Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
Distributed Power System Coordination via Parametric Optimization and ADMM
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Controllers on a Mechatronic System
Reduction of Losses in Electric Power Distribution System - Dynamic Reconfiguration Case Study
Prediktivno upravljanje - laboratorijske vježbe
LARES - Laboratorij za sustave obnovljivih izvora energije
Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja - laboratorijske vježbe
Automatsko upravljanje - laboratorijske vježbe
Klizni režim upravljanja višeg reda
MPC framework for constrained wind turbine individual pitch control
Modelsko prediktivno upravljanje mobilnim mehatroničkim sustavom
Komunikacijski sustav za svesmjerni mehatronički sustav
Kalman Filter Based Sensor Fusion for Omnidirectional Mechatronic System
Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja
Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia
Svesmjerni pogon mobilnog mehatroničkog sustava pomoću propelera
Upravljanje modulom za bežični prijenos energije na mobilnom mehatroničkom sustavu
Parametric Optimization Based MPC for Systems of Systems with Affine Coordination Constraints
Dinamički model mobilnog mehatroničkog sustava sa svesmjernim kotačima
Razvoj upravljivog mobilnog mehatroničkog sustava
Estimacija stanja mobilnog mehatroničkog sustava sa svesmjernim kotačima
Upravljanje pogonom mobilnog mehatroničkog sustava sa svesmjernim kotačima
Implementacija i upravljanje svesmjernih kotača u mehatroničkom mobilnom sustavu
Alternating direction method of multipliers in optimal control of systems of systems
Mehatronički mobilni sustav s ugradbenim računalnim sustavom myRIO
Optimal coordinated and robust control of electrical power distribution system
Modelsko prediktivno upravljanje termo-aktivnim sustavima u zgradama
Novi izazovi u teoriji i primjeni modelskog prediktivnog upravljanja
Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia
Izravno modelsko prediktivno upravljanje u učinskoj elektronici
Finite control set model predictive control of a grid connected two-level converter
Optimalno upravljanje vjetroagregatom podržano mjerenjima LIDAR senzora
Receding Horizon Control for Convergent Navigation of a Differential Drive Mobile Robot
Razvoj holonomskog mehatroničkog laboratorijskog postava
Distribuirani algoritmi za upravljanje sustavima sustava
Modelsko prediktivno upravljanje s konačnim skupom upravljačkih akcija u učinskoj elektronici
Robust Microgrid Control Using Tube Scaling Approach
Identifikacija parametara laboratorijskog postava za regulaciju visine loptice u uspravnoj struji zraka
Coordinated Microgrid Control via Parametric Optimization
Prepoznavanje potrošnje na individualnim uređajima u kućanstvu obradom signala s naprednog vodomjera
Dynamic Management of Electrical Power Distribution Networks
Optimalna koordinacija rada mikromreže primjenom parametarskog optimiranja
Modelsko prediktivno upravljanje baterijskim spremnikom energije za primjenu u željezničkim transportnim sustavima
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Zagreb presentation: Technical work in WP2
D5.5 Synthesis report: State of the art and future directions in management and control of physically coupled systems of systems
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Ludwigshafen presentation: Technical work in WP5
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Nice presentation: Technical work in WP2
D2.4 Report on the developed approach to systematic uncertainty handling in economics- driven coordination for SoS control
D2.5 Report on the integration of economics- driven and market-based mechanisms with dynamic reconfiguration in SoS control
Upravljanje položajem loptice u uspravnoj struji zraka
Optimization approach to power control of grid side converters during voltage sags
Parametriranje PI regulatora protoka medija kroz radijator
Inteligentni sustavi upravljanja: Neuronske mreže i genetički algoritmi u upravljanju sustavima
Upravljanje radnom snagom vjetroelektrane
Upravljanje frekvencijskim pretvaračem vjetroagregata
D5.3 Technical report describing case studies, including the abstract and the detailed simulation models
Automatsko upravljanje - zbirka zadataka (ver 3)
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Aachen presentation: Technical work in WP2 and WP5
Modeliranje i strukturiranje sustava upravljanja HVDC mreža opremljenih modularnim višerazinskim pretvaračima
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Florence presentation: Technical work in WP2
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Energy Efficient Housing with Modern Construction Materials
Predikcija potrošnje električne energije primjenom dubokih neuronskih mreža
Matematičko modeliranje i identifikacija parametara malog vjetroagregata
Supervisory controller for reduction of wind turbine loads in curtailed operation
Izrada računalnog programa za predviđanje satne potrošnje i gubitaka električne energije u distribucijskoj mreži
Dynamic Management of Electrical Power Networks With Distributed Generation and Storage
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Electrical Power Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation and Storage
Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control for Wind Farms
Analysis of Microgrid Power Flow Optimization with Consideration of Residual Storages State
Sinteza regulatora za individualno zakretanje lopatica vjetroagregata
Modeliranje i upravljanje podnim grijanjem kuće
Sinteza linearnih sustava upravljanja
DYMASOS Plenary meeting Malaga presentation: Technical work in WP2
Adaptable urban water demand prediction system
Predikcija vremenskih slijedova primjenom dubokih neuronskih mreža
Sustav za automatsko početno pozicioniranje lopatica laboratorijskog vjetroagregata
D2.2 Report on algorithms for dynamic reconfiguration applied to economics-based coordination in SoS
Upravljanje mrežnim pretvaračem vjetroagregata u uvjetima mrežnih poremećaja
Advanced control algorithms for reduction of wind turbine structural loads
Upravljanje vjetroagregatom korištenjem linearizacije u povratnoj vezi
Reduction of wind turbine structural loads caused by rotor asymmetries
Estimacija stanja napunjenosti i parametara modela elektrokemijske baterije
Integracija modela LIDAR senzora u simulacijski model vjetroagregata
Modeliranje vjetroagregata u aeroelastičnom simulatoru
Technical report on the revision of the microgrid design and components sizing algorithms based on the developed microgrid control algorithms - MICROGRID project Deliverable D3.3.1.
Adaptable urban water demand prediction system
Neural-network-based ultra-short-term wind forecasting
Dynamic day-ahead water pricing based on smart metering and demand prediction
New Energy Planning Software for Analysis of Island Energy Systems and Microgrid Operations – H2RES Software as a Tool to 100% Renewable Energy System
Tuning of model predictive controller for wind turbine load reduction
Estimacija strukturnih opterećenja vjetroagregata u cjelobrojnoj aritmetici
Modeliranje sustava za generiranje i pohranu električne energije u DC mikromreži
Ultra-kratko predviđanje vjetra primjenom neuronskih mreža
Control of the Grid Side Converter in a Wind Turbine
Prikupljanje i obrada opterećenja na lopaticama laboratorijskog vjetroagregata
Estimation of the global solar irradiance on tilted surfaces
Vremenski kontinuirano modelsko prediktivno upravljanje
Control of the grid side converter in a wind turbine during grid faults
Modeliranje fotonaponskog panela u programskom alatu MATLAB Simulink
Sustav predviđanja potražnje vode u urbanom području
Wind turbine optimal control for reduction of structural loads in strong winds
Joint Estimation of Equivalent Electrical Model Parameters and State-of-Charge for VRLA Batteries
Upravljanje energetskim pretvaračima u DC mikromreži
Fast Coordinated Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Distributed Systems with Single Coupling Constraint
Distribuirano modelsko prediktivno upravljanje radnom snagom vjetroelektrane
Principles and methodologies for REES power profiles prediction - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D2.1.1.
Explicit model predictive control for reduction of wind turbine structural loads
Projektiranje adaptivnog servo pogona laboratorijskog vjetroagregata
Modeliranje i upravljanje letjelicom s četiri rotora
Deliverable D3.1.2: Technical report on the designed procedure for microgrid sizing
Optimalno upravljanje vjetroagregatom za vrijeme slabih vjetrova
Reduction of Wind Turbine Tower Oscillations Based on Individual Pitch Control
Quasi-stationary optimal control for wind farms with closely spaced turbines
Technical report on the hierarchical control of DC microgrids - MICROGRID Project Deliverable D1.1.1
Decentralizirano modelsko prediktivno upravljanje vjetroelektranom
Identifikacija modela sunčeve dozračenosti primjenom neuronske mreže s kružnom osnovicom
Praćenje gibajućeg objekta primjenom 3D kamere
Coordinated optimal control of wind farm active power
Sprječavanje prekoračenja maksimalno dopuštene brzine vrtnje vjetroagregata
Identifikacija parametarskog modela sunčeve dozračenosti primjenom gradijentnih i evolucijskih algoritama
Wind Farm Load Reduction via Parametric Programming Based Controller Design
Kvazistacionarno optimalno upravljanje vjetroelektranom
Primjena valić transformacije u automatici
Deliverable 1.6: Plan for validation of control strategies
Regulacije položaja loptice u uspravnoj struji zraka
Deliverable 5.6: Assessment and validation of relative performance of control strategies
Wind turbine power references in coordinated control of wind farms
Deliverable 3.4: Supervisory and reconfigurable control strategies. Part 2: Reconfigurable control strategies
Wind turbine power control for coordinated control of wind farms
Deliverable 3.5: Supervisory and reconfigurable control software. Part 2: Reconfigurable control software
Control of wind speed in the air tunnel
Deterministic power flow optimization in an experimental microgrid
Modeliranje i analiza aerodinamičkih efekata na vjetroagregatu
Explicit Model Predictive Control for Trajectory Tracking with Mobile Robots
Dual Kalman Estimation of Wind Turbine States and Parameters
Identifikacija i upravljanje vjetroagregata primjenom neuronskih mreža
Efficient Implementation of Patched LQR for Control and Protection of Multi-mass Drives
Primjena LabVIEW programskog alata za razvoj HIL strukture upravljanja brzinom vrtnje vjetroagregata
Sinteza i izvedba eksplicitnog optimalnog regulatora
Inverzni neuronski model elektroničke zaklopke automobila
Identifikacija matematičkog modela laboratorijskog vjetroagregat
Deliverable 3.3: Reconfigurable control extension
Constrained Energy Optimal Control of Trains: Conceptual Implementation
Upravljanje procesom magnetske levitacije primjenom neuronskih mreža
Realizacija SCADA sustava za daljinsko povezivanje
Mjerenje i generiranje brzine vjetra na laboratorijskom postrojenju
Korištenje stroboskopa za prividno usporavanje brzine vrtnje laboratorijskog vjetroagregata
On the computation of linear model predictive control laws
Simulator vjetroelektrane u programskom okruženju Matlab
Upravljanje laboratorijskim vjetroagregatom u prostoru stanja
Hierarchical wind farm control for power/load optimization
Eksperimentalno podešavanje parametara regulatora korištenjem Ziegler-Nicholsovih preporuka
Automatsko upravljanje - predavanja
On the computation of linear model predictive control laws
Polytopic Computations in Constrained Optimal Control
Deliverable 3.1: Control Strategy Review and Specification: Part 3 - Reconfigurable Control Extension
Optimal Rail Route Energy Management Under Constraints and Fixed Arrival Time
Ispitivanje upravljanja brzinom vrtnje vjetroagregata ispod nazivne brzine vrtnje pomoću HIL strukture
On Complexity of Explicit MPC Laws
Odometry calibration of mobile robots via semidefinite programming relaxations
Efficient On-Line Computation of Constrained Optimal Control
An efficient algorithm for optimal control of PWA systems with polyhedral performance indices
Hybrid Theory Based Time-Optimal Control of an Electronic Throttle
Time Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems
Efficient computation of the one-step robust sets for piecewise affine systems with polytopic additive uncertainties
Primjena semidefinitnog programiranja pri identifikaciji, analizi i sintezi sustava upravljanja
Osmotrivost po dijelovima afinih sustava
Constrained Optimal Control of an Electronic Throttle
Constrained Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with a Linear Performance Index
Stabilizing low complexity feedback control of constrained piecewise affine systems
On-line Tuning of Controllers for Systems with Constraints
Optimal control of PWA systems by exploiting problem structure
Dynamic programming for constrained optimal control of discrete-time linear hybrid systems
Optimal control of piecewise affine systems: A dynamic programming approach
Hybrid Theory Based Time-Optimal Control of an Electronic Throttle
Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems -- a Multi-parametric Approach
Low Complexity Control of Piecewise Affine Systems with Stability Guarantee
Time-optimal Model Predictive Control for Electronic Throttle Reference Tracking - Experimental Results
Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems with a Linear Performance Index
Time-optimal Model Predictive Control for Electronic Throttle Reference Tracking - Experimental Results 2
Time-optimal Model Predictive Control for Electronic Throttle Reference Tracking
Electronic Throttle State Estimation and Hybrid Theory Based Optimal Control
Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT)
A new Algorithm for Constrained Finite Time Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with a Linear Performance Index
Hybrid Theory Based Model Predictive Control of Electrical Drives with Friction
Multi-object Adaptive Cruise Control
Hybrid theory based optimal control of electronic throttle
Hybrid Theory Based Model Predictive Control of Electrical Drives with Friction
Infinite Time Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with a Linear Performance Index
Active Vibration Suppression using switched PZTs
Eksplicitni oblik modelskog prediktivnog upravljanja hibridnim sustavima
An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the State Feedback Optimal Control Law for Discrete Time Hybrid Systems
Low Complexity Control of Piecewise Affine Systems with Stability Guarantee
Hybrid Systems Modeling and Control
Kompenzacija trenja u slijednim sustavima primjenom hibridnog modelskog prediktivnog upravljanja
An Efficient Algorithm for Multiparametric Quadratic Programming
Model Predictive Control of Electronic Throttle
Convex Optimization in Training of CMAC Neural Networks
Efficient On-Line Computation of Constrained Optimal Control
Application of Fuzzy Neural Networks in Predictive Control of Batch Distillation
Convex Optimization in Training of CMAC Neural Networks
Model structure selection for nonlinear system identification using feedforward neural networks
Identifikacija i upravljanje nelinearnim vremenski promjenljivim procesima primjenom neuronskih mreža
Prediktivno upravljanje nelinearnim vremenski promjenjivim procesima zasnovano na neizrazitim neuronskim mrežama
Regularization and validation of neural network models of nonlinear systems
A Cascade-Correlation Learning Network with Smoothing
An Efficient Newton-type learning Algorithm for MLP Neural Networks
Primjena višeslojnih neuronskih mreža u identifikaciji pH procesa
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Automatsko upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Automatsko upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt E (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni projekt (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Konveksna optimizacija (Nositelj)
- Laboratorij automatike 1 (Nositelj)
- Laboratorij automatike 2 (Nositelj)
- Nelinearni sustavi upravljanja (Nositelj)
- Prediktivno upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Prediktivno upravljanje (Nositelj)
- Sinteza sustava automatskog upravljanja (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Diplomski seminar (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
Computational and artificial intelligence
Intelligent systems Autonomous systems Learning systems Backpropagation Computation theory Computational complexity Evolutionary computation Neural networks Artificial neural networks Feedforward neural networks Multi-layer neural network Radial basis function networks -
Control systems
Automatic control Centralized control Control design Control engineering Control system synthesis Decentralized control Digital control Linear feedback control systems Networked control systems Nonlinear control systems Optimal control -
Industrial electronics
Industrial control Process control Predictive control -
Linear algebra Linear programming Backpropagation algorithms Dynamic programming Genetic algorithms Prediction algorithms Convex functions Linear systems Mathematical programming Nonlinear dynamical systems Optimization Mathematical programming Quadratic programming -
Robotics and automation
Autonomous systems -
Systems engineering and theory
Hierarchical systems System analysis and design Asymptotic stability Control system analysis State-space methods Large-scale systems Lyapunov methods Robust control System dynamics System of systems Cyber-physical systems Systems engineering education -
Computers and information processing
Control engineering computing Mathematics computing Matlab Programming Integer linear programming -
Control engineering education -
Power engineering and energy
Power system control -
Systems, man, and cybernetics
Control theory Intelligent control Linear feedback control systems