Name: A fleet of unmanned surface marine vehicles PlaDyPos - PlaDyFleet Total budget: 6 995 733 EUR Start: 01/10/2016 |
PlaDyFleet project relates to the topic "Direction of enhancement 2: USV additions and customization" of the RAWFIE project. RAWFIE (Road-, Air-, and Water- based Future Internet Experimentation) is a project funded by the European Commission (Horizon H2020 programme) under the Future Internet Research Experimentation (FIRE+) initiative that aims at providing research facilities for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The project introduces a unique platform across the space and technology by integrating numerous test beds of unmanned vehicles for research experimentation in vehicular, aerial and maritime environments.
The PlaDyFleet project proposes:
- Delivery of fleet of 10 USVs (PlaDyPos), capable to perform automated or remote operation in order to extend RAWFIE testing infrastructure;
- Support to the RAWFIE consortium to ensure smooth operation and further development of the USV fleet throughout the project lifetime.
- Increase RAWFIE and UNIZG-FER scientific excellence and innovation capacity by actively supporting further integration and development of the test platforms as well as participating in scientific dissemination of the project results related to the delivered USVs.
PlaDyPos is very suitable USV for RAWFIE needs: one-man portable, easy to transport, deploy/recover; overactuated and omnidirectional thus highly manoeuvrable with 3DOF; good communication capabilities; ROS based architecture convenient for integration into the RAWFIE platform; remote programming, control and data collection (over-the-air).