Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom

    doc. dr. sc. Pavle Skočir

    Vanjski suradnik, Zavod za telekomunikacije

    Napomena: Ove radove održava Knjižnica Instituta Ruđer Bošković koja vodi projekt Hrvatske znanstvene bibliografije CROSBI. Ovim linkom možete vidjeti sve podatke o radovima koje su autori unijeli u bazu podataka.
    Za sve izmjene možete se obratiti na, a na istu adresu možete uputiti i sva vaša pitanja i sugestije vezana uz CROSBI.


    Sveučilišni preddiplomski

    Sveučilišni diplomski


    • Communications technology
      Communication systems Communication networks Computer networks Computer network management Wide area networks Device-to-device communication Internet Internet of Things Machine-to-machine communications Protocols Wireless sensor networks Event detection
    • Computational and artificial intelligence
      Neural networks
    • Computers and information processing
      Computer networks Computer network management Internet Internet of Things
    • Communications technology
      Communication systems Communication networks Computer networks Computer network management Wide area networks Device-to-device communication Internet Internet of Things Machine-to-machine communications Protocols Wireless sensor networks Event detection
    • Computers and information processing
      Computer networks Computer network management Internet Internet of Things

    Osobni podaci

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