Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Hybrid Open-set Segmentation with Synthetic Negative Data
Hybrid Open-Set Segmentation With Synthetic Negative Data
Weakly Supervised Training of Universal Visual Concepts for Multi-domain Semantic Segmentation
Dynamic Loss Balancing and Sequential Enhancement for Road-Safety Assessment and Traffic Scene Classification
Dense Out-of-Distribution Detection by Robust Learning on Synthetic Negative Data
Identifying Label Errors in Object Detection Datasets by Loss Inspection
Quantile-Based Maximum Likelihood Training for Outlier Detection
On Advantages of Mask-level Recognition for Outlier-aware Segmentation
Panoptic SwiftNet: Pyramidal Fusion for Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation
Normalizing Flow based Feature Synthesis for Outlier-Aware Object Detection
Revisiting Consistency for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Applications of generative approaches for artificial intelligence
Združeno prognoziranje značajki i njihova pomaka za predviđanje semantičke budućnosti u videu
Automatic universal taxonomies for multi-domain semantic segmentation
The chirality of the mitotic spindle provides a mechanical response to forces and depends on microtubule motors and augmin
Dense open-set recognition based on training with noisy negative images
DenseHybrid: Hybrid Anomaly Detection for Dense Open-Set Recognition
Multi-domain semantic segmentation with overlapping labels
Dense Semantic Forecasting with Multi-Level Feature Warping
Dense open-set recognition with synthetic outliers generated by Real NVP
Efficient semantic segmentation with pyramidal fusion
Dense Semantic Forecasting in Video by Joint Regression of Features and Feature Motion
Densely connected normalizing flows
Efficient semantic image segmentation using pyramidal fusion
A baseline for semi-supervised learning of efficient semantic segmentation models
Convolutional architecture for efficient semantic segmentation of large images
Centar izvrsnosti za računalni vid
Elements of Learning Algorithms for Natural Scene Understanding
Multimodal semantic forecasting based on conditional generation of future features
Detekcija izvandistribucijskih dijelova slike primjenom generativnih modela
Traffic Scene Classification on a Representation Budget
Efficient Ladder-Style DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation of Large Images
Warp to the Future: Joint Forecasting of Features and Feature Motion
Perceptual Autoencoder for Compressive Sensing Image Reconstruction
Multi-Task Learning for iRAP Attribute Classification and Road Safety Assessment
Multi-domain semantic segmentation with pyramidal fusion
Lightweight convolutional models for real-time dense prediction and forecasting
Pedestrian Tracking by Probabilistic Data Association and Correspondence Embeddings
In Defense of Pre-Trained ImageNet Architectures for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Road-Driving Images
Single Level Feature-to-Feature Forecasting with Deformable Convolutions
Improving fleet management systems by computer vision
Simultaneous Semantic Segmentation and Outlier Detection in Presence of Domain Shift
Convolutional models for image understanding
Natural image understanding: principles, challenges and research outlook
Sparse weakly supervised models for object localization in road environment
Convolutional Models for Segmentation and Localization
Lokalizacija objekata odozdo prema gore primjenom Fisherovih vektora
Ladder-style DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation of Large Natural Images
Patch-level Spatial Layout for Classification and Weakly Supervised Localization
Convolutional Scale Invariance for Semantic Segmentation
Python za znatiželjne
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Redistributing Region Scores Back to the Pixels
Robust Traffic Scene Recognition with a Limited Descriptor Length
Improving the Egomotion Estimation by Correcting the Calibration Bias
Fast Approximate GMM Soft-Assign for Fine-Grained Image Classification with Large Fisher Vectors
Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Large Fisher Vectors
Weakly Supervised Object Localization, Fisher Vectors, Sparse Classification Models.
Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign detection from a moving vehicle
Detekcija prisutnosti vozila ugrađenim računalom
Experimental Evaluation of Vehicle Detection Based on Background Modelling in Daytime and Night-Time Video
Multi-Label Classification of Traffic Scenes
Temporal Ensemble of Shape Functions
Image Representations on a Budget: Traffic Scene Classification in a Restricted Bandwidth Scenario
Convolutional Neural Networks for Croatian Traffic Signs Recognition
Recognizing 3D Objects from a Limited Number of Views using Temporal Ensembles of Shape Functions
Napredno estimiranje strukture i gibanja kalibriranim parom kamera
Combining Spatio-Temporal Appearance Descriptors and Optical Flow for Human Action Recognition in Video Data
Classifying Traffic Scenes Using The GIST Image Descriptor
A Novel Georeferenced Dataset for Stereo Visual Odometry
Multiclass Road Sign Detection using Multiplicative Kernel
Estimating OD matrices at intersections in airborne video - a pilot study
Sliding Window Object Detection without Spatial Clustering of Raw Detection Responses
Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames
Strojno očitanje natpisa na prometnim znakovima
Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
Preliminary experiments in multi-view video stitching
Detecting and recognizing centerlines as parabolic sections of the steerable filter response
Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image Based Visual Servoing
Addressing false alarms and localization inaccuracy in traffic sign detection and recognition
Recent advances in traffic sign detection
Using GPS positioning to recover a comprehensive road appearance mosaic
Streamlining collection of training samples for object detection and classification in video
Recovering a comprehensive road appearance mosaic from video
A computer vision assisted geoinformation inventory for traffic infrastructure
Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign trajectories
Traffic sign detection as a component of an automated traffic infrastructure inventory system
Towards automatic assessment and mapping of traffic infrastructure by adding vision capabilities to a geoinformation inventory
A mapping and localization framework for scalable appearance-based navigation
Online/Realtime Structure and Motion for General Camera Models
Performance evaluation of the five-point relative pose with emphasis on planar scenes
Influence of the numerical conditioning to the accuracy of relative orientation
Large scale vision based navigation without an accurate global reconstruction
Experimental evaluation of an urban visual path following framework
Outdoor Visual Path Following Experiments
A Framework for Scalable Vision-Only Navigation
Enhancing the Point Feature Tracker by Adaptive Modelling of the Feature Support
A Multimodal Image Registration Technique for Structured Polygonal Scenes
Višeagentsko praćenje objekata aktivnim računarskim vidom
Real-time Active Visual Tracking System
A Software Architecture for Distributed Visual Tracking in a Global Vision Localization System
Detecting Salient Curvature Features Using the Local Control of the Feature Support
Extracting the Canonical Set of Closed Contours Using the Best-First Search Algorithm
Determining the absolute orientation in a corridor using projective geometry and active vision
A Software Architecture for Image Acquisition and Camera Control in an Active Vision System
Locally adaptive thresholding of the sequence of image frames
Uporaba projekcijske geometrije i aktivnog vida u tumačenju scena
Segmentacija u stvarnom vremenu uporabom dinamičkog uspoređivanja s lokalno prilagodljivim pragom
Self-localisation procedure for autonomous navigation through corridors
Using vanishing points for purposive adjustment of viewing direction
Robust Extraction of Line Segments from Colour Images by an Iterative Weighted Polarised Hough Transform
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Arhitektura računala 2 (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Arhitektura računala 2 (Nositelj)
- Oblikovni obrasci u programiranju (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Oblikovni obrasci u programiranju (Nositelj)
- Skriptni jezici (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Skriptni jezici (Nositelj)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Duboko učenje 1 (Nositelj)
- Duboko učenje 1 (Nositelj)
- Programiranje na visokoj razini apstrakcije (Nositelj)
- Računalni vid (Nositelj)
- Trodimenzionalni računalni vid (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Istraživački seminar (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Analiza dinamičkih scena (Nositelj)
- Modeli za predstavljanje slike i videa (Nositelj)
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Cognitive systems Autonomous systems Learning (artificial intelligence) Distance learning Semisupervised learning Supervised learning Machine learning Probabilistic logic Machine intelligence Pattern analysis -
Computational and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence Cognitive systems Autonomous systems Learning (artificial intelligence) Distance learning Semisupervised learning Supervised learning Machine learning Probabilistic logic Machine intelligence Pattern analysis