Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
The Effect of Base Doping Profile on Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor’s (HCBT) Beta Recovery at Cryogenic Temperatures
Performance Limitations of GaN HEMTs with Quaternary InAlGaN and ScAlGaN Barrier Layers
Temperature-Dependent Noise Performance of Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes and Active Quenching Circuits in 180-nm HV CMOS
Ultra-Low Dark Count Rate SPAD Fully Integrated in a 180 nm High-Voltage CMOS Process
Impact of Buffer Al-Content on 2DEG Mobility and Scattering Mechanisms in Double-Heterostructure GaN HEMTs
Impact of the Ge-Si interfacial barrier on the temperature-dependent performance of PureGaB Ge-on-Si p <sup>+ </sup>n photodiodes
Optimization of GaN HEMTs with ScAlN Barrier for High 2DEG Density and Low on-Resistance
Mobility Limitations in Single- and Double-Heterostructure GaN HEMTs
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor DC Performance at Cryogenic Temperatures
Future developments of radiation tolerant sensors based on the MALTA architecture
Theoretical Prediction of Mobility Improvement in GaN-Based HEMTs at High Carrier Densities
Implantation site design for large area diamond quantum device fabrication
The Effect of Collector Region Design on Large- Signal Performance of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
A 1-<i>μ</i>W Radiation-Hard Front-End in a 0.18-<i>μ</i>m CMOS Process for the MALTA2 Monolithic Sensor
Detection of Single Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond
Detection of Single Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond
Recent results with radiation-tolerant TowerJazz 180 nm MALTA sensors
MALTA3: Concepts for a new radiation tolerant sensor in the TowerJazz 180 nm technology
Latest developments and characterisation results of the MALTA sensors in TowerJazz 180nm for High Luminosity LHC
Layout-Dependent Noise Performance of Single- Photon Avalanche Diodes in 180 nm High-Voltage CMOS Technology
Detection of Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond at Room Temperature
Radiation hardness and timing performance in MALTA monolithic pixel sensors in TowerJazz 180 nm
Potential of High-Voltage Single-Emitter RESURF Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor for RF Circuits
Latest Developments and Results of Radiation Tolerance CMOS Sensors with Small Collection Electrodes
Radiofrequency power amplifiers in horizontal current bipolar transistor technology
Modelling of Electrostatics and Transport in GaN-Based HEMTs under Non-Equilibrium Conditions
Versatile BiCMOS Technology Platform for the Low-cost Integration of Multi-purpose Applications
Comparison of Transport Properties in Enhancement-mode GaN HEMT Structures Using an Advanced Modeling Framework
Evaluation of the Radiation Hardness of Photodiodes in 180-nm CMOS Technology for Medical Applications
A comprehensive model and numerical analysis of electron mobility in GaN-based high electron mobility transistors
Radiation hard monolithic CMOS sensors with small electrodes for High Luminosity LHC
Comparison of Discrete Bipolar Transistors and MOSFETs for High-Speed Switching Application
Modeling and Simulation Study of Electrical Properties of Ge-on-Si Diodes with Nanometer-thin PureGaB Layer
Mini-MALTA: radiation hard pixel designs for small-electrode monolithic CMOS sensors for the High Luminosity LHC
Recent measurements on MiniMALTA, a radiation hard CMOS sensor with small collection electrodes for ATLAS
Radiation hard monolithic CMOS sensors with small electrode size for the ATLAS experiment in the HL-LHC
On the modelling of interface roughness scattering in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology for High Linearity RF Mixers
Measurement of RF Linear Operating Area of Bipolar Transistors
Modeling of Electrical Properties of Al-on-Ge-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diode
Optimiranje strukture germanijskih fotodetektora sa slojem amorfnog bora
Sklopovi za mjerenje ultra-ljubičastog zračenja na satelitima
Impact of Large-signal Operation on DC Operating Point of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor
On the Potential of Lateral BJTs and SiGe HBTs in Advanced CMOS Technologies
Doherty Power Amplifier in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology
Balističke performanse FET-ova temeljenih na fosforenskim nanovrpcama
Analysis of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Characteristics for RF Power Amplifiers
MALTA: a CMOS pixel sensor with asynchronous readout for the ATLAS High-Luminosity upgrade
Minimization of dark counts in PureB SPADs for NUV/VUV/EUV light detection by employing a 2D TCAD-based simulation environment
Balanced RF Power Amplifier Design in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology
Impact of ultra-thin-layer material parameters on the suppression of carrier injection in rectifying junctions formed by interfacial charge layers
Back-end-of-Line CMOS-Compatible Diode Fabrication with Pure Boron Deposition Down to 50°C
Design of radiation-hard CMOS sensors for particle detection applications
Limits on thinning of boron layers with/without metal contacting in PureB Si (photo)diodes
Indirect optical crosstalk reduction by highly- doped backside layer in single-photon avalanche diode arrays
The Physical Mechanisms Behind the Strain-Induced Electron Mobility Increase in InGaAs-On-InP MOSFETs
Projektiranje radio-frekvencijskog pojačala klase A s bipolarnim tranzistorima
Radio-frekvencijsko pojačalo snage klase A s bipolarnim tranzistorom s horizontalnim tokom struje
Impact of TCAD model parameters on optical and electrical characteristics of radiation-hard photodiode in 0.35μm CMOS technology
2D dark-count-rate modeling of PureB single-photon avalanche diodes in a TCAD environment
Non-linear behavior of Al-contacted pure amorphous boron (PureB) devices at low temperatures
Analysis of Tunable BVCEO in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor with Floating Field Plates
Large-signal characterization of horizontal current bipolar transistor (HCBT) by load-pull measurements
Noise Figure Characterization of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
The Potential of Phosphorene Nanoribbons as Channel Material for Ultra-Scaled Transistors
Optical and Electrical Simulations of Radiation-Hard Photodiode in 0.35μm High- Voltage CMOS Technology
A High-Voltage Single-Emitter Reduced-Surface-Field Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor for BiCMOS Integration
Improving the Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Breakdown Voltage by Floating Field Plates
Innovative Bipolar-CMOS Integration for RF Communication Circuits with Low-Cost High-Performance Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
Strain-induced increase of electron mobility in ultra-thin InGaAs-OI MOS transistors
TCAD-based Simulation Study of the 2D Dark Count Rate in InGaAs/InP Single Photon Avalanche Diodes Employing Standoff Breakdown Suppression Design
Impact of the Local p-well Substrate Parameters on the Electrical Performance of the Double- Emitter Reduced-Surface-Field Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor
Physical characteristics and applications of nanometer thin boron-on-silicon layers in silicon detector devices
Perimeter effects from interfaces in ultra-thin layers deposited on nanometer-deep p+n silicon junctions
Analiza fotodioda za detekciju ultraljubičaste svjetlosti
Analysis of Hot Carrier-Induced Degradation of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
Characteristics of radio frequency integrated circuits and device reliability in horizontal current bipolar transistor technology
Indirect optical crosstalk reduction by highly- doped backside layer in PureB single-photon avalanche diode arrays
Analiza rada poluvodičkog fotodetektora s lavinskom multiplikacijom za detekciju jednog fotona
Reliability Degradation Mechanisms of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor
A Low-Cost 180nm BiCMOS Technology with Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) for Wireless Communication ICs
Fully-integrated Voltage Controlled Oscillator in Low-cost HCBT Technology
Immunity of electronic and transport properties of phosphorene nanoribbons to edge defects
Quantum transport analysis of conductance variability in graphene nanoribbons with edge defects
Analysis of Electrical and Optical Characteristics of InP/InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes in Linear Regime by a New Simulation Environment
Electron mobility in ultra-thin InGaAs channels : Impact of surface orientation and different gate oxide materials
Projektiranje sklopova za upravljanje fotodioda s lavinskom multiplikacijom za detekciju jednog fotona u Geigerovom režimu rada
Nizovi fotodioda s lavinskom multiplikacijom za detekciju jednog fotona
Design of Passive-Quenching Active-Reset Circuit with Adjustable Hold-Off Time for Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes
Impact of the Emitter Polysilicon Thickness on the Performance of High-Linearity Mixers with Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistors
Silicon Drift Detectors with the Drift Field Induced by PureB-Coated Trenches
Examination of the InP/InGaAs single-photon avalanche diodes by establishing a new TCAD-based simulation environment
Investigation of Double-Emitter Reduced-Surface-Field Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Breakdown Mechanisms
Design of a scalable model of GaN devices - temperature effects and Schottky diode models
Impact of Emitter Interface Treatment on the Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Characteristics and RF Circuit Performance
Horizontal current bipolar transistor (HCBT) - a low-cost, high-performance flexible BiCMOS technology for RF communication applications
Impact of different gate insulator materials on the electron mobility in ultra-thin (100) InGaAs-on-insulator MOS devices
Analiza fotodioda s lavinskom multiplikacijom s plivajućim zaštitnim prstenima
Rješavanje praktičnih problema iz mikroelektroničkih komponenti i poluvodičke tehnologije
Variability of bandgap and carrier mobility caused by edge defects in ultra-narrow graphene nanoribbons
Double-Emitter Reduced-Surface-Field Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor With 36 V Breakdown Integrated in BiCMOS at Zero Cost
On the enhancement of electron mobility in ultra-thin (111)-oriented In0.53Ga0.47As channels
Impact of the emitter length scaling on electrical characteristics of horizontal current bipolar transistor with single polysilicon region
Design of a scalable model of GaN devices
Modeliranje transporta elektrona u galij-nitridnim tranzistorima s efektom polja
Analiza visoko-frekvencijskih karakteristika FinFET struktura za komunikacijske sklopove
Comparison of RF performance between 20 nm-gate bulk and SOI FinFET
Phonon-limited hole mobility in sub-20 nm-thick double-gate germanium MOSFETs
Impact of microstrip width and annealing time on the characteristics of micro-scale graphene FETs
Examination of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Reliability Characteristics
Electron Transport in Thin-Body InGaAs-OI MOSFETs: A Theoretical Viewpoint
Large Area Reverse Structure Avalanche Photodiode Simulations
Avalanche Photodiode Simulations
PureB layers – XRD measurements and temperature characteristics
Carrier transport in low-dimensional nanoelectronic devices
Stanje i budućnost mikroelektronike i elektroničke tehnologije kod nas i u svijetu - Prilika za uključenje
Spectroscopic elipsometry and Internal photoemission characterization of of PureB layers
XPS Data interpretation of PureB layers
Influence of substrate type and quality on carrier mobility in graphene nanoribbons
Disorder-induced variability of transport properties of sub-5 nm-wide graphene nanoribbons
Optimization of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology Parameters for Linearity in RF Mixer
Optimization of diode capacitance of Annular BS detector
Modelling of Electrical Characteristics of Ultrashallow Pure Amorphous Boron p<sup>+</sup>n Junctions
Impact of Bipolar Transistor Parameters on the Characteristics of the Double-Balanced Mixer
On the application of boron and phosphorus heavily doped LPCVD polycrystalline silicon thin films as thermoelectric materials
Effects of Disorder on Transport Properties of Extremely Scaled Graphene Nanoribbons
Examination of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) with Double and Single Polysilicon Region
Assessment of electron mobility in ultra-thin body InGaAs-on-insulator MOSFETs using physics-based modeling
Influence of edge defects, vacancies and potential fluctuations on transport properties of extremely-scaled graphene nanoribbons
Double-Emitter HCBT Structure—A High-Voltage Bipolar Transistor for BiCMOS Integration
Optimization of the perimeter doping of ultrashallow p<sup>+</sup>-n<sup>-</sup>-n<sup>-</sup> photodiodes
Modeling study on carrier mobility in ultra-thin body FinFETs with circuit-level implications
Physics-Based Modeling of Hole Mobility in Ultrathin-Body Silicon-On-Insulator MOSFETs
Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) Circuit Testing and Measurements in a Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology – 2nd Lot
Structural and Electronic Properties of Heavily Phosphorus Doped Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films
Investigation of Hole Mobility in Ultrathin-Body SOI MOSFETs on (110) Surface: Effects of Silicon Thickness and Body Doping
Features of Electron Mobility in Ultrathin-Body InGaAs-On-Insulator MOSFETs down to Body Thickness of 2 nm
BVCEO Engineering in SOI LBT Structure with Top Contacted Base
Analiza brzine rada i prinosa procesiranih sklopova emiterski vezane logike u tehnologiji bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Projektiranje integriranih radio-frekvencijskih sklopova u tehnologiji bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Examination of Novel High-voltage Double-emitter Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
Heavily phosphorus doped polycrystalline silicon with the application in the field of thermoelectrics
Tanki slojevi fosforom visokodopiranog polikristalnog silicija s mogućom primjenom na području termoelektrika
Impact of the collector region fabrication on electrical characteristics of HCBT structures in 180 nm BiCMOS technology
Ultra-high aspect-ratio FinFET technology
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor With a Single Polysilicon Region for Improved High-Frequency Performance of BiCMOS ICs
Suppression of Corner Effects in Wide-Channel Triple-Gate Bulk FinFETs
Design considerations for integration of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) with 0.18 μm bulk CMOS technology
Orientation-Dependent Electron Mobility Behavior with Downscaling of Fin-Width in Double- and Triple-Gate SOI FinFETs
Analysis of Subthreshold Conduction in Short-Channel Recessed Source/Drain UTB SOI MOSFETs
Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of Phonon-Limited Electron Mobility in Bulk MOSFETs, Ultrathin-Body SOI MOSFETs and Double-Gate MOSFETs for Different Orientations
Modeling study on carrier mobility in ultra-thin body FinFETs with circuit-level implications
Physical mechanisms of electron mobility behavior in ultra-thin body double-gate MOSFETs with (100) and (111) active surfaces
Collector Region Design and Optimization in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
Effect of parasitic RLC parameters in bias networks on ECL delay time
2-D front- and back-gate potential distribution model of submicrometer VFD SONFET
Extrinsic base effect on the Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) electrical characteristics
Implementacija sklopova emiterski vezane logike u 180 nm tehnologiji bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Projektiranje dvostruko balansiranog mješala u integriranoj bipolarnoj tehnologiji
Optimiranje npn bipolarnog tranzistora sa emiterom u v-žlijebu
Razvoj testnih struktura i demonstracijskih sklopova za bipolarni tranzistor s horizontalnim tokom struje
Optimiranje strukture fotodiode za detekciju na određenim valnim duljinama
Utjecaj tehnoloških parametara na električke karakteristike fotodioda
Optimum Body Thickness of (111)-oriented Ultra-Thin Body Double-Gate MOSFETs with Respect to Quantum-Calculated Phonon-Limited Mobility
Electrical activation of phosphorus by rapid thermal annealing of doped amorphous silicon films
Compact Capacitance Model for Drain-Induced Barrier-Lowering of Vertical SONFET
Quantum Confinement and Scaling Effects in Ultra-Thin Body Double-Gate FinFETs
Suppression of Corner Effects in Triple-Gate Bulk FinFETs
Stress Effect in Ultra-Narrow FinFET Structures
Power MOS Transistors Integrated in Standard CMOS Technology without any Increase in Process Complexity
1.9 nm Wide Ultra-High Aspect-Ratio Bulk-Si FinFETs
Optimization of Stress Distribution in Sub-45 nm CMOS Structures
FinFET Considerations for 0.18 um Technology
Bulk-Si FinFET Technology for Ultra-High Aspect-Ratio Devices
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) for the Low-cost BiCMOS Technology
Design Considerations for Integration of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) with 0.18 μm Bulk CMOS Technology
Analiza bipolarnog tranzistora s emiterom u v-žlijebu
Analiza bipolarnog tranzistora za detekciju optičkih signala
Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) Circuit Design in a Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology
Optimization of Collector and Base Regions of a Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Structure
Analiza MOS tranzistora realiziranih u germaniju
Karakteristike FinFET struktura s ultra tankim tijelom pod utjecajem naprezanja
Utjecaj naprezanja na karakteristike skaliranih CMOS tranzistora
Analytical Models of Front- and Back-Gate Potential Distribution and Threshold Voltage for Recessed Source/Drain UTB SOI MOSFETs
Improving bulk FinFET DC performance in comparison to SOI FinFET
Utjecaj tehnološko-topoloških parametara na karakteristike bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Mjerenja i simulacije tranzistora snage sa produženim drift područjem u standardnoj CMOS tehnologiji
Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) in AKM's 0, 18μm BiCMOS Process – New Planarization of Polysilicon, Simulation and Mask Design
Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) in AKM's 0, 18μm BiCMOS Process –Polysilicon Re-crystallization Problem, Process Uniformity and Device Simulation
Influence of Scaling and Source/Drain Series Resistance on the Characteristics of Ultra-Thin Body FinFETs
Silicon-Etching For Ultra-High Aspect-Ratio FinFET
FinFET technology for wide-channel devices with ultra-thin silicon body
First sub-30nm vertical Silicon-On-Nothing MOSFET
Properties of Bulk FinFET with High-κ Gate Dielectric and Metal Gate Electrode /
Vertical silicon-on-nothing FET: Threshold voltage calculation using compact capacitance model
Karakterizacija FinFET strukture sa ultra tankim tijelom
Utjecaj koncentracija primjesa na karakteristike bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje u 180 nm CMOS tehnologiji
Mjerenje bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje procesiranog u 180 nm CMOS tehnologiji
Analiza tranzistora snage sa dodatnim mehanizmima osiromašenja u standardnoj CMOS tehnologiji
Analiza MOSFET-a s dvostrukom upravljačkom elektrodom u FinFET tehnologiji
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Structures for Integration with CMOS Technology
Fin technology for wide-channel FET structures
SOI vs. Bulk FinFET: Body Doping and Corner Effects Influence on Device Characteristics
Vertical Silicon-on-Nothing FET: Subthreshold Slope Calculation Using Compact Capacitance Model
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) in AKM's 0, 18μm BiCMOS Process: 4th Lot Device Simulation
Vertical Silicon-on-Nothing FET: Treshold Voltage Calculation Using Compact Capacitance Model
Vertical Silicon-on-Nothing FET: Capacitance-Voltage Compact Modeling
Technological constrains of bulk FinFET structure in comparison with SOI FinFET
Vertical silicon-on-nothing FET: analytical model of subthreshold slope
Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) in AKM's 0, 18μm BiCMOS Process
Sub-100 nm Silicon Nitride Hard-Mask for High Aspect Ratio Silicon Fins
Comparison of 1D and 2D model of quantum effects in the simulation of sub-50 nm double-gate MOSFETs
Properties of Lateral Bipolar Transistors in SiGe Technology
Application of spacer hard-masks for sub-100 nm wide silicon fin-etching
A BVCEO Engineering in Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology
Influence of Silicon Body Thickness of Vertical Silicon on Nothing (SON) MOSFET with Nitride Nate Dielectric on Electrical Characteristics
Vertikalna SON MOS struktura
Skalirani bipolarni tranzistor s horizontalnim tokom struje
A Novel Isolation of Pillar-like Structures by the Chemical-Mechanical Polishing and Etch-Back Process
Vertical SiGe-based Silicon-on-Nothing (SON) Technology for Sub-30nm MOS Devices
A New HCBT with a Partially Etched Collector
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Process Variations for Future RF BiCMOS Applications
Characteristics of 30 nm Long Vertical Silicon-on-Nothing (SON) MOSFET
Analiza specifičnih efekata kod bipolarnih tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Scaling Properties of Vertical Silicon-on-Nothing (SON) MOSFETs
Lateral Bipolar Transistor's Extrinsic Base Design for Better fT vs BVCEO Solution
Improvement of fT vs BVCEO Trade-off by Extrinsic Base Design Optimization
A Novel Low-cost Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) with the Reduced Parasitics
Influence of the Charge Sharing Effect on BVCE0 vs fT Trade-off Solution
Silicon-Germanium-Based Combined MBE and CVD Processing for Vertical "Silicon-on-Nothing" (SON) Device Technology
Improvement of BVCEO vs fT Trade-off by Charge Sharing Effect
Utjecaj tehnoloških parametara na električke karakteristike bipolarnih struktura s horizontalnim tokom struje
Napredni CMOS elementi
A Low-cost Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology for the BiCMOS Integration with FinFETs
Investigation of the Extrinsic Base Effect on High Frequency Performance of Lateral Bipolar Transistor (LBT) with Laterally Contacted Base
Fabrication of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT)
A Low-cost Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Technology for the BiCMOS Integration with FinFETs
A New Compact Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) Fabricated in (110) Wafers
A Novel Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor for Vertical BiCMOS Integration
Effect of Extrinsic Base on the High-Frequency Performance of Lateral Bipolar Transistors
High-Frequency Analysis of SOI Lateral Bipolar Transistor (LBT) Structure for RF Analog Applications
Estimation of Deep Trap Concentration Using Capacitance Voltage Measurements
., Novel Direct-Tunneling-Current (DTC) Method for Channel Length Extraction Beyond Sub-50 nm Gate CMOS
Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT): A New Concept of Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technology
The Use of Chemical-Mechanical Polishing and Etch-Back Techniques for Bottom Isolation of Pillar-like Devices
Voltage and Concentration Dependance of High Frequency Parameters of Narrow Base Bipolar Transistors
Thermionic Emission Process in Carrier Transport in pn Homojunctions
The Effective Collector-Base Junction Capacitance
The Analysis of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT): A Novel Silicon Bipolar Device
50 godina tranzistora - otkriće i posljedice
Analiza električkih i tehnoloških karakteristika bipolarnog tranzistora s horizontalnim tokom struje
Punchthrough Voltage Analyses and its Effect on Bipolar Device Performance
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Elektronika 1 (Nositelj)
- Elektronika 1 (Nositelj)
- Elektronika 2 (Nositelj)
- Elektronika 2 (Nositelj)
- Mikro i nano elektronički elementi (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Mikro i nano elektronički elementi (Nositelj)
- Praktikum elektroničkih elemenata i sklopova (Nositelj)
- Praktikum elektroničkih elemenata i sklopova (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt E (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Završni projekt (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Napredni mikro i nano elektronički elementi (Nositelj)
- Osnove mikroelektronike (Nositelj)
- Poluvodička tehnologija (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 1 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 2 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 3 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 4 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 5 (Nositelj)
- Istraživački seminar iz elektronike 6 (Nositelj)
- Mikroelektronika računarskih i komunikacijskih sustava (Nositelj)
Circuits and systems
Circuits Analog circuits Analog integrated circuits Bipolar transistor circuits BiCMOS integrated circuits Analog integrated circuits Radiofrequency integrated circuits Integrated circuit technology -
Electron devices
Semiconductor devices Semiconductor detectors Semiconductor device modeling Semiconductor diodes Transistors -
Lasers and electrooptics
Optoelectronic devices Photodetectors -
Nanoelectronics Nanoscale devices -
Semiconductor device reliability -
Solid state circuits
Transistors -
Instrumentation and measurement
Semiconductor device measurement Integrated circuit testing -
Semiconductor radiation detectors