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As a part of the course evaluation in the instructional design cycle, surveys were conducted at the end of the semester.

Since the Swedish side was familiar with their survey management application, it was decided that it should be used by both teams for collecting valuable feedback from students which included:

  • overall opinion about the course
  • lecture content
  • guest lecturers
  • project work
  • grading scheme
  • student workload
  • distance work equipment

Results of the anonymous surveys about the success of education in Distributed Software Development course, for the past three years, can be found at:




Overall grade of the course from the student perspective was 4.23 (out of 5) in 2003, 4.53 (out of 5) in 2004. and 4.75 (out of 5) in 2005. 

Apart from anonymous surveys, students were filling the form with detailed opinions and experiences about their work on distributed projects, where they could have written all of their comments which weren't included in the posed questions.

On the page Students' satisfaction you can find the part of students' comments for year 2003./2004.