Poziv na predavanje “Applications of...

Laboratorij za robotiku i inteligentne sustave upravljanja (LARICS) (projekti IFROS i AeroSTREAM) poziva Vas na predavanje:

“Applications of Multi-Agent Consensus Protocols for Social Network Opinion Dynamics”

koje će održati FER-ov alumnus

Doc. Kristian Hengster-Movrić, Czech Technical University, Prague

Predavanje će se održati u četvrtak,  4. siječnja 2024. godine u 9.00 sati u prostoriji A204 na FER-u. Predavanje se održava na engleskom jeziku i otvoreno je za sve zainteresirane. Predviđeno trajanje predavanja je 90 minuta. Životopis predavača i sažetak predavanja nalaze se u nastavku obavijesti.

Kristian Hengster-Movrić is a docent (~an associate professor) of technical cybernetics and his focus is on the mathematical theory of distributed control, consensus problems and optimal control. Kristian received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas Arlington, USA, in 2013, having been supervised by Prof. Frank Lewis. For his thesis, he was awarded N.M. Stelmakh Prize. At Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) he is currently giving lectures within a graduate course on dynamics and control of networks and a doctoral course on distributed control. He supervises a few doctoral and master students. He also serves as an administrator of the CTU participation in the double-degree Spacemaster (Erasmus Mundus) program.


Consensus protocols are used very often for applications where an agreement between agents (or robots) should be done in a decentralized manner over a communication network. Applications include distributed estimation, formation control etc. In the seminar, an introduction to discrete consensus protocols will be given together with an analysis of the necessary conditions for reaching a consensus. A special focus will be placed on applications of consensus for analysis of opinion dynamics evolution in social networks. By using consensus models for such systems, given the structure of interpersonal influences, one can predict, analyze and control information and decision processes, that is, opinion formation. The seminar will cover several key models used in such systems such as French-Harary-deGroot model (1969), Friedkin-Johnsen permanent disagreement model (1990).


Autor: Tamara Petrović
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