Na FER-u postoji više zaposlenika s imenom
- Bibliografija (CROSBI)
- Životopis
- Nastava
- Područja istraživanja
- Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Osobni podaci
- Izabrani projekti
- Povijest zaposlenja
- Hobiji i osobni interesi
Marine Applications of Floating Solar Photovoltaic Systems
Razvoj programa za proračun kritičnosti Monte Carlo metodom
Razvoj grafičkog korisničkog sučelja za proračun atenuacije gama zračenja iz linijskog izvora
Contributon-Informed Approach to RPV Irradiation Study Using Hybrid Shielding Methodology
Mobilna aplikacija za automatsko raspoznavanje uzoraka na plinskom brojilu pomoću strojnog učenja
Dizajn i implementacija skalabilnog softverskog rješenja za najam stanova
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society
Upravljanje i obrada velike količine podataka koristeći Delta format
Radiation dose rate analysis of conceptual solution for the Croatian low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste
Razvoj web aplikacije društvene mreže
The Assessment of Dose Rates during MPC Loading and Drying in frame of the Nuclear Power Plant Krško First SFDS Loading Campaign
Radiation shielding analysis of the HI-STORM FW storage cask
A Comparison of the Radioactive Waste Produced for Different Nuclear Energy Development Scenarios
Monitoring of Plant Growth Using Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor and Camera
Simulacija izgaranja optimiranog gorivnog elementa PWR tipa
Vjekoslav Parać. Nove akvizicije Javne ustanove u kulturi "Zvonimir" Solin
Estimation of Dose Rates Around Dry Storage Building During Campaign One Loading in Nuclear Power Plant Krsko
Analysis of the HI-TRAC VW Transfer Cask Dose Rates During Nuclear Power Plant Krsko Spent Fuel Dry Storage Campaign One
Exploring the Factors Influencing Expansion of Nuclear Energy in Croatia
Radioactive waste management in Croatia - public opinion, legal framework, and policy
Dynamics for Sustainable Nuclear Buildup Based on LWR and FBR Technologies and Its Impact on CO2 Emission Reduction
Analysis of the HI-TRAC VW Transfer Cask Dose Rates During Nuclear Power Plant Krsko Spent Fuel Dry Storage Campaign One
Influence of Spacer Grids Homogenization on Core Reactivity and Axial Power Distribution
Analiza sheme zamjene goriva u energetskom reaktoru PWR tipa
Evaluation of the NEK SFDS Cask Model Using Hybrid Shielding Methodology
I2S-LWR Project: Integral Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor (Selected Shielding Analyses)
Dose Calculation for Emergency Control Room HVAC Filter
PCA Benchmark Analysis with ADVANTG3.0.1. and MCNP6.1.1b Codes
Software Development for Visualization of Monte Carlo Results Based on the MCNP Program
Point Kernel Modification Including Support Vector Regression Neutron Buildup Factor Models
Razvoj programa za vizualizaciju Monte Carlo rezultata baziranih na programu MCNP
Influence of Spacer Grids Homogenization on Core Reactivity and Axial Power Distribution
PARTISN5.97 Code Verification Using keff Analytical Benchmarks
Total Ambient Dose Equivalent Neutron Buildup Factor Calculation Using TART
Point Kernel Modification Including Support Vector Regression Neutron Buildup Factor Models
Hybrid Shielding Methods Validation Using Graphite Shielding Measurements
PCA Benchmark Analysis with ADVANTG3.0.1. and MCNP6.1.1b Codes
Ispitivanje studentskog mnijenja o nuklearnoj energiji i radioaktivnom otpadu
Dose Calculation for Emergency Control Room HVAC Filter
Student Polling on Nuclear Energy and Radioactive Waste Management
Teaching the methods of object detection by robot vision
I2S-LWR pressure vessel fluence calculations using SCALE6.1.3 code package
Ispitivanje i analiza javnog mnijenja u Republici Hrvatskoj o nuklearnoj energiji i radioaktivnom otpadu
Draft Version of the DOCPAGANSA GUI and Control Module
I2S-LWR Concept Update
Draft Version of the Computational Module for Simplified Radiological Analyses
National Survey on Nuclear Energy and Radioactive Waste in Croatia
Carbon Emission Impact for Energy Strategy in Which All Non-CCS Coal Power Plants Are Replaced by NPPs
Long Term Fuel Sustainable Fission Energy Perspective Relevant for Combating Climate Change
Nuclear and thermal hydraulic calculation of a representative I2S-LWR first core
I2S-LWR Pressure Vessel Fast Fluence Calculations
Carbon Emission Impact for Energy Strategy in which All Non-CCS Coal Power Plants Are Replaced by Nuclear Power Plants
Public Opinion Survey - Energy - The Present and the Future – 2015.
PWR Containment Shielding Calculations with SCALE6.1 using Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Methodology
Spent Fuel Pool Dose Rate Calculations Using Point Kernel and Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Shielding Methods
I2S-LWR Activation Analysis of Heat Exchangers Using Hybrid Shielding Methodology With SCALE6.1
Neutron Buildup Factors Calculation for Support Vector Regression Application in Shielding Analysis
Long Term Fuel Sustainable Fission Energy Perspective Relevant for Combating Climate Change
I2S-LWR Activation Analysis of Heat Exchangers Using Hybrid Shielding Methodology With SCALE6.1
Nuclear and thermal hydraulic calculation of a representative I2S-LWR first core
Spent Fuel Pool Dose Rate Calculations Using Point Kernel and Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Shielding Methods
Dose rates modeling of pressurized water reactor primary loop components with SCALE6.0
Active learning for support vector regression in radiation shielding design
Severe accident gamma dose distribution through NPP Krško containment and auxiliary building calculated using SCALE6/MAVRIC sequence
SCALE6.1 Hybrid shielding methodology for the spent fuel dry storage
Ispitivanje i analiza javnog mnijenja o izvorima energije
Boration modeling of the PWR biological shield using SCALE6.1 hybrid shielding methodology
Fuel Depletion Modeling of Reconstituted NEK Fuel Assembly Using Lattice Cell Programs
Molten Salt Thorium Reactor - A Promising Nuclear Technology to Stop Global Warming
SCALE6 Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Shielding Methodology for PWR Containment Calculations
Modeling of PWR Biological Shield Boration Using SCALE6.1 Hybrid Shielding Methodology
Nadogradnja NEMIS portala 2014
Preliminary Techno-Economical Analysis of the Advanced PV/Thermal System for the Household Energy Supply
Public Opinion Survey - Energy – The Present and the Future – 2012/2013
Nastavak ispitivanja i analize javnog mnijenja o nuklearnoj energiji
Full Core Criticality Modeling of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor using the SCALE6.0 and MCNP5 Code Packages
Modeling of the ORNL PCA benchmark using SCALE6.0 hybrid deterministic-stochastic methodology
Modeliranje brzine doza komponenata primarnog kruga tlakovodnog reaktora primjenom hibridne determinističko-stohastičke metodologije.
Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron Buildup Factors
Dose Rates Modeling of Pressurized Water Reactor Primary Loop Components with SCALE6.0
Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron Buildup Factors
Full Core Criticality Modeling of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Using the SCALE6.0 and MCNP5 Code Packages
Nadogradnja portala NEMIS
PWR Pressure Vessel and Biological Shield Dose Rates Modelling Using SCALE6/FW-CADIS Methodology
Modeling of H.B.Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark
Fuel Depletion Modeling of a Gas-cooled Fast Reactor Using the SCALE6.0 Code Package
Manualna i automatska redukcija varijance u Monte Carlo proračunu H.B.Robinson-2 testnog primjera
On the Potential of Nuclear Fission Energy for Effective Reduction of Carbon Emission Under the Constraint of Uranium Resources Use without Spent Fuel Reprocessing
Upgrade of the FUMACS 2005 Code Package
Modeling of Pool Critical Assembly Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
The potential of fission nuclear power in resolving global climate change under the constraints of nuclear fuel resources and once-through fuel cycles
On the potential of nuclear fission energy for effective reduction of carbon emission under the constraint of uranium resources use without spent fuel reprocessing
Laser ablation on the edge of Cu target
Upgrade of FUMACS Code Package for Modeling of NGF and Gadolinium, Final Report
Nadogradnja informatičkog portala NEMIS - Nuklearna energija mistika i stvarnost
Sufficiency of the Nuclear Fuel
Rub bakrene mete ozračen snopom iz impulsnog lasera
Rub bakrene mete ozračen snopom iz impulsnog lasera
Availability of nuclear fuel for long-term expansion of nuclear power
Public Opinion Survey : "Energy – The Present and the Future"
Public Opinion Survey - Energy - The Present and the Future
Informacijski portal o nuklearnoj energiji NEMIS - nuklearna energija; mistika i stvarnost
Ispitivanje i analiza javnog mnijenja o nuklearnoj energiji
- Rođen 09.09.1983. u Zagrebu, naselje Prečko.
- Osnovna škola "Maršal Tito", danas poznata kao OŠ "Prečko".
- Srednja škola "1. Tehnička škola Nikola Tesla".
- Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva (smjer Elektroenergetika, Energetske tehnologije).
- Zaposlen na FER-u (Zavod za primijenjenu fiziku) od 2007. u grupi za nuklearno inženjerstvo.
- Oženjen, otac dvoje djece.
Sveučilišni preddiplomski
- Istraživanje javnog mnijenja u prihvatu novih tehnologija (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Istraživanje javnog mnijenja u prihvatu novih tehnologija (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Osnove nuklearne fizike (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Osnove nuklearne fizike (Nositelj)
- Računalne metode u modernoj fizici (Nositelj, Nositelj)
- Računalne metode u modernoj fizici (Nositelj)
- Tehnološke osnove iskorištavanja obnovljivih izvora energije (Nositelj)
- Tehnološke osnove iskorištavanja obnovljivih izvora energije (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Projekt E (Predavanja)
- Projekt R (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Završni rad (Predavanja)
- Digitalna logika (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Fizika 2R (Laboratorijske vježbe)
- Fizika lasera (Laboratorijske vježbe, Laboratorijske vježbe)
Sveučilišni diplomski
- Nuklearni gorivi ciklus i reaktorski materijali (Nositelj)
- Osnove zaštite od zračenja (Nositelj)
- Uvod u nanoznanost (Nositelj)
- Projekt (Predavanja)
- Seminar 1 (Predavanja)
Poslijediplomski doktorski
- Odabrana poglavlja nuklearnog inženjerstva (Nositelj)
- Reaktorska analiza (Nositelj)
Nuclear and plasma sciences
Nuclear physics Radiation effects Biological effects of radiation Gamma-ray effects Ion radiation effects Neutron radiation effects Radiation dosage Radiation safety Radiation protection -
Computers and information processing
Computer aided analysis Computer aided engineering Physics computing -
Industry applications
Radiation safety Radiation protection -
Power engineering and energy
Nuclear fuels Nuclear power generation Fission reactors -
Materials, elements, and compounds
Nuclear fuels Radioactive decay Radioactive waste
Profesionalni interesi i članstva
- Numeričke metode reaktorske fizike kao što su determinističke, Monte Carlo i relativno nove hibridne tehnike za računalno modeliranje i analizu standardnih i naprednih PWR reaktora. U ta istraživanja spadaju proračuni nuklearne kritičnosti i štitova od ionizirajućeg zračenja, proračun sheme zamjene nuklearnog goriva te proračun izgaranja nuklearnog goriva i sagorivih absorbera.
- Posebni interes imam u primjeni specijaliziranih RSICC (Radiation Safety Information Computational Center, USA) programskih paketa na način koji je praktičan i relevantan za analizu sadašnjih i novih nuklearnih sistema. (
- Član sam Mreže mlade generacije Hrvatskog nuklearnog društva od 2007. godine. (
Osobni podaci
Izabrani projekti
"Razvoj paketa računalskih programa za naprednu analizu štitova od gama i neutronskog zračenja - DOCPAGANSA", trajanje: od 21.07.2014. do 20.07.2017., financiran od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, uloga: istraživač na projektu. (
"I2S-LWR -Integral Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor", trajanje: od 21.03.2014. do 31.12.2016, međunarodni konzorcij kojim upravlja U.S. Department of Energy (Institucija voditelj: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), uloga: istraživač na projektu.
"Gospodarenje gorivom standardnih i naprednih nuklearnih reaktora", trajanje: od 01.01.2007. do 31.10.2013, voditelj: Prof. dr. sc. Dubravko Pevec, financiran od strane Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta RH, uloga: istraživač na projektu.
"IRIS - International Reactor Innovative and Secure", trajanje: 2007. - 2010., međunarodni konzorcij kojim upravlja Westinghouse Electric Company, voditelj: Dr. Mario Carelli, uloga: istraživač na projektu.
Povijest zaposlenja
* Radno iskustvo (FER - ZPF):
- Izvanredni profesor (07.09.2021. - danas)
- Docent (03.05.2016. - 06.09.2021.)
- Znanstveni novak u suradničkom zvanju višeg asistenta (13.07.2013. - 03.05.2016.)
- Znanstveni novak u suradničkom zvanju asistenta(13.07.2007. - 13.07.2013.)
* Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje:
- Stručno usavršavanje "Fulbright post-doc" na Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA (2018.)
- Naziv projekta: "Advanced stochastic methods for numerical simulations of nuclear system"
- Doktor znanosti (28.05.2013.)
- "Modeliranje brzine doza komponenata primarnog kruga tlakovodnog reaktora primjenom hibridne determinističko-stohastičke metodologije", FER, ZPF, voditelj: Dubravko Pevec (Tehničke znanosti, Elektrotehnika)
- Diplomirani inženjer elektrotehnike (14.05.2007.)
- "Razvoj modela za proračun homogeniziranih neutronskih konstanti reflektora nuklearne elektrane PWR tipa", FER, ZVNE, voditelj: Davor Grgić (Tehničke znanosti, Elektrotehnika)
Hobiji i osobni interesi
- Biciklizam
- Planinarenje (nekad više, sad manje :)
- Povijest znanosti, SF romani