at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
1985/1986 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
1986 - danas Zavod za automatiku i računalno inženjerstvo - FER