Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
A 10 µH Inductance Standard in PCB Technology with Enhanced Protection against Magnetic Fields
Aplikacija za praćenje statistike uspjeha studenata na predmetu Osnove Elektrotehnike
A Two-Turn Shielded-Loop Magnetic Near-Field PCB Probe for Frequencies up to 3 GHz
A Shielded PCB Probe Optimized for Magnetic Near Field Measurements below 3 GHz
Analysis and Design of a PCB Probe for Near Field Measurements
Osnove elektrotehnike
Mikrokalorimetarsko mjerenje snage izmjeničnoga signala temeljeno na samouravnotežujućem mostu
Sonda za mjerenje površinske otpornosti tekstilnih materijala
Senzori za detekciju parcijalnih izbijanja
Digital Compensation of a Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurement
Planiranje putanje mobilnog robota temeljem analogije s otporničkim mrežama
Teaching Magneto-Thermal Coupling Using Thomson's Levitating Ring Experiment
Modeliranje linearnog solenoidalnog aktuatora pomoću metode konačnih elemenata
Senzorske mreže za prikupljanje podataka u industriji
Virtualni elektromagnetski laboratorij i udaljeno mjeriteljstvo
Approximation of the Nonlinear B-H curve by Complex Exponential Series
A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements
Teaching Magneto-Thermal Coupling Using Thomson’s Levitating Ring Experiment
Proceedings of 2020 3rd International Colloquium on Intelligent Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET 2020)
An Adiabatic Coaxial Line for Microcalorimeter Power Measurements in Wireless Communication for Smart Grid
Comparison of digitizers for high precision sampling power meters
Shielding from electromagnetic fields with electrically conductive textile materials: semectex
Calibration of Vivaldi Antenna for EMC Measurements
Thermal Considerations on Adiabatic Coaxial Line for Microcalorimeter Measurements
Vivaldi antena s primjenom u elektromagnetskoj kompatibilnosti
Aktivni oklopljeni mjerni transformator
2019 2nd International Colloquium on Smart Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET)
Termopilski element u sustavu za mikrokalorimetarsko mjerenje snage
Design and Analysis of Vivaldi Antenna for Measuring Electromagnetic Compatibility
Special Issue "2nd International Colloquium on Smart Grid Metrology (SmaGriMet 2019)"
Measurement of DC properties and relative humidity (RH) dependence of wideband AC current shunts
A Circular Loop Time Constant Standard for the Determination of Phase Angle Errors of Current Shunts
Wireless Link Modeling using Complex FIR Filters
Microstrip Realization of Ultraspherical Filter Function
Cutoff Frequency Optimization of Ultraspherical Microstrip Filter
2018 First International Colloquium on Smart Grid Metrology (SmaGriMet)
Finite-Impulse-Response Modeling of Voltage Instrument Transformers Applicable for Fast Front Transients Simulations
FIR Modeling of Voltage Instrument Transformers from Frequency Response Data
A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements
AC-DC characterization of coaxial current shunts and application of the shunt in the digital sampling wattmeter
Numeričko modeliranje i izrada prigušnice za programabilni trofazni kalibrator napona
Automated System for the Measurement of AC Magnetization Characteristics
Inductance Calculation of Wilkins Standard Resistors using a Quasi-Monte Carlo Solution
Estimation of Energy Harvesting Capabilities for RF and Other Environmental Sources
A circular loop time constant standard
Analysis and development of digital sampling wattmeter components for precise electric power measurement
AC-DC transfer difference measurement of AC shunts
Precizno otporničko djelilo napona s malom faznom pogreškom
Electromagnetic analysis of adiabatic coaxial line with applied air gap
Wiener filtering for real-time DSP compensation of current transformers over a wide frequency range
Modeliranje transformatora kao četveropola
FEM analysis and design of a voltage instrument transformer for digital sampling wattmeter
FEM Analysis of a PCB Integrated Resonant Wireless Power Transfer
Naponsko sljedilo za kavezne otporničke shuntove
Wide Band Current Transducers in Power Measurement Methods – an Overview
Wireless Resonant Power Transfer – An Overview
Modeling of calculable resistive shunt using finite element method
Time-Gating in Antenna and Microwave Measurements using RDFT
Modeliranje naponskog mjernog transformatora 500/10 V u programskom sustavu Magnet
Fully Coupled Dynamic Model of Thomson’s Levitating Ring
DC operation analysis of induction coil fluxmeters with integrating amplifiers
Modelling of non-linear distortion in vacuum triodes using trans-characteristics inverse and Newton’s method
Elektromagnetska polja - laboratorijske vježbe
A Quasi-Monte Carlo solution for the mutual inductance of misaligned circular coils
Wiener Filtering for Anechoic Transfer Function Measurement in Acoustics
Influence of stator damper winding on magnetic and vibroacoustic parameters of turbogenerators
Proračun magnetskog polja kalibracijske zavojnice
FIR modeling of voltage instrument transformers with iron core for the study of fast transients
Stator damper winding and electromagnetic parameters of turbogenerators
Primjena metode konačnih elemenata na određivanje značajki kabela
Enhanced Time-stepping FEM Simulation using Digital Signal Processing
Uspoređivanje i vrednovanje formula za izračunavanje dubine insercije igle pri izvođenju lumbalne punkcije u dječjoj dobi
Ultraspherical low-pass filtering in audio processing and mixing
Utjecaj prigušnog namota statora na elektromagnetske prilike kod turbogeneratora
A technique for elimination of reflected rays from antenna measurements performed in echoic environment
Digital Filtering in Audio Mixing Devices
Primjena obrade signala na uklanjanje smetajućih refleksija prigodom mjerenja antena
Adaptive Design of Linear-Phase Maximally Flat Filters for Digital Audio
Dynamic Range Compressor/Expander for Digital Audio Based on LMS Algorithm
Calculation of Magnetic Noise of Induction Motors Using Vibration Measurements
A system identification approach to the modelling of pulsed eddy-current systems
Finite Element of Magnetic Field in Moving Coil Loudspekers
Equalization of a PC Audio Card
Methods for an Acceptable Traffic Noise Level Maintaining
Acoustic Characteristics of Guitar: Quality vs. Objective Measurement
Hilbert Transform in Acoustical Measurements
Prediction of Perceptual Speech Quality from Bit Error Rate and Received Signal Quality Measurements in GSM Mobile Networks
Comparison of Several Identification Methods of Room Acoustic Impulse Response
Acoustical Measurements Using Hilbert Transform
Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Mobile Radio by Adaptive Legendre Filtering
Utjecaj ispravljača u paralelnom radu na pojavu viših harmonika u izmjeničnoj niskonaponskoj mreži
Modeling of transient eddy currents - a system identification approach
Modeling of Resonant and Reverberant Systems Using Orthogonal Legendre Functions
Time Domain Analysis of Mutual Coupling Measurements between Stacked Patches
Calculating lumbar puncture depth in children
Acoustical Measurements by Adaptive System Modeling
Application Possibilities of Adaptive Filters Derived from Orthogonal Functions in Active Noise Control
Adaptive System Identification - The Tool For Acoustical Measurements
Application of Adaptive System Modeling on Impulse Response and Anechoic Transfer Function Measurement in Reverberant Environment
Numerical Determination of Electric Field Forces and Capacitance of Pressure Condenser Microphone
Active Noise Control in Ducts
Numerical Determination of Electric Field Forces and Capacitance of Pressure Condenser Microphone
Influence of Channel Transfer Function on LMS Algorithm Based Nonrecursive Deghosting in Analog TV
The z-domain Adaptive Modeling of Finite-lenght Acoustic Waveguide Fed by the Loudspeaker (With Application on Active Noise Control)
Discrete-Time Parametric Modeling of Loudspeakers Used for Active Noise Control in Long Narrow Ducts
Active Noise Control with Adaptive IIR Filter Based on Discrete Legendre Functions
An Adaptive Method for Avoiding Overloading of Secondary Sources in Active Noise Control
Electrostatic Analysis of Pressure Condenser Microphone by use of Finite Element Method
Algoritmi za aktivnu zaštitu od buke i vibracija
A Method for Determination of Guitars Fundamental Resonant Frequencies
Modeling of Active Noise Control Systems in Ducts
Kundt's Tube as a Model for Application of Active Noise Control
Buka električnih strojeva, magistarski rad
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Elektromagnetska polja (Nositelj)
- Elektromagnetska polja (Nositelj)
- Osnove elektrotehnike (Nositelj)
- Osnove elektrotehnike (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt iz programske potpore (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Modeliranje elektromagnetskog polja (Nositelj)
- Programiranje metode konačnih elemenata (Nositelj)
- Simulacije svezanih polja (Nositelj)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski projekt (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Diplomski rad (Predavanja)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 2 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Elektromagnetsko onečišćenje (Nositelj)
- Numerički proračuni elektromagnetske kompatibilnosti (Nositelj)
Electromagnetic compatibility and interference
Electromagnetic fields Electromagnetic interference -
Instrumentation and measurement
Electromagnetic measurements Magnetic variables measurement
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
elektromagnetska polja, elektromagnetizam u komunikacijama